
423 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env python3
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import requests
import zipfile
import shutil
import json
import csv
import os
DIGIKEY_API_URL_BASE = "https://api.digikey.com"
DIGIKEY_API_URL_BASE + "/products/v4/search/keyword"
class ComponentData:
associated_refdes: str = ""
part_description: str = None
mfr_name: str = None
mfr_part_number: str = None
photo_url: str = None
datasheet_url: str = None
product_url: str = None
qty_available: str = None
lifecycle_status: str = None
eol_status: str = None
discontinued_status: str = None
pricing: str = None
package_case: str = None
supplier_device_package: str = None
operating_temp: str = None
xy_size: str = None
height: str = None
thickness: str = None
rohs_status: str = None
moisture_sensitivity_level: str = None
reach_status: str = None
eccn: str = None
htsus: str = None
categories: list = field(default_factory=list)
cogs_breakdown: list = field(default_factory=list)
def get_access_token(url, client_id, client_secret):
# Populate request header
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
# Post the request and get the response
response = requests.post(
data={"grant_type": "client_credentials"},
auth=(client_id, client_secret),
# Populate the access token return value
access_token = (
response.json()["access_token"] if response.status_code == 200 else None
# Return response status code and access token
return (response.status_code, access_token)
def query_digikey_v4_API_keyword_search(
# Populate request header
headers = {
"charset": "utf-8",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token,
"X-DIGIKEY-Client-Id": client_id,
"X-DIGIKEY-Locale-Site": locale_site,
"X-DIGIKEY-Locale-Language": locale_language,
"X-DIGIKEY-Locale-Currency": locale_currency,
"X-DIGIKEY-Customer-Id": customer_id,
# Populate request data
request_data = {
"Keywords": keyword,
# Post the request and get the response
response = requests.post(
# Populate the search result return value
keyword_search_json = (
response.json() if response.status_code == 200 else response.text
# Return response status code and search result
return (response.status_code, keyword_search_json)
def extract_data_from_digikey_search_response(keyword_search_json):
# Initialize a component data object to store the extracted info
part_data = ComponentData()
# Extract product data from exact match
product_data = (
if keyword_search_json["ExactMatches"]
else None
# If the product data matched with valid results, process the line item
if product_data:
# Get the product description
part_data.part_description = product_data["Description"]["ProductDescription"]
# Get the manufacturer name
part_data.mfr_name = product_data["Manufacturer"]["Name"]
# Get the manufacturer part number
part_data.mfr_part_number = product_data["ManufacturerProductNumber"]
# Save the photo from the photo URL
part_data.photo_url = product_data["PhotoUrl"]
# Get the datasheet URL
part_data.datasheet_url = product_data["DatasheetUrl"]
# Get the product URL
part_data.product_url = product_data["ProductUrl"]
# Get the in stock quantity
part_data.qty_available = product_data["QuantityAvailable"]
# Get the part lifecycle, EOL, and discontinued status
part_data.lifecycle_status = product_data["ProductStatus"]["Status"]
part_data.eol_status = product_data["EndOfLife"]
part_data.discontinued_status = product_data["Discontinued"]
# Get the pricing information
part_data.pricing = product_data["ProductVariations"]
# Remove Digi-Reel and rename as DR/CT if both Digi-Reel and Cut-Tape exist
pricing_variations = [
variation["PackageType"]["Name"] for variation in part_data.pricing
cut_tape_idx = digi_reel_idx = [
for i in range(0, len(pricing_variations))
if "Cut Tape" in pricing_variations[i]
digi_reel_idx = [
for i in range(0, len(pricing_variations))
if "Digi-Reel" in pricing_variations[i]
if cut_tape_idx and digi_reel_idx:
part_data.pricing[cut_tape_idx[0]]["PackageType"]["Name"] = (
"Cut Tape (CT) & Digi-Reel®"
del part_data.pricing[digi_reel_idx[0]]
# Initialize part parameter variables
part_data.package_case = part_data.supplier_device_package = (
) = part_data.xy_size = part_data.height = part_data.thickness = None
# Get product parameter information
for parameter in product_data["Parameters"]:
if "ParameterText" in parameter.keys():
# Get the package / case
if parameter["ParameterText"] == "Package / Case":
part_data.package_case = parameter["ValueText"]
# Get the supplier device package
if parameter["ParameterText"] == "Supplier Device Package":
part_data.supplier_device_package = parameter["ValueText"]
# Get the operating temperature range
if parameter["ParameterText"] == "Operating Temperature":
part_data.operating_temp = parameter["ValueText"]
# Get the package XY dimensions
if "Size" in parameter["ParameterText"]:
part_data.xy_size = parameter["ValueText"]
# Get the package height or thickness
if "Height" in parameter["ParameterText"]:
part_data.height = parameter["ValueText"]
if "Thickness" in parameter["ParameterText"]:
part_data.thickness = parameter["ValueText"]
# Get environmental and classification data
part_data.rohs_status = product_data["Classifications"]["RohsStatus"]
part_data.moisture_sensitivity_level = product_data["Classifications"][
part_data.reach_status = product_data["Classifications"]["ReachStatus"]
part_data.eccn = product_data["Classifications"]["ExportControlClassNumber"]
part_data.htsus = product_data["Classifications"]["HtsusCode"]
except KeyError:
# Get the category chain
child_categories = product_data["Category"]["ChildCategories"]
while True:
if child_categories:
child_categories = child_categories[0]["ChildCategories"]
# Return the extracted part data
return part_data
def get_prices_for_target_qtys(part_data, single_pcb_part_qty, pcb_quantities):
# Initialize list of prices to populate and return
pcb_qty_prices_by_part_type = []
# Iterate through list of quantities and pricing data if pricing data exists
if part_data.pricing:
for pricing_type in part_data.pricing:
# Get the standard pricing for this package type
std_pricing = pricing_type["StandardPricing"]
# Process the pricing type if data exists, else skip
if std_pricing:
# Initialize a pricing dictionary and populate package type
pricing_for_price_type = {}
pricing_for_price_type["package_type"] = pricing_type["PackageType"]
pricing_for_price_type["cogs"] = []
# Get price breakpoints for this pricing type
breakpoints = [
int(stdpricing["BreakQuantity"]) for stdpricing in std_pricing
# Iterate through the PCB quantities for COGS breakdown
for pcb_qty in pcb_quantities:
# Get the total part count for this PCB quantity
part_qty = single_pcb_part_qty * pcb_qty
# Initialize a dict for populating COGS for this PCB quantity
pricing_for_pcb_qty = {
"pcb_qty": pcb_qty,
"total_part_qty": part_qty,
# Set the breakpoint index to start or end of list, or as None,
# depending on the quantity. Set pricing for edge case
breakpoint_idx = (
if part_qty <= min(breakpoints)
else -1
if part_qty >= max(breakpoints)
else None
if breakpoint_idx is not None:
pricing_for_pcb_qty["break_qty"] = std_pricing[breakpoint_idx][
pricing_for_pcb_qty["price_per_unit"] = std_pricing[
pricing_for_pcb_qty["total_price"] = (
std_pricing[breakpoint_idx]["UnitPrice"] * part_qty
# Populate break quantity and prices the target quantity
for breakpoint in std_pricing:
# If breakpoint index already set, populate
if part_qty >= breakpoint["BreakQuantity"]:
pricing_for_pcb_qty["break_qty"] = breakpoint[
pricing_for_pcb_qty["price_per_unit"] = breakpoint[
pricing_for_pcb_qty["total_price"] = (
breakpoint["UnitPrice"] * part_qty
# Append the pricing for this PCB quantity to the list
# Add pricing dict to the list of pricing types
# Return the populated pricing data
return pcb_qty_prices_by_part_type
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Initialize argument parser
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("bom_file", help="Path to the BOM file")
"--output_path", help="Path to the directory to output report to"
"A comma-separated list of quantities of PCBs to compute the COGS "
+ "for. Defaults to '%(default)s'."
choices=("html", "md"),
"Report type as html or md. html reports are uploaded as artifacts"
+ " to the Action run whereas md reports are added to the"
+ " repository's Wiki. Defaults to html."
args = parser.parse_args()
# Read the BOM file into list
with open(args.bom_file, newline="") as bomfile:
# Comma delimited file with " as quote character to be included
bomreader = csv.reader(bomfile, delimiter=",", quotechar='"')
# Save as a list
bom_line_items = list(bomreader)
# Save the index of the designator field
refdes_col_idx = (bom_line_items[0]).index("Designator")
# Skip the header
del bom_line_items[0]
# Get the PCB quantities, if specified
pcb_quantities = []
if args.pcb_quantities:
# Get the quantities as a list of integers
pcb_quantities = [
int(quantity) for quantity in args.pcb_quantities.split(",")
except Exception:
# Authenticate with DigiKey
digikey_client_id = os.environ.get("DIGIKEY_CLIENT_ID")
digikey_client_secret = os.environ.get("DIGIKEY_CLIENT_SECRET")
(response_code, access_token) = get_access_token(
DIGIKEY_API_AUTH_ENDPOINT, digikey_client_id, digikey_client_secret
# Cannot proceed with search API queries if authentication failed,
# exit gracefully.
if response_code != 200:
print("Authentication failed. Response from server:")
# Initialize list of BOM item part data
bom_items_digikey_data = []
# Fetch information for all parts in the BOM
for line_item in bom_line_items:
print("- Fetching info for " + line_item[0] + "... ", end="")
# Search for parts in DigiKey by Manufacturer Part Number as keyword
(response_code, keyword_search_json) = query_digikey_v4_API_keyword_search(
print("" + "\n", end="", flush=True)
# Process a successful response
if response_code == 200:
# Extract the part data from the keyword search response
part_data = extract_data_from_digikey_search_response(keyword_search_json)
# Add the associated reference designators
part_data.associated_refdes = line_item[refdes_col_idx]
# Get the COGS pricing if PCB quantities specified
if args.pcb_quantities:
# Get the number of components needed for this part
part_qty = len(part_data.associated_refdes.split(","))
# Initialize a COGS breakdown dict for the different quantities
cogs_breakdown = {}
# Iterate PCB quantities and get prices for component quantities
# at each PCB quantity. Add COGS breakdown to the component data set
part_data.cogs_breakdown = get_prices_for_target_qtys(
part_data, part_qty, pcb_quantities
# Add the extracted data to the list of BOM items part data
# Print out the details of an unsuccessful response
print("DigiKey API search unsuccesful:")
print(response_code, keyword_search_json)
# Load Jinja with output HTML template
template_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader("/report_template/"))
template = template_env.get_template("index.html")
# Populuate the context data
context = {"bom": bom_items_digikey_data}
# Create report output folder if it doesn't exist
except FileExistsError:
# Unzip the JS/CSS assets
shutil.unpack_archive("/report_template/assets.zip", "/component_report")
# Write HTML output file
with open(
"/component_report/index.html", mode="w", encoding="utf-8"
) as report_file:
print("- Outputting report")
# Zip the component report as a git workspace artifact
with zipfile.ZipFile(
args.output_path + "/component_report.zip", "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
) as zipper:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("/component_report"):
for file in files:
zipper.write(os.path.join(root, file))
# Convert all ComponentData objects in the BOM items DigiKey data
# list to dictionaries in preparation for JSON output
for idx in range(0, len(bom_items_digikey_data)):
bom_items_digikey_data[idx] = bom_items_digikey_data[idx].__dict__
# Output the BOM items DigiKey data as a json file
with open(
"digikey_data_from_bom.json", mode="w", encoding="utf-8"
) as json_output_file:
json_output_file.write(json.dumps(bom_items_digikey_data, indent=2))