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# Glorified Gimletlet (Gimletlet rev2) User Guide
## General
- Locations on the board will be referenced in terms of compass directions.
There is a North arrow in the northwest corner of the board next to J14.
- All I/O is 3.3V. If you want 5V or 1.8V you will need an external level
## Power
You have three options.
**Note:** early series Gimletlet2 boards are missing C1/C2, which are necessary
for the on-board regulator to operate. If your board is missing these parts (in
the northeast corner) then you must provide 3.3V from an external supply
### Using the barrel jack
J1 is a barrel jack that can accept power from the 12V adapters distributed with
the Gemini bringup boards. This is converted to 3.3V by the regulator U1.
- JP1 (USE JACK), northeast corner: closed
- JP2 (USE REG), west of that: closed
- No other power supply attached.
### Providing off-board 5-12V
To provide off-board power in the range of 5-12V for use by the onboard
regulator, you can open JP1 (USE JACK, northeast corner) and attach a power lead
to its eastern pin. Remember to also connect ground to your supply, through one
of the ground posts or through the southern row of J7/J8 (northeast of SP U2).
- JP2 (USE REG, west of JP1) must be closed for this to work.
- Barrel jack J1 is out of the circuit with JP1 open, so connect it or don't, it
doesn't matter.
### Providing off-board 3.3V
To bypass the onboard regulators entirely, you can provide 3.3V from an external
supply. If you have an early series board that is missing C1/C2, this is your
only option.
- JP2 (USE REG, northeast corner just south of I2C2 header J9): open.
- JP1 (USE JACK): doesn't matter
Apply external power either on the northern pin of JP2, or through any pin on
the north row of J8 (marked 3v3s, northeast of SP U2).
## Programming and recovery
To program the SP, connect an STLink V3 to J15 (SWD, southeast of SP U2) and
apply power to the board through one of the methods above.
SW1 (RESET, southeast of that) resets the SP.
If you want to force the chip into bootloader, e.g. to recover from a really
corrupt firmware image or because you're having a hard time attaching GDB with
the chip in a low-power mode, close JP3 (ROM BOOT, east of SP U2). Remember to
open it again later, or the chip will never leave the bootloader.
## Blinkies
All LEDs are to the south of the big IC U2. All are active high.
- D1 - SP PG2
- D2 - SP PG3
- D3 - SP PG4
- D4 - SP PG5
## PMOD connectors
The board sports ten PMOD-compatible connectors of four types.
### UARTs
UART connectors use the standard PMOD "type 3" pinout.
- J12 (southeast corner): USART1. TX=B6, RX=B7, RTS=A12, CTS=A11.
- J13 (east edge): USART2. TX=D5, RX=D6, RTS=D4, CTS=D3.
- J14 (northwest corner): UART7. TX=E8, RX=E7, RTS=E9, CTS=E10.
### I2C
I2C connectors use the standard PMOD "type 6" pinout.
- J9 (north edge): I2C2. SDA=F0, SCL=F1, SMBA=F2, RESET=F3.
- J10 (south edge): J2C3. SDA=C9, SCL=A8, SMBA=A9, RESET=A10.
- J11 (south edge): I2C4. SDA=F15, SCL=F14, SMBA=F13, RESET=G0.
### SPI
SPI connectors use the standard PMOD "type 2A" pinout.
- J3 (southeast): SPI3. MISO=C11, MOSI=C12, SCK=C10, CS=A15, INT=D0, RESET=D1.
- J4 (southwest): SPI4. MISO=E13, MOSI=E14, SCK=E12, CS=E11, INT=E15, RESET=B10.
- J5 (northeast): SPI6. MISO=G12, MOSI=G14, SCK=G13, CS=G8, INT=G11, RESET=G15.
### QuadSPI
The QuadSPI connector uses a variant on the SPI pinout, since there is no
standard PMOD QuadSPI pinout.
J2 (north edge): QSPI1.
- CLK: F10
- IO0: F8
- IO1: F9
- IO2: F7
- IO3: F6
- CS: G6
F4/F5 are routed to the QSPI connector as extra signals (e.g. write protect,
hold, reset).
## Hacking connectors
Four connectors on the board are intended for random unforeseen uses. They are
labeled on the silkscreen.
- J7: 3x 12V (north row) and GND (south row)
- J8: 3x 3v3 (north row) and GND (south row)
- J16: ground, 3v3, and seven free GPIO
- J17: ground, 3v3, and five free GPIO
## NIC connector and test points
The NIC connector (J6, west edge) is a Hirose DF9 connector intended to support
modular network interface boards. It provides access to RMII, SPI4, and I2C4.
This means that certain NIC cards installed at J6 may interfere with accessories
plugged into J4 (SPI4) and J11 (I2C4). Be warned.
The NIC pinout is a bit long to type here but it's in the schematic.