#define BQ25713_ADDRESS 0x6B // I2C address of the BQ25713 #define CHARGEOPTION0_MSB 0x01 #define CHARGEOPTION0_LSB 0x00 #define CHARGECURRENT_MSB 0x03 #define CHARGECURRENT_LSB 0x02 #define MAXCHARGEVOLTAGE_MSB 0x05 #define MAXCHARGEVOLTAGE_LSB 0x04 #define CHARGEOPTION1_MSB 0x31 #define CHARGEOPTION1_LSB 0x30 #define CHARGEOPTION2_MSB 0x33 #define CHARGEOPTION2_LSB 0x32 #define CHARGEOPTION3_MSB 0x35 #define CHARGEOPTION3_LSB 0x34 #define PROCHOTOPTION0_MSB 0x37 #define PROCHOTOPTION0_LSB 0x36 #define PROCHOTOPTION1_MSB 0x39 #define PROCHOTOPTION1_LSB 0x38 #define ADCOPTION_MSB 0x3B #define ADCOPTION_LSB 0x3A #define CHARGERSTATUS_MSB 0x21 #define CHARGERSTATUS_LSB 0x20 #define PROCHOTSTATUS_MSB 0x23 #define PROCHOTSTATUS_LSB 0x22 #define IIN_DPM_MSB 0x25 #define IIN_DPM_LSB 0x24 #define ADCVBUSPSYS_MSB 0x27 #define ADCVBUSPSYS_LSB 0x26 #define ADCIBAT_MSB 0x29 #define ADCIBAT_LSB 0x28 #define ADCIINCMPIN_MSB 0x2B #define ADCIINCMPIN_LSB 0x2A #define ADCVSYSVBAT_MSB 0x2D #define ADCVSYSVBAT_LSB 0x2C #define OTGVOLTAGE_MSB 0x07 #define OTGVOLTAGE_LSB 0x06 #define OTGCURRENT_MSB 0x09 #define OTGCURRENT_LSB 0x08 #define INPUTVOLTAGE_MSB 0x0B #define INPUTVOLTAGE_LSB 0x0A #define MINSYSTEMVOLTAGE_MSB 0x0D #define MINSYSTEMVOLTAGE_LSB 0x0C #define IIN_HOST_MSB 0x0F #define IIN_HOST_LSB 0x0E #define MANUFACTURERID 0x2E #define DEVICEID 0x2F