mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 16:34:33 +00:00
96 lines
3.6 KiB
96 lines
3.6 KiB
param (
[string]$packageName = "LogicAnalyzer"
# Define board types and turbo mode options
$turboModes = @("0", "1")
# Path to the build settings file
$buildSettingsFile = "LogicAnalyzer_Build_Settings.cmake"
# Paths from settings.json
$cmakePath = "${env:USERPROFILE}/.pico-sdk/cmake/v3.28.6/bin/cmake"
$ninjaPath = "${env:USERPROFILE}/.pico-sdk/ninja/v1.12.1/ninja"
$picoSdkPath = "${env:USERPROFILE}/.pico-sdk/sdk/2.0.0"
$picoToolchainPath = "${env:USERPROFILE}/.pico-sdk/toolchain/13_2_Rel1"
# Function to update the build settings file
function Update-BuildSettings {
param (
$content = Get-Content $buildSettingsFile
$content = $content -replace '(set\(BOARD_TYPE ".*"\))', "set(BOARD_TYPE `"$boardType`")"
$content = $content -replace '(set\(TURBO_MODE .*\))', "set(TURBO_MODE $turboMode)"
Set-Content $buildSettingsFile $content
# Get the number of processors
$processorCount = [Environment]::ProcessorCount
# Create the publish directory if it doesn't exist
$publishDir = ".\publish"
if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $publishDir)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $publishDir
} else {
# Clear the publish directory
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "$publishDir\*"
# Loop through each board type and turbo mode combination
foreach ($boardType in $boardTypes) {
foreach ($turboMode in $turboModes) {
# Skip turbo mode for BOARD_PICO_W variants
if ($turboMode -eq "1" -and ($boardType -eq "BOARD_PICO_W" -or $boardType -eq "BOARD_PICO_W_WIFI")) {
# Update the build settings file
Update-BuildSettings -boardType $boardType -turboMode $turboMode
# Clean the build directory
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "build"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "build"
Set-Location -Path "build"
# Set environment variables
$env:PICO_SDK_PATH = $picoSdkPath
$env:PICO_TOOLCHAIN_PATH = $picoToolchainPath
$env:Path = "${env:USERPROFILE}/.pico-sdk/toolchain/13_2_Rel1/bin;${env:USERPROFILE}/.pico-sdk/picotool/2.0.0/picotool;${env:USERPROFILE}/.pico-sdk/cmake/v3.28.6/bin;${env:USERPROFILE}/.pico-sdk/ninja/v1.12.1;${env:Path}"
# Run the CMake configuration command
& $cmakePath -G "Ninja" ..
# Run the CMake build command
& $cmakePath --build . --config Release -- -j $processorCount
# Check if the .uf2 file exists before moving it
$uf2File = "LogicAnalyzer.uf2"
if (Test-Path -Path $uf2File) {
# Determine the final binary name
if ($turboMode -eq "1") {
$binaryName = "${packageName}_${boardType}_Turbo.uf2"
} else {
$binaryName = "${packageName}_${boardType}.uf2"
# Move the generated .uf2 file
Move-Item -Path $uf2File -Destination "..\$publishDir\$binaryName"
} else {
Write-Host "Error: $uf2File not found for $boardType with Turbo $turboMode"
# Return to the root directory
Set-Location -Path ".."
# Compress the .uf2 files and delete the originals
Get-ChildItem -Path $publishDir -Filter *.uf2 | ForEach-Object {
$zipFileName = "$($_.BaseName).zip"
Compress-Archive -Path $_.FullName -DestinationPath "$publishDir\$zipFileName"
Remove-Item -Path $_.FullName
} |