2019-12-11 10:27:16 +01:00

2639 lines
860 KiB

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<title>Interactive BOM for KiCAD</title>
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-0.23809523809523808], [0.7619047619047619, -0.47619047619047616], [0.7142857142857142, -0.5714285714285714], [0.6666666666666666, -0.6190476190476191], [0.5714285714285714, -0.6666666666666666], [0.38095238095238093, -0.6666666666666666], [0.2857142857142857, -0.6190476190476191], [0.23809523809523808, -0.5714285714285714], [0.19047619047619047, -0.47619047619047616]]], "w": 0.9523809523809523}, "9": {"l": [[[0.2857142857142857, -0.047619047619047616], [0.47619047619047616, -0.047619047619047616], [0.5714285714285714, -0.09523809523809523], [0.6190476190476191, -0.14285714285714285], [0.7142857142857142, -0.2857142857142857], [0.7619047619047619, -0.47619047619047616], [0.7619047619047619, -0.8571428571428571], [0.7142857142857142, -0.9523809523809523], [0.6666666666666666, -1.0], [0.5714285714285714, -1.0476190476190474], [0.38095238095238093, -1.0476190476190474], [0.2857142857142857, -1.0], [0.23809523809523808, -0.9523809523809523], [0.19047619047619047, -0.8571428571428571], [0.19047619047619047, -0.6190476190476191], [0.23809523809523808, -0.5238095238095237], [0.2857142857142857, -0.47619047619047616], [0.38095238095238093, -0.42857142857142855], [0.5714285714285714, -0.42857142857142855], [0.6666666666666666, -0.47619047619047616], [0.7142857142857142, -0.5238095238095237], [0.7619047619047619, -0.6190476190476191]]], "w": 0.9523809523809523}, "8": {"l": [[[0.38095238095238093, -0.6190476190476191], [0.2857142857142857, -0.6666666666666666], [0.23809523809523808, -0.7142857142857142], [0.19047619047619047, -0.8095238095238095], [0.19047619047619047, -0.8571428571428571], [0.23809523809523808, -0.9523809523809523], [0.2857142857142857, -1.0], [0.38095238095238093, -1.0476190476190474], [0.5714285714285714, -1.0476190476190474], [0.6666666666666666, -1.0], [0.7142857142857142, -0.9523809523809523], [0.7619047619047619, -0.8571428571428571], [0.7619047619047619, -0.8095238095238095], [0.7142857142857142, -0.7142857142857142], [0.6666666666666666, -0.6666666666666666], [0.5714285714285714, -0.6190476190476191], [0.38095238095238093, -0.6190476190476191], [0.2857142857142857, -0.5714285714285714], [0.23809523809523808, -0.5238095238095237], [0.19047619047619047, -0.42857142857142855], [0.19047619047619047, -0.23809523809523808], [0.23809523809523808, -0.14285714285714285], [0.2857142857142857, -0.09523809523809523], [0.38095238095238093, -0.047619047619047616], [0.5714285714285714, -0.047619047619047616], [0.6666666666666666, -0.09523809523809523], [0.7142857142857142, -0.14285714285714285], [0.7619047619047619, -0.23809523809523808], [0.7619047619047619, -0.42857142857142855], [0.7142857142857142, -0.5238095238095237], [0.6666666666666666, -0.5714285714285714], [0.5714285714285714, -0.6190476190476191]]], "w": 0.9523809523809523}, "A": {"l": [[[0.19047619047619047, -0.3333333333333333], [0.6666666666666666, -0.3333333333333333]], [[0.09523809523809523, -0.047619047619047616], [0.42857142857142855, -1.0476190476190474], [0.7619047619047619, -0.047619047619047616]]], "w": 0.8571428571428571}, "C": {"l": [[[0.8095238095238095, -0.14285714285714285], [0.7619047619047619, -0.09523809523809523], [0.6190476190476191, -0.047619047619047616], [0.5238095238095237, -0.047619047619047616], [0.38095238095238093, -0.09523809523809523], [0.2857142857142857, -0.19047619047619047], [0.23809523809523808, -0.2857142857142857], [0.19047619047619047, -0.47619047619047616], [0.19047619047619047, -0.6190476190476191], [0.23809523809523808, -0.8095238095238095], [0.2857142857142857, -0.9047619047619047], [0.38095238095238093, -1.0], [0.5238095238095237, -1.0476190476190474], [0.6190476190476191, -1.0476190476190474], [0.7619047619047619, -1.0], [0.8095238095238095, -0.9523809523809523]]], "w": 1.0}, "B": {"l": [[[0.5714285714285714, -0.5714285714285714], [0.7142857142857142, -0.5238095238095237], [0.7619047619047619, -0.47619047619047616], [0.8095238095238094, -0.38095238095238093], [0.8095238095238094, -0.23809523809523808], [0.7619047619047619, -0.14285714285714285], [0.7142857142857142, -0.09523809523809523], [0.619047619047619, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523803, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523803, -1.0476190476190474], [0.5714285714285714, -1.0476190476190474], [0.6666666666666665, -1.0], [0.7142857142857142, -0.9523809523809523], [0.7619047619047619, -0.8571428571428571], [0.7619047619047619, -0.7619047619047619], [0.7142857142857142, -0.6666666666666666], [0.6666666666666665, -0.6190476190476191], [0.5714285714285714, -0.5714285714285714], [0.23809523809523803, -0.5714285714285714]]], "w": 1.0}, "E": {"l": [[[0.23809523809523808, -0.5714285714285714], [0.5714285714285714, -0.5714285714285714]], [[0.7142857142857142, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523808, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523808, -1.0476190476190474], [0.7142857142857142, -1.0476190476190474]]], "w": 0.9047619047619047}, "D": {"l": [[[0.23809523809523803, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523803, -1.0476190476190474], [0.4761904761904761, -1.0476190476190474], [0.619047619047619, -1.0], [0.7142857142857142, -0.9047619047619047], [0.7619047619047619, -0.8095238095238095], [0.8095238095238094, -0.6190476190476191], [0.8095238095238094, -0.47619047619047616], [0.7619047619047619, -0.2857142857142857], [0.7142857142857142, -0.19047619047619047], [0.619047619047619, -0.09523809523809523], [0.4761904761904761, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523803, -0.047619047619047616]]], "w": 1.0}, "G": {"l": [[[0.7619047619047619, -1.0], [0.6666666666666666, -1.0476190476190474], [0.5238095238095237, -1.0476190476190474], [0.38095238095238093, -1.0], [0.2857142857142857, -0.9047619047619047], [0.23809523809523808, -0.8095238095238095], [0.19047619047619047, -0.6190476190476191], [0.19047619047619047, -0.47619047619047616], [0.23809523809523808, -0.2857142857142857], [0.2857142857142857, -0.19047619047619047], [0.38095238095238093, -0.09523809523809523], [0.5238095238095237, -0.047619047619047616], [0.6190476190476191, -0.047619047619047616], [0.7619047619047619, -0.09523809523809523], [0.8095238095238095, -0.14285714285714285], [0.8095238095238095, -0.47619047619047616], [0.6190476190476191, -0.47619047619047616]]], "w": 1.0}, "F": {"l": [[[0.5714285714285714, -0.5714285714285714], [0.23809523809523808, -0.5714285714285714]], [[0.23809523809523808, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523808, -1.0476190476190474], [0.7142857142857142, -1.0476190476190474]]], "w": 0.8571428571428571}, "I": {"l": [[[0.23809523809523808, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523808, -1.0476190476190474]]], "w": 0.47619047619047616}, "H": {"l": [[[0.23809523809523803, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523803, -1.0476190476190474]], [[0.23809523809523803, -0.5714285714285714], [0.8095238095238094, -0.5714285714285714]], [[0.8095238095238094, -0.047619047619047616], [0.8095238095238094, -1.0476190476190474]]], "w": 1.0476190476190474}, "K": {"l": [[[0.23809523809523803, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523803, -1.0476190476190474]], [[0.8095238095238094, -0.047619047619047616], [0.3809523809523809, -0.6190476190476191]], [[0.8095238095238094, -1.0476190476190474], [0.23809523809523803, -0.47619047619047616]]], "w": 1.0}, "J": {"l": [[[0.5238095238095237, -1.0476190476190474], [0.5238095238095237, -0.3333333333333333], [0.47619047619047616, -0.19047619047619047], [0.38095238095238093, -0.09523809523809523], [0.23809523809523808, -0.047619047619047616], [0.14285714285714285, -0.047619047619047616]]], "w": 0.7619047619047619}, "M": {"l": [[[0.23809523809523808, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523808, -1.0476190476190474], [0.5714285714285714, -0.3333333333333333], [0.9047619047619047, -1.0476190476190474], [0.9047619047619047, -0.047619047619047616]]], "w": 1.1428571428571428}, "L": {"l": [[[0.7142857142857142, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523808, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523808, -1.0476190476190474]]], "w": 0.8095238095238095}, "O": {"l": [[[0.4285714285714285, -1.0476190476190474], [0.619047619047619, -1.0476190476190474], [0.7142857142857142, -1.0], [0.8095238095238094, -0.9047619047619047], [0.857142857142857, -0.7142857142857142], [0.857142857142857, -0.38095238095238093], [0.8095238095238094, -0.19047619047619047], [0.7142857142857142, -0.09523809523809523], [0.619047619047619, -0.047619047619047616], [0.4285714285714285, -0.047619047619047616], [0.33333333333333326, -0.09523809523809523], [0.23809523809523803, -0.19047619047619047], [0.1904761904761904, -0.38095238095238093], [0.1904761904761904, -0.7142857142857142], [0.23809523809523803, -0.9047619047619047], [0.33333333333333326, -1.0], [0.4285714285714285, -1.0476190476190474]]], "w": 1.0476190476190474}, "N": {"l": [[[0.23809523809523803, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523803, -1.0476190476190474], [0.8095238095238094, -0.047619047619047616], [0.8095238095238094, -1.0476190476190474]]], "w": 1.0476190476190474}, "Q": {"l": [[[0.9047619047619047, 0.047619047619047616], [0.8095238095238094, 0.0], [0.7142857142857142, -0.09523809523809523], [0.5714285714285714, -0.23809523809523808], [0.4761904761904761, -0.2857142857142857], [0.3809523809523809, -0.2857142857142857]], [[0.4285714285714285, -0.047619047619047616], [0.33333333333333326, -0.09523809523809523], [0.23809523809523803, -0.19047619047619047], [0.1904761904761904, -0.38095238095238093], [0.1904761904761904, -0.7142857142857142], [0.23809523809523803, -0.9047619047619047], [0.33333333333333326, -1.0], [0.4285714285714285, -1.0476190476190474], [0.619047619047619, -1.0476190476190474], [0.7142857142857142, -1.0], [0.8095238095238094, -0.9047619047619047], [0.857142857142857, -0.7142857142857142], [0.857142857142857, -0.38095238095238093], [0.8095238095238094, -0.19047619047619047], [0.7142857142857142, -0.09523809523809523], [0.619047619047619, -0.047619047619047616], [0.4285714285714285, -0.047619047619047616]]], "w": 1.0476190476190474}, "P": {"l": [[[0.23809523809523803, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523803, -1.0476190476190474], [0.619047619047619, -1.0476190476190474], [0.7142857142857142, -1.0], [0.7619047619047619, -0.9523809523809523], [0.8095238095238094, -0.8571428571428571], [0.8095238095238094, -0.7142857142857142], [0.7619047619047619, -0.6190476190476191], [0.7142857142857142, -0.5714285714285714], [0.619047619047619, -0.5238095238095237], [0.23809523809523803, -0.5238095238095237]]], "w": 1.0}, "S": {"l": [[[0.19047619047619047, -0.09523809523809523], [0.3333333333333333, -0.047619047619047616], [0.5714285714285714, -0.047619047619047616], [0.6666666666666666, -0.09523809523809523], [0.7142857142857142, -0.14285714285714285], [0.7619047619047619, -0.23809523809523808], [0.7619047619047619, -0.3333333333333333], [0.7142857142857142, -0.42857142857142855], [0.6666666666666666, -0.47619047619047616], [0.5714285714285714, -0.5238095238095237], [0.38095238095238093, -0.5714285714285714], [0.2857142857142857, -0.6190476190476191], [0.23809523809523808, -0.6666666666666666], [0.19047619047619047, -0.7619047619047619], [0.19047619047619047, -0.8571428571428571], [0.23809523809523808, -0.9523809523809523], [0.2857142857142857, -1.0], [0.38095238095238093, -1.0476190476190474], [0.6190476190476191, -1.0476190476190474], [0.7619047619047619, -1.0]]], "w": 0.9523809523809523}, "R": {"l": [[[0.8095238095238094, -0.047619047619047616], [0.4761904761904761, -0.5238095238095237]], [[0.23809523809523803, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523803, -1.0476190476190474], [0.619047619047619, -1.0476190476190474], [0.7142857142857142, -1.0], [0.7619047619047619, -0.9523809523809523], [0.8095238095238094, -0.8571428571428571], [0.8095238095238094, -0.7142857142857142], [0.7619047619047619, -0.6190476190476191], [0.7142857142857142, -0.5714285714285714], [0.619047619047619, -0.5238095238095237], [0.23809523809523803, -0.5238095238095237]]], "w": 1.0}, "U": {"l": [[[0.23809523809523803, -1.0476190476190474], [0.23809523809523803, -0.23809523809523808], [0.28571428571428564, -0.14285714285714285], [0.33333333333333326, -0.09523809523809523], [0.4285714285714285, -0.047619047619047616], [0.619047619047619, -0.047619047619047616], [0.7142857142857142, -0.09523809523809523], [0.7619047619047619, -0.14285714285714285], [0.8095238095238094, -0.23809523809523808], [0.8095238095238094, -1.0476190476190474]]], "w": 1.0476190476190474}, "T": {"l": [[[0.09523809523809523, -1.0476190476190474], [0.6666666666666666, -1.0476190476190474]], [[0.38095238095238093, -0.047619047619047616], [0.38095238095238093, -1.0476190476190474]]], "w": 0.7619047619047619}, "W": {"l": [[[0.14285714285714285, -1.0476190476190474], [0.38095238095238093, -0.047619047619047616], [0.5714285714285714, -0.7619047619047619], [0.7619047619047619, -0.047619047619047616], [1.0, -1.0476190476190474]]], "w": 1.1428571428571428}, "V": {"l": [[[0.09523809523809523, -1.0476190476190474], 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[0.5238095238095237, -0.7142857142857142], [0.6190476190476191, -0.6666666666666666], [0.6666666666666666, -0.6190476190476191], [0.7142857142857142, -0.5238095238095237], [0.7142857142857142, -0.23809523809523808], [0.6666666666666666, -0.14285714285714285], [0.6190476190476191, -0.09523809523809523], [0.5238095238095237, -0.047619047619047616], [0.3333333333333333, -0.047619047619047616], [0.23809523809523808, -0.09523809523809523]]], "w": 0.9047619047619047}, "s": {"l": [[[0.19047619047619047, -0.09523809523809523], [0.2857142857142857, -0.047619047619047616], [0.47619047619047616, -0.047619047619047616], [0.5714285714285714, -0.09523809523809523], [0.6190476190476191, -0.19047619047619047], [0.6190476190476191, -0.23809523809523808], [0.5714285714285714, -0.3333333333333333], [0.47619047619047616, -0.38095238095238093], [0.3333333333333333, -0.38095238095238093], [0.23809523809523808, -0.42857142857142855], [0.19047619047619047, -0.5238095238095237], [0.19047619047619047, 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[152.992, 71.847], "end": [152.992, 73.197], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [150.792, 71.847], "end": [152.992, 71.847], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [151.292, 73.197], "end": [152.992, 73.197], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [150.792, 71.847], "end": [150.792, 72.697], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"width": 0.5, "angle": 0.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "D30", "thickness": 0.075, "pos": [151.892, 72.517], "height": 0.5}, {"width": 1.0, "val": 1, "angle": 90.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "BAV99W", "thickness": 0.15, "pos": [150.64, 72.567], "height": 1.0}, {"width": 0.5, "angle": 0.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "D31", "thickness": 0.075, "pos": [148.59, 72.517], "height": 0.5}, {"start": [147.48999999999998, 71.847], "end": [147.48999999999998, 72.697], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [147.98999999999998, 73.197], "end": [149.69, 73.197], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [147.48999999999998, 71.847], "end": [149.69, 71.847], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [149.69, 71.847], "end": [149.69, 73.197], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [147.48999999999998, 72.697], "end": [147.98999999999998, 73.197], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"width": 1.0, "val": 1, "angle": 90.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "BAV99W", "thickness": 0.15, "pos": [147.338, 72.567], "height": 1.0}, {"start": [144.188, 72.697], "end": [144.688, 73.197], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [146.388, 71.847], "end": [146.388, 73.197], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [144.188, 71.847], "end": [146.388, 71.847], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [144.688, 73.197], "end": [146.388, 73.197], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [144.188, 71.847], "end": [144.188, 72.697], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"width": 0.5, "angle": 0.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "D32", "thickness": 0.075, "pos": [145.28799999999998, 72.517], "height": 0.5}, {"width": 1.0, "val": 1, "angle": 90.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "BAV99W", "thickness": 0.15, "pos": [145.68699999999998, 74.853], "height": 1.0}, {"width": 0.5, "angle": 0.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "D33", "thickness": 0.075, "pos": [143.637, 74.803], "height": 0.5}, {"start": [142.537, 74.133], "end": [142.537, 74.98299999999999], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [143.037, 75.48299999999999], "end": [144.737, 75.48299999999999], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [142.537, 74.133], "end": [144.737, 74.133], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [144.737, 74.133], "end": [144.737, 75.48299999999999], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [142.537, 74.98299999999999], "end": [143.037, 75.48299999999999], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"width": 1.0, "val": 1, "angle": 0.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "BAV99W", "thickness": 0.15, "pos": [158.658, 68.57], "height": 1.0}, {"start": [158.78799999999998, 71.72], "end": [159.28799999999998, 71.22], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [157.938, 69.52], "end": [159.28799999999998, 69.52], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [157.938, 71.72], "end": [157.938, 69.52], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [159.28799999999998, 71.22], "end": [159.28799999999998, 69.52], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [157.938, 71.72], "end": [158.78799999999998, 71.72], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"width": 0.5, "angle": 90.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "D34", "thickness": 0.075, "pos": [158.608, 70.61999999999999], "height": 0.5}, {"width": 1.0, "val": 1, "angle": 0.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "BAV99W", "thickness": 0.15, "pos": [162.356, 68.689], "height": 1.0}, {"width": 0.5, "angle": 90.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "D35", "thickness": 0.075, "pos": [162.30599999999998, 70.73899999999999], "height": 0.5}, {"start": [161.636, 71.839], "end": [162.486, 71.839], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [162.986, 71.339], "end": [162.986, 69.639], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [161.636, 71.839], "end": [161.636, 69.639], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [161.636, 69.639], "end": [162.986, 69.639], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [162.486, 71.839], "end": [162.986, 71.339], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"width": 1.0, "val": 1, "angle": 0.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "BAV99W", "thickness": 0.15, "pos": [164.161, 70.37599999999999], "height": 1.0}, {"width": 0.5, "angle": 90.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "D36", "thickness": 0.075, "pos": [164.21099999999998, 68.326], "height": 0.5}, {"start": [164.881, 67.226], "end": [164.031, 67.226], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [163.531, 67.726], "end": [163.531, 69.426], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [164.881, 67.226], "end": [164.881, 69.426], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [164.881, 69.426], "end": [163.531, 69.426], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [164.031, 67.226], "end": [163.531, 67.726], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"width": 0.5, "val": 1, "angle": 0.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "BLM18KG121TN1D", "thickness": 0.09999999999999999, "pos": [180.721, 64.422], "height": 0.5}, {"width": 0.5, "angle": 0.0, "attr": [], "horiz_justify": 0, "text": "L17", "thickness": 0.09999999999999999, "pos": [180.721, 62.992], "height": 0.5}, {"start": [181.521, 63.391999999999996], "end": [179.921, 63.391999999999996], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [181.521, 62.592], "end": [181.521, 63.391999999999996], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [179.921, 62.592], "end": [181.521, 62.592], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}, {"start": [179.921, 63.391999999999996], "end": [179.921, 62.592], "type": "segment", "width": 0.09999999999999999}]}, "metadata": {"date": "2019-10-24", "company": "PRUSA Research s.r.o.", "revision": "v1.0.0", "title": "Buddy"}}
/* Utility functions */
var storagePrefix = 'KiCad_HTML_BOM__' + pcbdata.metadata.title + '__' +
pcbdata.metadata.revision + '__';
var storage;
function initStorage(key) {
try {
storage = window.localStorage;
} catch (e) {
// localStorage not available
if (!storage) {
try {
storage = window.sessionStorage;
} catch (e) {
// sessionStorage also not available
function readStorage(key) {
if (storage) {
return storage.getItem(storagePrefix + '#' + key);
} else {
return null;
function writeStorage(key, value) {
if (storage) {
storage.setItem(storagePrefix + '#' + key, value);
function fancyDblClickHandler(el, onsingle, ondouble) {
return function() {
if (el.getAttribute("data-dblclick") == null) {
el.setAttribute("data-dblclick", 1);
setTimeout(function() {
if (el.getAttribute("data-dblclick") == 1) {
}, 200);
} else {
function smoothScrollToRow(rowid) {
behavior: "smooth",
block: "center",
inline: "nearest"
function focusInputField(input) {
function copyToClipboard() {
var text = '';
for (var node of bomhead.childNodes[0].childNodes) {
if (node.firstChild) {
text = text + node.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (node != bomhead.childNodes[0].lastChild) {
text += '\t';
text += '\n';
for (var row of bombody.childNodes) {
for (var cell of row.childNodes) {
for (var node of cell.childNodes) {
if (node.nodeName == "INPUT") {
if (node.checked) {
text = text + '✓';
} else if (node.nodeName == "MARK") {
text = text + node.firstChild.nodeValue;
} else {
text = text + node.nodeValue;
if (cell != row.lastChild) {
text += '\t';
text += '\n';
var textArea = document.createElement("textarea");
textArea.value = text;
try {
if (document.execCommand('copy')) {
console.log('Bom copied to clipboard.');
} catch (err) {
console.log('Can not copy to clipboard.');
function removeGutterNode(node) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (node.childNodes[i].classList &&
node.childNodes[i].classList.contains("gutter")) {
function cleanGutters() {
var units = {
prefixes: {
giga: ["G", "g", "giga", "Giga", "GIGA"],
mega: ["M", "mega", "Mega", "MEGA"],
kilo: ["K", "k", "kilo", "Kilo", "KILO"],
milli: ["m", "milli", "Milli", "MILLI"],
micro: ["U", "u", "micro", "Micro", "MICRO", "μ", "µ"], // different utf8 μ
nano: ["N", "n", "nano", "Nano", "NANO"],
pico: ["P", "p", "pico", "Pico", "PICO"],
unitsShort: ["R", "r", "Ω", "F", "f", "H", "h"],
unitsLong: [
"OHM", "Ohm", "ohm", "ohms",
"FARAD", "Farad", "farad",
"HENRY", "Henry", "henry"
getMultiplier: function(s) {
if (this.prefixes.giga.includes(s)) return 1e9;
if (this.prefixes.mega.includes(s)) return 1e6;
if (this.prefixes.kilo.includes(s)) return 1e3;
if (this.prefixes.milli.includes(s)) return 1e-3;
if (this.prefixes.micro.includes(s)) return 1e-6;
if (this.prefixes.nano.includes(s)) return 1e-9;
if (this.prefixes.pico.includes(s)) return 1e-12;
return 1;
valueRegex: null,
function initUtils() {
var allPrefixes = units.prefixes.giga
var allUnits = units.unitsShort.concat(units.unitsLong);
units.valueRegex = new RegExp("^([0-9\.]+)" +
"\\s*(" + allPrefixes.join("|") + ")?" +
"(" + allUnits.join("|") + ")?" +
"(\\b.*)?$", "");
units.valueAltRegex = new RegExp("^([0-9]*)" +
"(" + units.unitsShort.join("|") + ")?" +
"([GgMmKkUuNnPp])?" +
"([0-9]*)" +
"(\\b.*)?$", "");
for (var bomtable of Object.values( {
for (var row of bomtable) {
row.push(parseValue(row[1], row[3][0][0]));
function parseValue(val, ref) {
var inferUnit = (unit, ref) => {
if (unit) {
unit = unit.toLowerCase();
if (unit == 'Ω' || unit == "ohm" || unit == "ohms") {
unit = 'r';
unit = unit[0];
} else {
ref = /^([a-z]+)\d+$/i.exec(ref);
if (ref) {
ref = ref[1].toLowerCase();
if (ref == "c") unit = 'f';
else if (ref == "l") unit = 'h';
else if (ref == "r" || ref == "rv") unit = 'r';
else unit = null;
return unit;
val = val.replace(/,/g, "");
var match = units.valueRegex.exec(val);
var unit;
if (match) {
val = parseFloat(match[1]);
if (match[2]) {
val = val * units.getMultiplier(match[2]);
unit = inferUnit(match[3], ref);
if (!unit) return null;
else return {
val: val,
unit: unit,
extra: match[4],
match = units.valueAltRegex.exec(val);
if (match && (match[1] || match[4])) {
val = parseFloat(match[1] + "." + match[4]);
if (match[3]) {
val = val * units.getMultiplier(match[3]);
unit = inferUnit(match[2], ref);
if (!unit) return null;
else return {
val: val,
unit: unit,
extra: match[5],
return null;
function valueCompare(a, b, stra, strb) {
if (a === null && b === null) {
// Failed to parse both values, compare them as strings.
if (stra != strb) return stra > strb ? 1 : -1;
else return 0;
} else if (a === null) {
return 1;
} else if (b === null) {
return -1;
} else {
if (a.unit != b.unit) return a.unit > b.unit ? 1 : -1;
else if (a.val != b.val) return a.val > b.val ? 1 : -1;
else if (a.extra != b.extra) return a.extra > b.extra ? 1 : -1;
else return 0;
/* PCB rendering code */
var redrawOnDrag = true;
var boardRotation = 0;
var renderPads = true;
var renderReferences = true;
var renderValues = true;
function deg2rad(deg) {
return deg * Math.PI / 180;
function calcFontPoint(linepoint, text, offsetx, offsety, tilt) {
var point = [
linepoint[0] * text.width + offsetx,
linepoint[1] * text.height + offsety
// Adding half a line height here is technically a bug
// but pcbnew currently does the same, text is slightly shifted.
point[0] -= (point[1] + text.height * 0.5) * tilt;
return point;
function drawtext(ctx, text, color, flip) {
if ("ref" in text && !renderReferences) return;
if ("val" in text && !renderValues) return;;
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
ctx.lineCap = "round";
ctx.lineWidth = text.thickness;
if (text.svgpath) {
ctx.stroke(new Path2D(text.svgpath));
var angle = -text.angle;
if (text.attr.includes("mirrored")) {
ctx.scale(-1, 1);
angle = -angle;
var tilt = 0;
if (text.attr.includes("italic")) {
tilt = 0.125;
var interline = (text.height * 1.5 + text.thickness) / 2;
var txt = text.text.split("\n");
// KiCad ignores last empty line.
if (txt[txt.length - 1] == '') txt.pop();
for (var i in txt) {
var offsety = (-(txt.length - 1) + i * 2) * interline + text.height / 2;
var lineWidth = 0;
for (var c of txt[i]) {
lineWidth += pcbdata.font_data[c].w * text.width;
var offsetx = 0;
switch (text.horiz_justify) {
case -1:
// Justify left, do nothing
case 0:
// Justify center
offsetx -= lineWidth / 2;
case 1:
// Justify right
offsetx -= lineWidth;
for (var c of txt[i]) {
for (var line of pcbdata.font_data[c].l) {
// Drawing each segment separately instead of
// polyline because round line caps don't work in joints
for (var i = 0; i < line.length - 1; i++) {
ctx.moveTo(...calcFontPoint(line[i], text, offsetx, offsety, tilt));
ctx.lineTo(...calcFontPoint(line[i + 1], text, offsetx, offsety, tilt));
offsetx += pcbdata.font_data[c].w * text.width;
function drawedge(ctx, scalefactor, edge, color) {
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
ctx.lineWidth = Math.max(1 / scalefactor, edge.width);
ctx.lineCap = "round";
if (edge.type == "segment") {
if (edge.type == "arc") {
if (edge.svgpath) {
ctx.stroke(new Path2D(edge.svgpath));
} else {
if (edge.type == "circle") {
0, 2 * Math.PI);
function drawRoundRect(ctx, color, size, radius, ctxmethod) {
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
var x = size[0] * -0.5;
var y = size[1] * -0.5;
var width = size[0];
var height = size[1];
ctx.moveTo(x, 0);
ctx.arcTo(x, y + height, x + width, y + height, radius);
ctx.arcTo(x + width, y + height, x + width, y, radius);
ctx.arcTo(x + width, y, x, y, radius);
ctx.arcTo(x, y, x, y + height, radius);
function drawOblong(ctx, color, size, ctxmethod) {
drawRoundRect(ctx, color, size, Math.min(size[0], size[1]) / 2, ctxmethod);
function drawPolygons(ctx, color, polygons, ctxmethod) {
ctx.fillStyle = color;
for (var polygon of polygons) {
for (var vertex of polygon) {
function drawPolygonShape(ctx, shape, color) {;
if (shape.svgpath) {
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.fill(new Path2D(shape.svgpath));
} else {
drawPolygons(ctx, color, shape.polygons, ctx.fill.bind(ctx));
function drawDrawing(ctx, layer, scalefactor, drawing, color) {
if (["segment", "arc", "circle"].includes(drawing.type)) {
drawedge(ctx, scalefactor, drawing, color);
} else if (drawing.type == "polygon") {
drawPolygonShape(ctx, drawing, color);
} else {
drawtext(ctx, drawing, color, layer == "B");
function drawCircle(ctx, radius, ctxmethod) {
ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
function drawPad(ctx, pad, color, outline) {;
if (pad.offset) {
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
var ctxmethod = outline ? ctx.stroke.bind(ctx) : ctx.fill.bind(ctx);
if (pad.shape == "rect") {
var rect = [ => -c * 0.5), ...pad.size];
if (outline) {
} else {
} else if (pad.shape == "oval") {
drawOblong(ctx, color, pad.size, ctxmethod);
} else if (pad.shape == "circle") {
drawCircle(ctx, pad.size[0] / 2, ctxmethod);
} else if (pad.shape == "roundrect") {
drawRoundRect(ctx, color, pad.size, pad.radius, ctxmethod);
} else if (pad.shape == "custom") {
drawPolygons(ctx, color, pad.polygons, ctxmethod);
if (pad.type == "th" && !outline) {
ctx.fillStyle = "#CCCCCC";
if (pad.drillshape == "oblong") {
drawOblong(ctx, "#CCCCCC", pad.drillsize, ctxmethod);
} else {
drawCircle(ctx, pad.drillsize[0] / 2, ctxmethod);
function drawModule(ctx, layer, scalefactor, module, padcolor, outlinecolor, highlight) {
if (highlight) {
// draw bounding box
if (module.layer == layer) {;
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.2;
ctx.fillStyle = padcolor;
0, 0,
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = padcolor;
0, 0,
// draw drawings
for (var drawing of module.drawings) {
if (drawing.layer == layer) {
drawDrawing(ctx, layer, scalefactor, drawing.drawing, padcolor);
// draw pads
if (renderPads) {
for (var pad of module.pads) {
if (pad.layers.includes(layer)) {
drawPad(ctx, pad, padcolor, false);
if (pad.pin1 && highlightpin1) {
drawPad(ctx, pad, outlinecolor, true);
function drawEdgeCuts(canvas, scalefactor) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var edgecolor = getComputedStyle(topmostdiv).getPropertyValue('--pcb-edge-color');
for (var edge of pcbdata.edges) {
drawedge(ctx, scalefactor, edge, edgecolor);
function drawModules(canvas, layer, scalefactor, highlight) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.lineWidth = 3 / scalefactor;
var style = getComputedStyle(topmostdiv);
var padcolor = style.getPropertyValue('--pad-color');
var outlinecolor = style.getPropertyValue('--pin1-outline-color');
if (highlight > 0) {
padcolor = style.getPropertyValue('--pad-color-highlight');
outlinecolor = style.getPropertyValue('--pin1-outline-color-highlight');
for (var i = 0; i < pcbdata.modules.length; i++) {
var mod = pcbdata.modules[i];
if (!highlight || highlightedModules.includes(i)) {
drawModule(ctx, layer, scalefactor, mod, padcolor, outlinecolor, highlight);
function drawBgLayer(layername, canvas, layer, scalefactor, edgeColor, polygonColor, textColor) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
for (var d of pcbdata[layername][layer]) {
if (["segment", "arc", "circle"].includes(d.type)) {
drawedge(ctx, scalefactor, d, edgeColor);
} else if (d.type == "polygon") {
drawPolygonShape(ctx, d, polygonColor);
} else {
drawtext(ctx, d, textColor, layer == "B");
function clearCanvas(canvas) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");;
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
function drawHighlightsOnLayer(canvasdict) {
drawModules(canvasdict.highlight, canvasdict.layer,
canvasdict.transform.s * canvasdict.transform.zoom, true);
function drawHighlights() {
function drawBackground(canvasdict) {
drawEdgeCuts(, canvasdict.transform.s);
drawModules(, canvasdict.layer,
canvasdict.transform.s * canvasdict.transform.zoom, false);
var style = getComputedStyle(topmostdiv);
var edgeColor = style.getPropertyValue('--silkscreen-edge-color');
var polygonColor = style.getPropertyValue('--silkscreen-polygon-color');
var textColor = style.getPropertyValue('--silkscreen-text-color');
"silkscreen",, canvasdict.layer,
canvasdict.transform.s * canvasdict.transform.zoom,
edgeColor, polygonColor, textColor);
edgeColor = style.getPropertyValue('--fabrication-edge-color');
polygonColor = style.getPropertyValue('--fabrication-polygon-color');
textColor = style.getPropertyValue('--fabrication-text-color');
"fabrication", canvasdict.fab, canvasdict.layer,
canvasdict.transform.s * canvasdict.transform.zoom,
edgeColor, polygonColor, textColor);
function prepareCanvas(canvas, flip, transform) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
var fontsize = 1.55;
ctx.scale(transform.zoom, transform.zoom);
ctx.translate(transform.panx, transform.pany);
if (flip) {
ctx.scale(-1, 1);
ctx.translate(transform.x, transform.y);
ctx.scale(transform.s, transform.s);
function prepareLayer(canvasdict) {
var flip = (canvasdict.layer == "B");
for (var c of ["bg", "fab", "silk", "highlight"]) {
prepareCanvas(canvasdict[c], flip, canvasdict.transform);
function rotateVector(v, angle) {
angle = deg2rad(angle);
return [
v[0] * Math.cos(angle) - v[1] * Math.sin(angle),
v[0] * Math.sin(angle) + v[1] * Math.cos(angle)
function applyRotation(bbox) {
var corners = [
[bbox.minx, bbox.miny],
[bbox.minx, bbox.maxy],
[bbox.maxx, bbox.miny],
[bbox.maxx, bbox.maxy],
corners = => rotateVector(v, boardRotation));
return {
minx: corners.reduce((a, v) => Math.min(a, v[0]), Infinity),
miny: corners.reduce((a, v) => Math.min(a, v[1]), Infinity),
maxx: corners.reduce((a, v) => Math.max(a, v[0]), -Infinity),
maxy: corners.reduce((a, v) => Math.max(a, v[1]), -Infinity),
function recalcLayerScale(canvasdict) {
var canvasdivid = {
"F": "frontcanvas",
"B": "backcanvas"
} [canvasdict.layer];
var width = document.getElementById(canvasdivid).clientWidth * devicePixelRatio;
var height = document.getElementById(canvasdivid).clientHeight * devicePixelRatio;
var bbox = applyRotation(pcbdata.edges_bbox);
var scalefactor = 0.98 * Math.min(
width / (bbox.maxx - bbox.minx),
height / (bbox.maxy - bbox.miny)
if (scalefactor < 0.1) {
scalefactor = 1;
canvasdict.transform.s = scalefactor;
var flip = (canvasdict.layer == "B");
if (flip) {
canvasdict.transform.x = -((bbox.maxx + bbox.minx) * scalefactor + width) * 0.5;
} else {
canvasdict.transform.x = -((bbox.maxx + bbox.minx) * scalefactor - width) * 0.5;
canvasdict.transform.y = -((bbox.maxy + bbox.miny) * scalefactor - height) * 0.5;
for (var c of ["bg", "fab", "silk", "highlight"]) {
canvas = canvasdict[c];
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height; = (width / devicePixelRatio) + "px"; = (height / devicePixelRatio) + "px";
function redrawCanvas(layerdict) {
function resizeCanvas(layerdict) {
function resizeAll() {
function bboxScan(layer, x, y) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < pcbdata.modules.length; i++) {
var module = pcbdata.modules[i];
if (module.layer == layer) {
var b = module.bbox;
if (b.pos[0] <= x && b.pos[0] + b.size[0] >= x &&
b.pos[1] <= y && b.pos[1] + b.size[1] >= y) {
return result;
function handlePointerDown(e, layerdict) {
if (e.button != 0) {
if (!e.hasOwnProperty("offsetX")) {
// The polyfill doesn't set this properly
e.offsetX = e.pageX - e.currentTarget.offsetLeft;
e.offsetY = e.pageY - e.currentTarget.offsetTop;
layerdict.pointerStates[e.pointerId] = {
distanceTravelled: 0,
lastX: e.offsetX,
lastY: e.offsetY,
function handleMouseClick(e, layerdict) {
if (!e.hasOwnProperty("offsetX")) {
// The polyfill doesn't set this properly
e.offsetX = e.pageX - e.currentTarget.offsetLeft;
e.offsetY = e.pageY - e.currentTarget.offsetTop;
var x = e.offsetX;
var y = e.offsetY;
var t = layerdict.transform;
if (layerdict.layer == "B") {
x = (devicePixelRatio * x / t.zoom - t.panx + t.x) / -t.s;
} else {
x = (devicePixelRatio * x / t.zoom - t.panx - t.x) / t.s;
y = (devicePixelRatio * y / t.zoom - t.y - t.pany) / t.s;
var v = rotateVector([x, y], -boardRotation);
var modules = bboxScan(layerdict.layer, v[0], v[1]);
if (modules.length > 0) {
function handlePointerLeave(e, layerdict) {
if (!redrawOnDrag) {
delete layerdict.pointerStates[e.pointerId];
function resetTransform(layerdict) {
layerdict.transform.panx = 0;
layerdict.transform.pany = 0;
layerdict.transform.zoom = 1;
function handlePointerUp(e, layerdict) {
if (!e.hasOwnProperty("offsetX")) {
// The polyfill doesn't set this properly
e.offsetX = e.pageX - e.currentTarget.offsetLeft;
e.offsetY = e.pageY - e.currentTarget.offsetTop;
if (e.button == 2) {
// Reset pan and zoom on right click.
layerdict.anotherPointerTapped = false;
// We haven't necessarily had a pointermove event since the interaction started, so make sure we update this now
var ptr = layerdict.pointerStates[e.pointerId];
ptr.distanceTravelled += Math.abs(e.offsetX - ptr.lastX) + Math.abs(e.offsetY - ptr.lastY);
if (e.button == 0 && ptr.distanceTravelled < 10 && - ptr.downTime <= 500) {
if (Object.keys(layerdict.pointerStates).length == 1) {
if (layerdict.anotherPointerTapped) {
// This is the second pointer coming off of a two-finger tap
} else {
// This is just a regular tap
handleMouseClick(e, layerdict);
layerdict.anotherPointerTapped = false;
} else {
// This is the first finger coming off of what could become a two-finger tap
layerdict.anotherPointerTapped = true;
} else {
if (!redrawOnDrag) {
layerdict.anotherPointerTapped = false;
delete layerdict.pointerStates[e.pointerId];
function handlePointerMove(e, layerdict) {
if (!layerdict.pointerStates.hasOwnProperty(e.pointerId)) {
if (!e.hasOwnProperty("offsetX")) {
// The polyfill doesn't set this properly
e.offsetX = e.pageX - e.currentTarget.offsetLeft;
e.offsetY = e.pageY - e.currentTarget.offsetTop;
var thisPtr = layerdict.pointerStates[e.pointerId];
var dx = e.offsetX - thisPtr.lastX;
var dy = e.offsetY - thisPtr.lastY;
// If this number is low on pointer up, we count the action as a click
thisPtr.distanceTravelled += Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy);
if (Object.keys(layerdict.pointerStates).length == 1) {
// This is a simple drag
layerdict.transform.panx += devicePixelRatio * dx / layerdict.transform.zoom;
layerdict.transform.pany += devicePixelRatio * dy / layerdict.transform.zoom;
} else if (Object.keys(layerdict.pointerStates).length == 2) {
var otherPtr = Object.values(layerdict.pointerStates).filter((ptr) => ptr != thisPtr)[0];
var oldDist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(thisPtr.lastX - otherPtr.lastX, 2) + Math.pow(thisPtr.lastY - otherPtr.lastY, 2));
var newDist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e.offsetX - otherPtr.lastX, 2) + Math.pow(e.offsetY - otherPtr.lastY, 2));
var scaleFactor = newDist/oldDist;
if (scaleFactor != NaN) {
layerdict.transform.zoom *= scaleFactor;
var zoomd = (1 - scaleFactor) / layerdict.transform.zoom;
layerdict.transform.panx += devicePixelRatio * otherPtr.lastX * zoomd;
layerdict.transform.pany += devicePixelRatio * otherPtr.lastY * zoomd;
thisPtr.lastX = e.offsetX;
thisPtr.lastY = e.offsetY;
if (redrawOnDrag) {
function handleMouseWheel(e, layerdict) {
var t = layerdict.transform;
var wheeldelta = e.deltaY;
if (e.deltaMode == 1) {
// FF only, scroll by lines
wheeldelta *= 30;
} else if (e.deltaMode == 2) {
wheeldelta *= 300;
var m = Math.pow(1.1, -wheeldelta / 40);
// Limit amount of zoom per tick.
if (m > 2) {
m = 2;
} else if (m < 0.5) {
m = 0.5;
t.zoom *= m;
var zoomd = (1 - m) / t.zoom;
t.panx += devicePixelRatio * e.offsetX * zoomd;
t.pany += devicePixelRatio * e.offsetY * zoomd;
function addMouseHandlers(div, layerdict) {
div.addEventListener("pointerdown", function(e) {
handlePointerDown(e, layerdict);
div.addEventListener("pointermove", function(e) {
handlePointerMove(e, layerdict);
div.addEventListener("pointerup", function(e) {
handlePointerUp(e, layerdict);
var pointerleave = function(e) {
handlePointerLeave(e, layerdict);
div.addEventListener("pointercancel", pointerleave);
div.addEventListener("pointerleave", pointerleave);
div.addEventListener("pointerout", pointerleave);
div.onwheel = function(e) {
handleMouseWheel(e, layerdict);
for (var element of [div,, layerdict.fab,, layerdict.highlight]) {
element.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e) {
}, false);
function setRedrawOnDrag(value) {
redrawOnDrag = value;
writeStorage("redrawOnDrag", value);
function setBoardRotation(value) {
boardRotation = value * 5;
writeStorage("boardRotation", boardRotation);
document.getElementById("rotationDegree").textContent = boardRotation;
function initRender() {
allcanvas = {
front: {
transform: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
s: 1,
panx: 0,
pany: 0,
zoom: 1,
pointerStates: {},
anotherPointerTapped: false,
bg: document.getElementById("F_bg"),
fab: document.getElementById("F_fab"),
silk: document.getElementById("F_slk"),
highlight: document.getElementById("F_hl"),
layer: "F",
back: {
transform: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
s: 1,
panx: 0,
pany: 0,
zoom: 1,
pointerStates: {},
anotherPointerTapped: false,
bg: document.getElementById("B_bg"),
fab: document.getElementById("B_fab"),
silk: document.getElementById("B_slk"),
highlight: document.getElementById("B_hl"),
layer: "B",
addMouseHandlers(document.getElementById("frontcanvas"), allcanvas.front);
addMouseHandlers(document.getElementById("backcanvas"), allcanvas.back);
/* DOM manipulation and misc code */
var bomsplit;
var canvassplit;
var canvaslayout = "default";
var bomlayout = "default";
var initDone = false;
var bomSortFunction = null;
var currentSortColumn = null;
var currentSortOrder = null;
var currentHighlightedRowId;
var highlightHandlers = [];
var moduleIndexToHandler = {};
var highlightedModules = [];
var checkboxes = [];
var bomCheckboxes = "";
var highlightpin1 = false;
var lastClicked;
function dbg(html) {
dbgdiv.innerHTML = html;
function redrawIfInitDone() {
if (initDone) {
function padsVisible(value) {
writeStorage("padsVisible", value);
renderPads = value;
function referencesVisible(value) {
writeStorage("referencesVisible", value);
renderReferences = value;
function valuesVisible(value) {
writeStorage("valuesVisible", value);
renderValues = value;
function setDarkMode(value) {
if (value) {
} else {
writeStorage("darkmode", value);
function layerVisible(visible, frontCavnas, backCanvas, storageString) {
var display = (visible) ? "" : "none"; = display; = display;
writeStorage(storageString, visible);
function fabricationVisible(visible) {
layerVisible(visible, allcanvas.front.fab, allcanvas.back.fab, "fabricationVisible");
function silkscreenVisible(visible) {
layerVisible(visible,,, "silkscreenVisible");
function setHighlightPin1(value) {
writeStorage("highlightpin1", value);
highlightpin1 = value;
function getStoredCheckboxRefs(checkbox) {
function convert(ref) {
var intref = parseInt(ref);
if (isNaN(intref)) {
for (var i = 0; i < pcbdata.modules.length; i++) {
if (pcbdata.modules[i].ref == ref) {
return i;
return -1;
} else {
return intref;
var existingRefs = readStorage("checkbox_" + checkbox);
if (!existingRefs) {
return new Set();
} else {
return new Set(existingRefs.split(",").map(r => convert(r)));
function getCheckboxState(checkbox, references) {
var storedRefsSet = getStoredCheckboxRefs(checkbox);
var currentRefsSet = new Set( => r[1]));
// Get difference of current - stored
var difference = new Set(currentRefsSet);
for (ref of storedRefsSet) {
if (difference.size == 0) {
// All the current refs are stored
return "checked";
} else if (difference.size == currentRefsSet.size) {
// None of the current refs are stored
return "unchecked";
} else {
// Some of the refs are stored
return "indeterminate";
function setBomCheckboxState(checkbox, element, references) {
var state = getCheckboxState(checkbox, references);
element.checked = (state == "checked");
element.indeterminate = (state == "indeterminate");
function createCheckboxChangeHandler(checkbox, references) {
return function() {
refsSet = getStoredCheckboxRefs(checkbox);
if (this.checked) {
// checkbox ticked
for (var ref of references) {
} else {
// checkbox unticked
for (var ref of references) {
writeStorage("checkbox_" + checkbox, [...refsSet].join(","));
function createRowHighlightHandler(rowid, refs) {
return function() {
if (currentHighlightedRowId) {
if (currentHighlightedRowId == rowid) {
currentHighlightedRowId = rowid;
highlightedModules = => r[1]);
function entryMatches(entry) {
// check refs
for (var ref of entry[3]) {
if (ref[0].toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) >= 0) {
return true;
// check extra fields
for (var i in config.extra_fields) {
if (entry[4][i].toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) >= 0) {
return true;
// check value
if (entry[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) >= 0) {
return true;
// check footprint
if (entry[2].toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
function findRefInEntry(entry) {
return entry[3].filter(r => r[0].toLowerCase() == reflookup);
function highlightFilter(s) {
if (!filter) {
return s;
var parts = s.toLowerCase().split(filter);
if (parts.length == 1) {
return s;
var r = "";
var pos = 0;
for (var i in parts) {
if (i > 0) {
r += '<mark class="highlight">' +
s.substring(pos, pos + filter.length) +
pos += filter.length;
r += s.substring(pos, pos + parts[i].length);
pos += parts[i].length;
return r;
function checkboxSetUnsetAllHandler(checkboxname) {
return function() {
var checkboxnum = 0;
while (checkboxnum < checkboxes.length &&
checkboxes[checkboxnum].toLowerCase() != checkboxname.toLowerCase()) {
if (checkboxnum >= checkboxes.length) {
var allset = true;
var checkbox;
var row;
for (row of bombody.childNodes) {
checkbox = row.childNodes[checkboxnum + 1].childNodes[0];
if (!checkbox.checked || checkbox.indeterminate) {
allset = false;
for (row of bombody.childNodes) {
checkbox = row.childNodes[checkboxnum + 1].childNodes[0];
checkbox.checked = !allset;
checkbox.indeterminate = false;
function createColumnHeader(name, cls, comparator) {
var th = document.createElement("TH");
th.innerHTML = name;
th.classList.add(cls); = "pointer";
var span = document.createElement("SPAN");
th.onclick = function() {
if (currentSortColumn && this !== currentSortColumn) {
// Currently sorted by another column
currentSortColumn = null;
currentSortOrder = null;
if (currentSortColumn && this === currentSortColumn) {
// Already sorted by this column
if (currentSortOrder == "asc") {
// Sort by this column, descending order
bomSortFunction = function(a, b) {
return -comparator(a, b);
currentSortOrder = "desc";
} else {
// Unsort
bomSortFunction = null;
currentSortColumn = null;
currentSortOrder = null;
} else {
// Sort by this column, ascending order
bomSortFunction = comparator;
currentSortColumn = this;
currentSortOrder = "asc";
return th;
function populateBomHeader() {
while (bomhead.firstChild) {
var tr = document.createElement("TR");
var th = document.createElement("TH");
checkboxes = bomCheckboxes.split(",").filter((e) => e);
var checkboxCompareClosure = function(checkbox) {
return (a, b) => {
var stateA = getCheckboxState(checkbox, a[3]);
var stateB = getCheckboxState(checkbox, b[3]);
if (stateA > stateB) return -1;
if (stateA < stateB) return 1;
return 0;
for (var checkbox of checkboxes) {
th = createColumnHeader(
checkbox, "bom-checkbox", checkboxCompareClosure(checkbox));
th.onclick = fancyDblClickHandler(
th, th.onclick.bind(th), checkboxSetUnsetAllHandler(checkbox));
tr.appendChild(createColumnHeader("References", "References", (a, b) => {
var i = 0;
while (i < a[3].length && i < b[3].length) {
if (a[3][i] != b[3][i]) return a[3][i] > b[3][i] ? 1 : -1;
return a[3].length - b[3].length;
// Extra fields
if (config.extra_fields.length > 0) {
var extraFieldCompareClosure = function(fieldIndex) {
return (a, b) => {
var fa = a[4][fieldIndex];
var fb = b[4][fieldIndex];
if (fa != fb) return fa > fb ? 1 : -1;
else return 0;
for (var i in config.extra_fields) {
config.extra_fields[i], "extra", extraFieldCompareClosure(i)));
tr.appendChild(createColumnHeader("Value", "Value", (a, b) => {
return valueCompare(a[5], b[5], a[1], b[1]);
tr.appendChild(createColumnHeader("Footprint", "Footprint", (a, b) => {
if (a[2] != b[2]) return a[2] > b[2] ? 1 : -1;
else return 0;
tr.appendChild(createColumnHeader("Quantity", "Quantity", (a, b) => {
return a[3].length - b[3].length;
function populateBomBody() {
while (bom.firstChild) {
highlightHandlers = [];
moduleIndexToHandler = {};
currentHighlightedRowId = null;
var first = true;
switch (canvaslayout) {
case 'F':
bomtable =;
case 'FB':
bomtable =;
case 'B':
bomtable =;
if (bomSortFunction) {
bomtable = bomtable.slice().sort(bomSortFunction);
for (var i in bomtable) {
var bomentry = bomtable[i];
if (filter && !entryMatches(bomentry)) {
var references = bomentry[3];
if (reflookup) {
references = findRefInEntry(bomentry);
if (references.length == 0) {
var tr = document.createElement("TR");
var td = document.createElement("TD");
var rownum = +i + 1; = "bomrow" + rownum;
td.textContent = rownum;
// Checkboxes
for (var checkbox of checkboxes) {
if (checkbox) {
td = document.createElement("TD");
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "checkbox";
input.onchange = createCheckboxChangeHandler(checkbox, references);
setBomCheckboxState(checkbox, input, references);
// References
td = document.createElement("TD");
td.innerHTML = highlightFilter( => r[0]).join(", "));
// Extra fields
for (var i in config.extra_fields) {
td = document.createElement("TD");
td.innerHTML = highlightFilter(bomentry[4][i]);
// Value
td = document.createElement("TD");
td.innerHTML = highlightFilter(bomentry[1]);
// Footprint
td = document.createElement("TD");
td.innerHTML = highlightFilter(bomentry[2]);
// Quantity
td = document.createElement("TD");
td.textContent = bomentry[3].length;
var handler = createRowHighlightHandler(, references);
tr.onmousemove = handler;
handler: handler,
refs: references
for (var refIndex of => r[1])) {
moduleIndexToHandler[refIndex] = handler;
if ((filter || reflookup) && first) {
first = false;
function highlightPreviousRow() {
if (!currentHighlightedRowId) {
highlightHandlers[highlightHandlers.length - 1].handler();
} else {
if (highlightHandlers.length > 1 &&
highlightHandlers[0].id == currentHighlightedRowId) {
highlightHandlers[highlightHandlers.length - 1].handler();
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < highlightHandlers.length - 1; i++) {
if (highlightHandlers[i + 1].id == currentHighlightedRowId) {
function highlightNextRow() {
if (!currentHighlightedRowId) {
} else {
if (highlightHandlers.length > 1 &&
highlightHandlers[highlightHandlers.length - 1].id == currentHighlightedRowId) {
} else {
for (var i = 1; i < highlightHandlers.length; i++) {
if (highlightHandlers[i - 1].id == currentHighlightedRowId) {
function populateBomTable() {
function modulesClicked(moduleIndexes) {
var lastClickedIndex = moduleIndexes.indexOf(lastClicked);
for (var i = 1; i <= moduleIndexes.length; i++) {
var refIndex = moduleIndexes[(lastClickedIndex + i) % moduleIndexes.length];
if (refIndex in moduleIndexToHandler) {
lastClicked = refIndex;
function updateFilter(input) {
filter = input.toLowerCase();
function updateRefLookup(input) {
reflookup = input.toLowerCase();
function changeCanvasLayout(layout) {
switch (layout) {
case 'F':
if (bomlayout != "bom-only") {
case 'B':
if (bomlayout != "bom-only") {
if (bomlayout != "bom-only") {
canvassplit.setSizes([50, 50]);
canvaslayout = layout;
writeStorage("canvaslayout", layout);
function populateMetadata() {
document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = pcbdata.metadata.title;
document.getElementById("revision").innerHTML = "Rev: " + pcbdata.metadata.revision;
document.getElementById("company").innerHTML =;
document.getElementById("filedate").innerHTML =;
if (pcbdata.metadata.title != "") {
document.title = pcbdata.metadata.title + " BOM";
function changeBomLayout(layout) {
switch (layout) {
case 'bom-only':
if (bomsplit) {
bomsplit = null;
canvassplit = null;
document.getElementById("frontcanvas").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("backcanvas").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("bot").style.height = "";
case 'top-bottom':
document.getElementById("frontcanvas").style.display = "";
document.getElementById("backcanvas").style.display = "";
document.getElementById("bot").style.height = "calc(100% - 80px)";
if (bomsplit) {
bomsplit = null;
canvassplit = null;
bomsplit = Split(['#bomdiv', '#canvasdiv'], {
sizes: [50, 50],
onDragEnd: resizeAll,
direction: "vertical",
gutterSize: 5
canvassplit = Split(['#frontcanvas', '#backcanvas'], {
sizes: [50, 50],
gutterSize: 5,
onDragEnd: resizeAll
case 'left-right':
document.getElementById("frontcanvas").style.display = "";
document.getElementById("backcanvas").style.display = "";
document.getElementById("bot").style.height = "calc(100% - 80px)";
if (bomsplit) {
bomsplit = null;
canvassplit = null;
bomsplit = Split(['#bomdiv', '#canvasdiv'], {
sizes: [50, 50],
onDragEnd: resizeAll,
gutterSize: 5
canvassplit = Split(['#frontcanvas', '#backcanvas'], {
sizes: [50, 50],
gutterSize: 5,
direction: "vertical",
onDragEnd: resizeAll
bomlayout = layout;
writeStorage("bomlayout", layout);
function focusFilterField() {
function focusRefLookupField() {
function toggleBomCheckbox(bomrowid, checkboxnum) {
if (!bomrowid || checkboxnum > checkboxes.length) {
var bomrow = document.getElementById(bomrowid);
var checkbox = bomrow.childNodes[checkboxnum].childNodes[0];
checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked;
checkbox.indeterminate = false;
function checkBomCheckbox(bomrowid, checkboxname) {
var checkboxnum = 0;
while (checkboxnum < checkboxes.length &&
checkboxes[checkboxnum].toLowerCase() != checkboxname.toLowerCase()) {
if (!bomrowid || checkboxnum >= checkboxes.length) {
var bomrow = document.getElementById(bomrowid);
var checkbox = bomrow.childNodes[checkboxnum + 1].childNodes[0];
checkbox.checked = true;
checkbox.indeterminate = false;
function setBomCheckboxes(value) {
bomCheckboxes = value;
writeStorage("bomCheckboxes", value);
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
switch (e.key) {
case "n":
if (document.activeElement.type == "text") {
if (currentHighlightedRowId !== null) {
checkBomCheckbox(currentHighlightedRowId, "placed");
case "ArrowUp":
case "ArrowDown":
if (e.altKey) {
switch (e.key) {
case "f":
case "r":
case "z":
case "x":
case "c":
case "v":
case "b":
case "n":
if (e.key >= '1' && e.key <= '9') {
toggleBomCheckbox(currentHighlightedRowId, parseInt(e.key));
function getStorageBooleanOrDefault(storageString, def) {
var b = readStorage(storageString);
if (b === null) {
b = def;
} else {
b = (b == "true");
return b;
function initDefaults() {
bomlayout = readStorage("bomlayout");
if (bomlayout === null) {
bomlayout = config.bom_view;
if (!['bom-only', 'left-right', 'top-bottom'].includes(bomlayout)) {
bomlayout = config.bom_view;
canvaslayout = readStorage("canvaslayout");
if (canvaslayout === null) {
canvaslayout = config.layer_view;
bomCheckboxes = readStorage("bomCheckboxes");
if (bomCheckboxes === null) {
bomCheckboxes = config.checkboxes;
document.getElementById("bomCheckboxes").value = bomCheckboxes;
var b = getStorageBooleanOrDefault("padsVisible", config.show_pads);
document.getElementById("padsCheckbox").checked = b;
b = getStorageBooleanOrDefault("fabricationVisible", config.show_fabrication);
document.getElementById("fabricationCheckbox").checked = b;
b = getStorageBooleanOrDefault("silkscreenVisible", config.show_silkscreen);
document.getElementById("silkscreenCheckbox").checked = b;
b = getStorageBooleanOrDefault("referencesVisible", true);
document.getElementById("referencesCheckbox").checked = b;
b = getStorageBooleanOrDefault("valuesVisible", true);
document.getElementById("valuesCheckbox").checked = b;
b = getStorageBooleanOrDefault("redrawOnDrag", config.redraw_on_drag);
document.getElementById("dragCheckbox").checked = b;
b = getStorageBooleanOrDefault("darkmode", config.dark_mode);
document.getElementById("darkmodeCheckbox").checked = b;
b = getStorageBooleanOrDefault("highlightpin1", config.highlight_pin1);
document.getElementById("highlightpin1Checkbox").checked = b;
boardRotation = readStorage("boardRotation");
if (boardRotation === null) {
boardRotation = config.board_rotation * 5;
} else {
boardRotation = parseInt(boardRotation);
document.getElementById("boardRotation").value = boardRotation / 5;
document.getElementById("rotationDegree").textContent = boardRotation;
window.onload = function(e) {
dbgdiv = document.getElementById("dbg");
bom = document.getElementById("bombody");
bomhead = document.getElementById("bomhead");
filter = "";
reflookup = "";
initDone = true;
// Triggers render
window.onresize = resizeAll;
<div id="topmostdiv" style="width: 100%; height: 100%">
<div id="top">
<div style="float: right;">
<div class="hideonprint menu" style="float: right; margin: 10px; top: 8px;">
<button class="menubtn"></button>
<div class="menu-content">
<label class="menu-label menu-label-top">
<input id="darkmodeCheckbox" type="checkbox" onchange="setDarkMode(this.checked)">
Dark mode
<label class="menu-label">
<input id="padsCheckbox" type="checkbox" checked onchange="padsVisible(this.checked)">
Show footprint pads
<label class="menu-label">
<input id="fabricationCheckbox" type="checkbox" checked onchange="fabricationVisible(this.checked)">
Show fabrication layer
<label class="menu-label">
<input id="silkscreenCheckbox" type="checkbox" checked onchange="silkscreenVisible(this.checked)">
Show silkscreen
<label class="menu-label" style="width: calc(50% - 18px)">
<input id="referencesCheckbox" type="checkbox" checked onchange="referencesVisible(this.checked)">
</label><!-- This comment eats space! All of it!
--><label class="menu-label" style="width: calc(50% - 18px); border-left: 0;">
<input id="valuesCheckbox" type="checkbox" checked onchange="valuesVisible(this.checked)">
<label class="menu-label">
<input id="highlightpin1Checkbox" type="checkbox" onchange="setHighlightPin1(this.checked)">
Highlight first pin
<label class="menu-label">
<input id="dragCheckbox" type="checkbox" checked onchange="setRedrawOnDrag(this.checked)">
Continuous redraw on drag
<label class="menu-label">
<span>Board rotation</span>
<span style="float: right"><span id="rotationDegree">0</span>&#176;</span>
<input id="boardRotation" type="range" min="-36" max="36" value="0" class="slider" oninput="setBoardRotation(this.value)">
<label class="menu-label">
<div style="margin-left: 5px">Bom checkboxes</div>
<input id="bomCheckboxes" class="menu-textbox" type=text
<label class="menu-label">
<span class="shameless-plug">
<span>Created using</span>
<a target="blank" href="">InteractiveHtmlBom</a>
<div class="button-container hideonprint"
style="float: right; margin: 10px; position: relative; top: 8px">
<button id="fl-btn" class="left-most-button" onclick="changeCanvasLayout('F')"
title="Front only">F
<button id="fb-btn" class="middle-button" onclick="changeCanvasLayout('FB')"
title="Front and Back">FB
<button id="bl-btn" class="right-most-button" onclick="changeCanvasLayout('B')"
title="Back only">B
<div class="button-container hideonprint"
style="float: right; margin: 10px; position: relative; top: 8px">
<button id="bom-btn" class="left-most-button" onclick="changeBomLayout('bom-only')"
title="BOM only"></button>
<button id="lr-btn" class="middle-button" onclick="changeBomLayout('left-right')"
title="BOM left, drawings right"></button>
<button id="tb-btn" class="right-most-button" onclick="changeBomLayout('top-bottom')"
title="BOM top, drawings bot"></button>
<div id="fileinfodiv" style="overflow: auto;">
<table class="fileinfo">
<td id="title" class="title" style="width: 70%">
<td id="revision" class="title" style="width: 30%">
<td id="company">
Kicad version
<td id="filedate">
<div id="bot" class="split" style="height: calc(100% - 80px)">
<div id="bomdiv" class="split split-horizontal">
<div style="width: 100%">
<input id="reflookup" class="searchbox reflookup hideonprint" type="text" placeholder="Ref lookup"
<input id="filter" class="searchbox filter hideonprint" type="text" placeholder="Filter"
<div class="button-container hideonprint" style="float: left">
<button id="copy" title="Copy bom table to clipboard"
<div id="dbg"></div>
<table class="bom">
<thead id="bomhead">
<tbody id="bombody">
<div id="canvasdiv" class="split split-horizontal">
<div id="frontcanvas" class="split" touch-action="none" style="overflow: hidden">
<div style="position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%;">
<canvas id="F_bg" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0;"></canvas>
<canvas id="F_fab" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;"></canvas>
<canvas id="F_slk" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 2;"></canvas>
<canvas id="F_hl" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 3;"></canvas>
<div id="backcanvas" class="split" touch-action="none" style="overflow: hidden">
<div style="position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%;">
<canvas id="B_bg" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0;"></canvas>
<canvas id="B_fab" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;"></canvas>
<canvas id="B_slk" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 2;"></canvas>
<canvas id="B_hl" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 3;"></canvas>