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%% Input basic information for file names
experimentNumber = '20241005-breatheAndHold';
subject = '2(Han)';
excelDataFilePath = "D:\OneDrive\Desktop\Graduate Project\log\20241005\Han\breatheAndHold_MAX86176_20241005_132717_PPG.csv"
PPGTitle="LED1\_PPG data from experiment" + experimentNumber + " for subject" +subject;
accTitle="Accelerometer Data from experiment"+experimentNumber+" for subject"+subject;
finalTitle = "Accelerometer and PPG Data from experiment"+experimentNumber+" for subjet"+subject ;
exportPath = "./Subject" + subject + "/experiment" +experimentNumber;
if ~exist(exportPath,'dir')
%% Read the Excel file
%% read CSV and explicitly denote delimiter
opts = detectImportOptions(excelDataFilePath, 'Delimiter', ',');
% Make sure the first row is variable names
opts.VariableNamesLine = 1;
% read csv
data = readtable(excelDataFilePath, opts);
%% Preprocessing data
% Replace the colon before milliseconds with a period
% Get the number of timestamps
num_timestamps = length(data.Timestamp_Day_Month_YearHour_Minute_Second_Milisecond_);
% Initialize the modified timestamp column
data.Timestamp_modified = cell(num_timestamps, 1);
for i = 1:num_timestamps
timestamp_str = data.Timestamp_Day_Month_YearHour_Minute_Second_Milisecond_{i};
% using regular expression to match second and millisecond parts
tokens = regexp(timestamp_str, '(\d{2}):(\d{1,3})$', 'tokens');
if ~isempty(tokens)
seconds_part = tokens{1}{1};
milliseconds_part = tokens{1}{2};
% append the millisecond part to 3 digits
milliseconds_padded = sprintf('%03d', str2double(milliseconds_part));
% replace colon with dot
timestamp_modified = regexprep(timestamp_str, '(\d{2}):(\d{1,3})$', [seconds_part '.' milliseconds_padded]);
data.Timestamp_modified{i} = timestamp_modified;
% if the timestamp does not matchrecord warning information
data.Timestamp_modified{i} = timestamp_str;
warning('format of timestamp does not matchcannot parse%s', timestamp_str);
% Parse the appended timestamps to datetime object
data.Time_in_datetime = datetime(data.Timestamp_modified, 'InputFormat', 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS');
elapsed_time = seconds(data.Time_in_datetime - data.Time_in_datetime(1));
time = elapsed_time; % Use datetime timestamps
%% Plot PPG data
% %% Use sliding windows to plot LED1_PPG1
% %
% fs = 250;
% window_size = 15 * fs;
% step_size = 4 * window_size / 5;
% num_samples = length(data.LED1_PPG1);
% time = elapsed_time; % Use datetime timestamps
% for i = 1:step_size:(num_samples - window_size + 1)
% % Get data for the current window
% window_data = data.LED1_PPG1(i:i + window_size - 1);
% window_time = time(i:i + window_size - 1);
% % Plot the data
% figure;
% set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 800, 600]);
% plot(window_time, window_data, 'Color','#800080','LineWidth', 2 , 'DisplayName', 'LED1\_PPG1');
% xlabel('Time (Seconds)');
% ylabel('PPG signals');
% % Calculate the start and end time of the windows
% time_start_datetime = data.Time_in_datetime(1) + seconds(window_time(1));
% time_end_datetime = data.Time_in_datetime(1) + seconds(window_time(end));
% title(['LED1\_PPG1, window: ', datestr(time_start_datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'), ' - ', datestr(time_end_datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS')]);
% % title(['LED1\_PPG1, Time window: ', datestr(window_time(1)), ' - ', datestr(window_time(end))]);
% xlim([window_time(1), window_time(end)]);
% grid on;
% legend('Location', 'eastoutside');
% % Prepare filename-friendly timestamps
% filename_start = datestr(time_start_datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd_HH-MM-SS-FFF');
% filename_end = datestr(time_end_datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd_HH-MM-SS-FFF');
% % Export the figure
% exportgraphics(gcf, fullfile(exportPath, ['PPG_LED1_data_for_experiment_', experimentNumber, '_subject_', subject, '_window_', filename_start, '_to_', filename_end, '.png']), 'Resolution', 1000);
% % Close the figure
% % close;
% end
%% LED1_PPG1
% plot LED1_PPG1
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 800, 600]); % add just window size [x, y, width, height]
plot(time, data.LED1_PPG1, 'Color','#800080','LineWidth', 2 , 'DisplayName', 'LED1\_PPG1');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel('PPG signals');
xlim([0 max(time)])
% ylim([min_value_LED1 - padding_LED1, max_value_LED1 + padding_LED1]); % set range of y-axis
grid on;
% export
exportgraphics(gcf, exportPath+"\PPG_LED1_data_for_experiment"+ experimentNumber +"_subject"+subject+".png", 'Resolution', 1000);
%% LED2_PPG1
% Use sliding windows to plot LED2_PPG1
fs = 250;
window_size = 15 * fs;
step_size = 4 * window_size / 5;
num_samples = length(data.LED2_PPG1);
time = elapsed_time; % Use datetime timestamps
for i = 1:step_size:(num_samples - window_size + 1)
% Get data for the current window
window_data = data.LED2_PPG1(i:i + window_size - 1);
window_time = time(i:i + window_size - 1);
% Plot the data
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 800, 600]);
plot(window_time, window_data, 'Color','#FF0000','LineWidth', 2 , 'DisplayName', 'LED2\_PPG1');
xlabel('Time (Seconds)');
ylabel('PPG signals');
% Calculate the start and end time of the windows
time_start_datetime = data.Time_in_datetime(1) + seconds(window_time(1));
time_end_datetime = data.Time_in_datetime(1) + seconds(window_time(end));
title(['LED2\_PPG1, window: ', datestr(time_start_datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'), ' - ', datestr(time_end_datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS')]);
% title(['LED1\_PPG1, Time window: ', datestr(window_time(1)), ' - ', datestr(window_time(end))]);
xlim([window_time(1), window_time(end)]);
grid on;
legend('Location', 'eastoutside');
% Prepare filename-friendly timestamps
filename_start = datestr(time_start_datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd_HH-MM-SS-FFF');
filename_end = datestr(time_end_datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd_HH-MM-SS-FFF');
% Export the figure
exportgraphics(gcf, fullfile(exportPath, ['PPG_LED2_data_for_experiment_', experimentNumber, '_subject_', subject, '_window_', filename_start, '_to_', filename_end, '.png']), 'Resolution', 1000);
% Close the figure
% close;
% plot LED2_PPG1
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 800, 600]); %
plot(time, data.LED2_PPG1, 'Color','#FF0000','LineWidth', 2 , 'DisplayName', 'LED2\_PPG1');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel('PPG signals');
xlim([0 max(time)])
grid on;
% export LED2 graph
exportgraphics(gcf, exportPath+"\PPG_LED2_data_for_experiment"+ experimentNumber +"_subject"+subject+".png", 'Resolution', 1000);
%% LED3_PPG1
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 800, 600]); %
plot(time, data.LED3_PPG1, 'Color','#990000','LineWidth', 2 , 'DisplayName', 'LED3\_PPG1');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel('PPG signals');
xlim([0 max(time)])
% ylim([min_value_LED3 - padding_LED3, max_value_LED3 + padding_LED3]); %
grid on;
exportgraphics(gcf, exportPath+"\PPG_LED3_data_for_experiment"+ experimentNumber +"_subject"+subject+".png", 'Resolution', 1000);
%% Plot Accelerometer Data
% Plot accelerometer data
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 800, 600]); % [x, y, width, height]
hold on;
plot(time, data.ACC_X_mg_, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2, 'DisplayName', 'ACC_X');
plot(time, data.ACC_Y_mg_, 'g', 'LineWidth', 2, 'DisplayName', 'ACC_Y');
plot(time, data.ACC_Z_mg_, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2, 'DisplayName', 'ACC_Z');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel('Acceleration (mg)');
grid on;
hold off;
xlim([0 max(time)])
exportgraphics(gcf, exportPath+"\acc data for experiment"+ experimentNumber +" of subject"+subject+".png", 'Resolution', 1000);