mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 11:28:06 +00:00
155 lines
5.3 KiB
155 lines
5.3 KiB
import csv
import pandas as pd
from parse import parse_wall_clock_start
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def parse_enhanced_body(body_data, start_time, sampling_interval_ms):
packet_size = 20
sample_index = 1 # global sample index
samples = []
i = 0 # pointer
file_size = 0 # record file_size that has been read (offset)
current_timestamp = None
while i < len(body_data):
packet = body_data[i:i + packet_size]
if len(packet) < packet_size:
counter_ppg = packet[0]
notification_byte_ppg = packet[1]
if notification_byte_ppg != 0x00:
# If the packet is not ppg packet, continue
i += packet_size
# PPG data (6 data, 3-byte each)
# Each sample has 3 PPG measurements
ppg_data = []
for j in range(2, 20, 3):
if j + 2 < 20:
# Combine 3 bytes into a 24-bit integer
ppg_raw = (packet[j] << 16) | (packet[j + 1] << 8) | packet[j + 2]
# Mask off the upper 4 bits (tag bits)
adc_counts = ppg_raw & 0xFFFFF # Keep lower 20 bits
# Convert to signed integer (20-bit two's complement)
if adc_counts & 0x80000: # If sign bit is set
adc_counts -= 0x100000 # Subtract 2^20 to get negative value
sample1_ppg = ppg_data[:3] # First 3 measurements
sample2_ppg = ppg_data[3:] # Next 3 measurements
i += packet_size # move to the next packet
if i >= len(body_data):
break # insufficient data, stop parse
# Parse Accel data packet
packet_accel = body_data[i:i + packet_size]
if len(packet_accel) < packet_size:
break # insufficient data
counter_accel = packet_accel[0]
notification_byte_accel = packet_accel[1]
if notification_byte_accel != 0x01:
# If the packet is not accelerometer data, skip
i += packet_size
# Extract accel data
accel_data = []
for j in range(2, 14, 2):
if j + 1 < 20:
accel_raw = (packet_accel[j] << 8) | packet_accel[j + 1]
if accel_raw & 0x8000:
# if the accel data is negative
accel_raw -= 0x10000
# Split into 2 samples
sample1_accel = accel_data[:3]
sample2_accel = accel_data[3:]
i += packet_size
# Combine sample ppg and accel data
if sample_index == 1:
current_timestamp = start_time + timedelta(milliseconds=counter_accel)
current_timestamp += timedelta(milliseconds=sampling_interval_ms)
# Sample 1
'Timestamp[Day.Month.Year Hour:Minute:Second:Milisecond]': current_timestamp.strftime(
'%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S:%f')[:-3],
'Sample_Index': sample_index,
'Counter_PPG': counter_ppg,
'Counter_Accel': counter_accel,
# 'PPG_Data': sample1_ppg,
'LED1_PPG1': sample1_ppg[0],
'LED2_PPG1': sample1_ppg[1],
'LED3_PPG1': sample1_ppg[2],
# 'Accel_Data': sample1_accel
'ACC_X[mg]': sample1_accel[0],
'ACC_Y[mg]': sample1_accel[1],
'ACC_Z[mg]': sample1_accel[2]
sample_index += 1
current_timestamp += timedelta(milliseconds=sampling_interval_ms)
# Sample 2
'Timestamp[Day.Month.Year Hour:Minute:Second:Milisecond]': current_timestamp.strftime(
'%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S:%f')[:-3],
'Sample_Index': sample_index,
'Counter_PPG': counter_ppg,
'Counter_Accel': counter_accel,
# 'PPG_Data': sample2_ppg,
'LED1_PPG1': sample2_ppg[0],
'LED2_PPG1': sample2_ppg[1],
'LED3_PPG1': sample2_ppg[2],
# 'Accel_Data': sample2_accel
'ACC_X[mg]': sample2_accel[0],
'ACC_Y[mg]': sample2_accel[1],
'ACC_Z[mg]': sample2_accel[2]
sample_index += 1
return samples
# Load the binary file
FILE_PATH = r"D:\OneDrive\Desktop\Graduate Project\log\20241012\MAX86176_1012_120657.bin"
HEADER_SIZE = 18 * 7 # The header is 18 * 7 = 126 bytes
OUTPUT_CSV_FILE_PATH = './parsed_data.csv'
# Reading the binary file
with open(FILE_PATH, 'rb') as f:
file_content = f.read()
# file_content = file_content.replace('\n', '').replace(' ','')
# byte_data = bytes.fromhex(file_content)
header = file_content[:HEADER_SIZE]
start_time = parse_wall_clock_start(header)
print(f"Start Time: {start_time}")
body = file_content[HEADER_SIZE:]
sampling_interval_ms = (1 / ACTUAL_FRAME_RATE) * 1000 # ms
# Parsing the body with the new format for PPG and Accelerometer data
samples = parse_enhanced_body(body, start_time, sampling_interval_ms)
# Converting to a DataFrame for visualization
df_samples = pd.DataFrame(samples)
# Calculate elapsed time and timestamps
# Exporting the parsed PPG and Accelerometer data to a CSV file
df_samples.to_csv(OUTPUT_CSV_FILE_PATH, index=False, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)