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synced 2025-02-19 12:29:35 +00:00
641 lines
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641 lines
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#VRML V2.0 utf8
#kicad StepUp wrl exported
# Copyright (C) 2017, kicad StepUp
# This work is licensed under the [Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode),
# with the following exception:
# To the extent that the creation of electronic designs that use 'Licensed Material' can be considered to be 'Adapted Material',
# then the copyright holder waives article 3 of the license with respect to these designs and any generated files which use data provided
# as part of the 'Licensed Material'.
# You are free to use the library data in your own projects without the obligation to share your project files under this or any other license agreement.
# However, if you wish to redistribute these libraries, or parts thereof (including in modified form) as a collection then the exception above does not apply.
# Please refer to https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-packages3D/blob/master/LICENSE.md for further clarification of the exception.
# Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability.
# These libraries are provided in the hope that they will be useful, but are provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied.
Shape {
appearance Appearance {material DEF IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 Material {
ambientIntensity 0.293
diffuseColor 0.148 0.145 0.145
specularColor 0.18 0.168 0.16
emissiveColor 0.0 0.0 0.0
transparency 0.0
shininess 0.35
Shape {
appearance Appearance {material DEF PIN-02 Material {
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specularColor 0.137 0.145 0.184
emissiveColor 0.0 0.0 0.0
transparency 0.0
shininess 0.4
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
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coord Coordinate { point [0.400 0.500 0.000,-0.400 0.500 0.000,0.400 0.500 1.000,-0.400 0.500 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.500 0.400 0.000,-0.500 -0.400 0.000,-0.500 0.400 1.000,-0.500 -0.400 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.500 0.400 0.000,0.400 0.500 0.000,0.500 0.400 1.000,0.400 0.500 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.500 -0.400 0.000,-0.400 -0.500 0.000,-0.500 -0.400 1.000,-0.400 -0.500 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.500 -0.400 0.000,0.500 0.400 0.000,0.500 -0.400 1.000,0.500 0.400 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.400 -0.500 0.000,-0.500 -0.600 0.000,-0.400 -0.500 1.000,-0.500 -0.600 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.400 -0.500 0.000,0.500 -0.400 0.000,0.400 -0.500 1.000,0.500 -0.400 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.500 -0.600 0.000,-0.500 -1.400 0.000,-0.500 -0.600 1.000,-0.500 -1.400 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.500 -0.600 0.000,0.400 -0.500 0.000,0.500 -0.600 1.000,0.400 -0.500 1.000]
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Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.500 -1.400 0.000,-0.400 -1.500 0.000,-0.500 -1.400 1.000,-0.400 -1.500 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.500 -1.400 0.000,0.500 -0.600 0.000,0.500 -1.400 1.000,0.500 -0.600 1.000]
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Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.400 -1.500 0.000,0.500 -1.400 0.000,0.400 -1.500 1.000,0.500 -1.400 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.500 -1.600 0.000,-0.500 -2.400 0.000,-0.500 -1.600 1.000,-0.500 -2.400 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.500 -1.600 0.000,0.400 -1.500 0.000,0.500 -1.600 1.000,0.400 -1.500 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.500 -2.400 0.000,-0.400 -2.500 0.000,-0.500 -2.400 1.000,-0.400 -2.500 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.400 -2.500 0.000,0.500 -2.400 0.000,0.400 -2.500 1.000,0.500 -2.400 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.500 -2.600 0.000,-0.500 -3.400 0.000,-0.500 -2.600 1.000,-0.500 -3.400 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.500 -2.600 0.000,0.400 -2.500 0.000,0.500 -2.600 1.000,0.400 -2.500 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.500 -3.400 0.000,-0.400 -3.500 0.000,-0.500 -3.400 1.000,-0.400 -3.500 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.500 -3.400 0.000,0.500 -2.600 0.000,0.500 -3.400 1.000,0.500 -2.600 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.400 -3.500 0.000,0.400 -3.500 0.000,-0.400 -3.500 1.000,0.400 -3.500 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.400 -3.500 0.000,0.500 -3.400 0.000,0.400 -3.500 1.000,0.500 -3.400 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-BODY-EPOXY-04 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.126 -1.874 0.000,-0.126 -1.874 -1.118,-0.126 -1.874 0.000,0.126 -1.874 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.126 -1.874 -1.118,-0.126 -2.126 0.000,-0.126 -1.874 0.000,-0.126 -2.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.126 -2.126 -1.118,0.126 -2.126 0.000,-0.126 -2.126 0.000,0.126 -2.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.126 -2.126 0.000,0.126 -1.874 -1.118,0.126 -1.874 0.000,0.126 -2.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.126 -3.126 0.000,0.126 -2.874 -1.118,0.126 -2.874 0.000,0.126 -3.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.126 -2.874 0.000,-0.126 -2.874 -1.118,-0.126 -2.874 0.000,0.126 -2.874 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.126 -2.874 -1.118,-0.126 -3.126 0.000,-0.126 -2.874 0.000,-0.126 -3.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.126 -3.126 -1.118,0.126 -3.126 0.000,-0.126 -3.126 0.000,0.126 -3.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.126 -0.126 0.000,0.126 0.126 -1.118,0.126 0.126 0.000,0.126 -0.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.126 0.126 0.000,-0.126 0.126 -1.118,-0.126 0.126 0.000,0.126 0.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.126 0.126 -1.118,-0.126 -0.126 0.000,-0.126 0.126 0.000,-0.126 -0.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.126 -0.126 -1.118,0.126 -0.126 0.000,-0.126 -0.126 0.000,0.126 -0.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.126 -0.874 0.000,-0.126 -0.874 -1.118,-0.126 -0.874 0.000,0.126 -0.874 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.126 -0.874 -1.118,-0.126 -1.126 0.000,-0.126 -0.874 0.000,-0.126 -1.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.126 -1.126 -1.118,0.126 -1.126 0.000,-0.126 -1.126 0.000,0.126 -1.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.126 -1.126 0.000,0.126 -0.874 -1.118,0.126 -0.874 0.000,0.126 -1.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.126 -1.874 3.299,-0.126 -1.874 1.000,-0.126 -1.874 3.299,0.126 -1.874 1.000]
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Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.126 -1.874 1.000,-0.126 -2.126 3.299,-0.126 -1.874 3.299,-0.126 -2.126 1.000]
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.126 -2.126 1.000,0.126 -2.126 3.299,-0.126 -2.126 3.299,0.126 -2.126 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
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coord Coordinate { point [0.126 -2.126 3.299,0.126 -1.874 1.000,0.126 -1.874 3.299,0.126 -2.126 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
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coord Coordinate { point [0.126 -3.126 3.299,0.126 -2.874 1.000,0.126 -2.874 3.299,0.126 -3.126 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.126 -2.874 3.299,-0.126 -2.874 1.000,-0.126 -2.874 3.299,0.126 -2.874 1.000]
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.126 -3.126 1.000,0.126 -3.126 3.299,-0.126 -3.126 3.299,0.126 -3.126 1.000]
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.126 -1.126 1.000,0.126 -1.126 3.299,-0.126 -1.126 3.299,0.126 -1.126 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.126 -1.126 3.299,0.126 -0.874 1.000,0.126 -0.874 3.299,0.126 -1.126 1.000]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.063 -1.937 -1.181,-0.063 -1.937 -1.181,-0.126 -1.874 -1.118,0.126 -1.874 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.063 -1.937 -1.181,-0.063 -2.063 -1.181,-0.126 -2.126 -1.118,-0.126 -1.874 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.063 -2.063 -1.181,0.063 -2.063 -1.181,-0.126 -2.126 -1.118,0.126 -2.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.063 -2.937 -1.181,-0.063 -2.937 -1.181,-0.126 -2.874 -1.118,0.126 -2.874 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.063 -2.937 -1.181,-0.063 -3.063 -1.181,-0.126 -3.126 -1.118,-0.126 -2.874 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.063 0.063 -1.181,-0.063 0.063 -1.181,-0.126 0.126 -1.118,0.126 0.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.063 0.063 -1.181,-0.063 -0.063 -1.181,-0.126 -0.126 -1.118,-0.126 0.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.063 -0.063 -1.181,0.063 -0.063 -1.181,-0.126 -0.126 -1.118,0.126 -0.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.063 -0.937 -1.181,-0.063 -0.937 -1.181,-0.126 -0.874 -1.118,0.126 -0.874 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.063 -0.937 -1.181,-0.063 -1.063 -1.181,-0.126 -1.126 -1.118,-0.126 -0.874 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.063 -1.063 -1.181,0.063 -1.063 -1.181,-0.126 -1.126 -1.118,0.126 -1.126 -1.118]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.063 -1.937 3.362,0.063 -1.937 3.362,-0.126 -1.874 3.299,0.126 -1.874 3.299]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.063 -2.063 3.362,-0.063 -2.063 3.362,-0.126 -2.126 3.299,0.126 -2.126 3.299]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.063 -3.063 3.362,-0.063 -3.063 3.362,-0.126 -3.126 3.299,0.126 -3.126 3.299]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.063 -0.063 3.362,-0.063 0.063 3.362,-0.126 -0.126 3.299,-0.126 0.126 3.299]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
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