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* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Torsten Hueter, torstenhtr <at> gmx.de
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 CERN
* Copyright The KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* @author Tomasz Wlostowski <tomasz.wlostowski@cern.ch>
* @author Maciej Suminski <maciej.suminski@cern.ch>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <pgm_base.h>
#include <core/profile.h>
#include <view/view.h>
#include <view/wx_view_controls.h>
#include <view/zoom_controller.h>
#include <gal/graphics_abstraction_layer.h>
#include <tool/tool_dispatcher.h>
#include <trace_helpers.h>
#include <settings/common_settings.h>
#include <math/util.h> // for KiROUND
#include <geometry/geometry_utils.h>
#include <widgets/ui_common.h>
#include <class_draw_panel_gal.h>
#include <eda_draw_frame.h>
#include <kiway.h>
#include <kiplatform/ui.h>
#include <wx/log.h>
#ifdef __WXMSW__
using namespace KIGFX;
const wxEventType WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::EVT_REFRESH_MOUSE = wxNewEventType();
static std::unique_ptr<ZOOM_CONTROLLER> GetZoomControllerForPlatform( bool aAcceleration )
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// On Apple pointer devices, wheel events occur frequently and with
// smaller rotation values. For those devices, let's handle zoom
// based on the rotation amount rather than the time difference.
#elif __WXGTK3__
// GTK3 is similar, but the scale constant is smaller
if( aAcceleration )
return std::make_unique<ACCELERATING_ZOOM_CONTROLLER>();
VIEW_CONTROLS( aView ), m_state( IDLE ), m_parentPanel( aParentPanel ),
m_scrollScale( 1.0, 1.0 ), m_cursorPos( 0, 0 ), m_updateCursor( true ),
m_infinitePanWorks( false ), m_gestureLastZoomFactor( 1.0 )
m_MotionEventCounter = std::make_unique<PROF_COUNTER>( "Mouse motion events" );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_MOTION,
wxMouseEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onMotion ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_MAGNIFY,
wxMouseEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onMagnify ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL,
wxMouseEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onWheel ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP,
wxMouseEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onButton ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN,
wxMouseEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onButton ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_LEFT_UP,
wxMouseEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onButton ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN,
wxMouseEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onButton ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_RIGHT_UP,
wxMouseEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onButton ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN,
wxMouseEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onButton ), nullptr, this );
#if defined __WXMSW__
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW,
wxMouseEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onEnter ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW,
wxMouseEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onLeave ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK,
wxScrollWinEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onScroll ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP,
wxScrollWinEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onScroll ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN,
wxScrollWinEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onScroll ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM,
wxScrollWinEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onScroll ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP,
wxScrollWinEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onScroll ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP,
wxScrollWinEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onScroll ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN,
wxScrollWinEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onScroll ), nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST,
wxMouseEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onCaptureLost ), nullptr, this );
#ifndef __WXOSX__
if( m_parentPanel->EnableTouchEvents( wxTOUCH_ZOOM_GESTURE | wxTOUCH_PAN_GESTURES ) )
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_GESTURE_ZOOM,
wxZoomGestureEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onZoomGesture ),
nullptr, this );
m_parentPanel->Connect( wxEVT_GESTURE_PAN,
wxPanGestureEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onPanGesture ), nullptr,
this );
m_cursorWarped = false;
m_panTimer.SetOwner( this );
Connect( wxEVT_TIMER, wxTimerEventHandler( WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onTimer ), nullptr, this );
m_settings.m_lastKeyboardCursorPositionValid = false;
m_settings.m_lastKeyboardCursorPosition = { 0.0, 0.0 };
m_settings.m_lastKeyboardCursorCommand = 0;
if( m_parentPanel->HasCapture() )
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::LoadSettings()
COMMON_SETTINGS* cfg = Pgm().GetCommonSettings();
m_settings.m_warpCursor = cfg->m_Input.center_on_zoom;
m_settings.m_focusFollowSchPcb = cfg->m_Input.focus_follow_sch_pcb;
m_settings.m_autoPanSettingEnabled = cfg->m_Input.auto_pan;
m_settings.m_autoPanAcceleration = cfg->m_Input.auto_pan_acceleration;
m_settings.m_horizontalPan = cfg->m_Input.horizontal_pan;
m_settings.m_zoomAcceleration = cfg->m_Input.zoom_acceleration;
m_settings.m_zoomSpeed = cfg->m_Input.zoom_speed;
m_settings.m_zoomSpeedAuto = cfg->m_Input.zoom_speed_auto;
m_settings.m_scrollModifierZoom = cfg->m_Input.scroll_modifier_zoom;
m_settings.m_scrollModifierPanH = cfg->m_Input.scroll_modifier_pan_h;
m_settings.m_scrollModifierPanV = cfg->m_Input.scroll_modifier_pan_v;
m_settings.m_dragLeft = cfg->m_Input.drag_left;
m_settings.m_dragMiddle = cfg->m_Input.drag_middle;
m_settings.m_dragRight = cfg->m_Input.drag_right;
m_settings.m_scrollReverseZoom = cfg->m_Input.reverse_scroll_zoom;
m_settings.m_scrollReversePanH = cfg->m_Input.reverse_scroll_pan_h;
if( cfg->m_Input.zoom_speed_auto )
m_zoomController = GetZoomControllerForPlatform( cfg->m_Input.zoom_acceleration );
if( cfg->m_Input.zoom_acceleration )
m_zoomController =
std::make_unique<ACCELERATING_ZOOM_CONTROLLER>( cfg->m_Input.zoom_speed );
double scale = CONSTANT_ZOOM_CONTROLLER::MANUAL_SCALE_FACTOR * cfg->m_Input.zoom_speed;
m_zoomController = std::make_unique<CONSTANT_ZOOM_CONTROLLER>( scale );
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onMotion( wxMouseEvent& aEvent )
( *m_MotionEventCounter )++;
// Because Weston sends a motion event to previous location after warping the pointer
wxPoint mouseRel = m_parentPanel->ScreenToClient( KIPLATFORM::UI::GetMousePosition() );
bool isAutoPanning = false;
int x = mouseRel.x;
int y = mouseRel.y;
VECTOR2D mousePos( x, y );
// Automatic focus switching between SCH and PCB windows on canvas mouse motion
if( m_settings.m_focusFollowSchPcb )
if( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* frame = m_parentPanel->GetParentEDAFrame() )
KIWAY_PLAYER* otherFrame = nullptr;
if( frame->IsType( FRAME_PCB_EDITOR ) )
otherFrame = frame->Kiway().Player( FRAME_SCH, false );
else if( frame->IsType( FRAME_SCH ) )
otherFrame = frame->Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB_EDITOR, false );
if( otherFrame && KIPLATFORM::UI::IsWindowActive( otherFrame )
&& !KIPLATFORM::UI::IsWindowActive( frame ) )
if( m_state != DRAG_PANNING && m_state != DRAG_ZOOMING )
handleCursorCapture( x, y );
if( m_settings.m_autoPanEnabled && m_settings.m_autoPanSettingEnabled )
isAutoPanning = handleAutoPanning( aEvent );
if( !isAutoPanning && aEvent.Dragging() )
if( m_state == DRAG_PANNING )
static bool justWarped = false;
int warpX = 0;
int warpY = 0;
wxSize parentSize = m_parentPanel->GetClientSize();
if( x < 0 )
warpX = parentSize.x;
else if(x >= parentSize.x )
warpX = -parentSize.x;
if( y < 0 )
warpY = parentSize.y;
else if( y >= parentSize.y )
warpY = -parentSize.y;
if( !justWarped )
VECTOR2D d = m_dragStartPoint - mousePos;
m_dragStartPoint = mousePos;
VECTOR2D delta = m_view->ToWorld( d, false );
m_view->SetCenter( m_view->GetCenter() + delta );
if( warpX || warpY )
if( !justWarped )
if( m_infinitePanWorks
&& KIPLATFORM::UI::WarpPointer( m_parentPanel, x + warpX, y + warpY ) )
m_dragStartPoint += VECTOR2D( warpX, warpY );
justWarped = true;
justWarped = false;
justWarped = false;
else if( m_state == DRAG_ZOOMING )
static bool justWarped = false;
int warpY = 0;
wxSize parentSize = m_parentPanel->GetClientSize();
if( y < 0 )
warpY = parentSize.y;
else if( y >= parentSize.y )
warpY = -parentSize.y;
if( !justWarped )
VECTOR2D d = m_dragStartPoint - mousePos;
m_dragStartPoint = mousePos;
double scale = exp( d.y * m_settings.m_zoomSpeed * 0.001 );
wxLogTrace( traceZoomScroll, wxString::Format( "dy: %f scale: %f", d.y, scale ) );
m_view->SetScale( m_view->GetScale() * scale, m_view->ToWorld( m_zoomStartPoint ) );
if( warpY )
if( !justWarped )
KIPLATFORM::UI::WarpPointer( m_parentPanel, x, y + warpY );
m_dragStartPoint += VECTOR2D( 0, warpY );
justWarped = true;
justWarped = false;
justWarped = false;
if( m_updateCursor ) // do not update the cursor position if it was explicitly set
m_cursorPos = GetClampedCoords( m_view->ToWorld( mousePos ) );
m_updateCursor = true;
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onWheel( wxMouseEvent& aEvent )
const double wheelPanSpeed = 0.001;
const int axis = aEvent.GetWheelAxis();
if( axis == wxMOUSE_WHEEL_HORIZONTAL && !m_settings.m_horizontalPan )
// Pick the modifier, if any. Shift beats control beats alt, we don't support more than one.
int nMods = 0;
int modifiers = 0;
if( aEvent.ShiftDown() )
nMods += 1;
modifiers = WXK_SHIFT;
if( aEvent.ControlDown() )
nMods += 1;
modifiers = modifiers == 0 ? WXK_CONTROL : modifiers;
if( aEvent.AltDown() )
nMods += 1;
modifiers = modifiers == 0 ? WXK_ALT : modifiers;
// Zero or one modifier is view control
if( nMods <= 1 )
// Restrict zoom handling to the vertical axis, otherwise horizontal
// scrolling events (e.g. touchpads and some mice) end up interpreted
// as vertical scroll events and confuse the user.
if( modifiers == m_settings.m_scrollModifierZoom && axis == wxMOUSE_WHEEL_VERTICAL )
const int rotation =
aEvent.GetWheelRotation() * ( m_settings.m_scrollReverseZoom ? -1 : 1 );
const double zoomScale = m_zoomController->GetScaleForRotation( rotation );
if( IsCursorWarpingEnabled() )
m_view->SetScale( m_view->GetScale() * zoomScale );
const VECTOR2D anchor = m_view->ToWorld( VECTOR2D( aEvent.GetX(), aEvent.GetY() ) );
m_view->SetScale( m_view->GetScale() * zoomScale, anchor );
// Refresh the zoom level and mouse position on message panel
// (mouse position has not changed, only the zoom level has changed):
refreshMouse( true );
// Scrolling
VECTOR2D scrollVec = m_view->ToWorld( m_view->GetScreenPixelSize(), false )
* ( (double) aEvent.GetWheelRotation() * wheelPanSpeed );
double scrollX = 0.0;
double scrollY = 0.0;
bool hReverse = false;
hReverse = m_settings.m_scrollReversePanH;
if( axis == wxMOUSE_WHEEL_HORIZONTAL || modifiers == m_settings.m_scrollModifierPanH )
if( hReverse )
scrollX = scrollVec.x;
scrollX = ( axis == wxMOUSE_WHEEL_HORIZONTAL ) ? scrollVec.x : -scrollVec.x;
scrollY = -scrollVec.y;
VECTOR2D delta( scrollX, scrollY );
m_view->SetCenter( m_view->GetCenter() + delta );
refreshMouse( true );
// Do not skip this event, otherwise wxWidgets will fire
// 3 wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP or wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN (normal wxWidgets behavior)
// and we do not want that.
// When we have multiple mods, forward it for tool handling
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onMagnify( wxMouseEvent& aEvent )
// Scale based on the magnification from our underlying magnification event.
VECTOR2D anchor = m_view->ToWorld( VECTOR2D( aEvent.GetX(), aEvent.GetY() ) );
m_view->SetScale( m_view->GetScale() * ( aEvent.GetMagnification() + 1.0f ), anchor );
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::setState( STATE aNewState )
m_state = aNewState;
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onButton( wxMouseEvent& aEvent )
switch( m_state )
case IDLE:
if( ( aEvent.MiddleDown() && m_settings.m_dragMiddle == MOUSE_DRAG_ACTION::PAN ) ||
( aEvent.RightDown() && m_settings.m_dragRight == MOUSE_DRAG_ACTION::PAN ) )
m_dragStartPoint = VECTOR2D( aEvent.GetX(), aEvent.GetY() );
setState( DRAG_PANNING );
m_infinitePanWorks = KIPLATFORM::UI::InfiniteDragPrepareWindow( m_parentPanel );
if( !m_parentPanel->HasCapture() )
else if( ( aEvent.MiddleDown() && m_settings.m_dragMiddle == MOUSE_DRAG_ACTION::ZOOM ) ||
( aEvent.RightDown() && m_settings.m_dragRight == MOUSE_DRAG_ACTION::ZOOM ) )
m_dragStartPoint = VECTOR2D( aEvent.GetX(), aEvent.GetY() );
m_zoomStartPoint = m_dragStartPoint;
setState( DRAG_ZOOMING );
if( !m_parentPanel->HasCapture() )
if( aEvent.LeftUp() )
setState( IDLE ); // Stop autopanning when user release left mouse button
if( aEvent.MiddleUp() || aEvent.LeftUp() || aEvent.RightUp() )
setState( IDLE );
if( !m_settings.m_cursorCaptured && m_parentPanel->HasCapture() )
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onEnter( wxMouseEvent& aEvent )
// Avoid stealing focus from text controls
// This is particularly important for users using On-Screen-Keyboards
// They may move the mouse over the canvas to reach the keyboard
if( KIUI::IsInputControlFocused() )
#if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( __WXGTK__ )
// Win32 and some *nix WMs transmit mouse move and wheel events to all controls below the
// mouse regardless of focus. Forcing the focus here will cause the EDA FRAMES to immediately
// become the top level active window.
if( m_parentPanel->GetParent() != nullptr )
// this assumes the parent panel's parent is the eda window
if( KIPLATFORM::UI::IsWindowActive( m_parentPanel->GetParent() ) )
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onLeave( wxMouseEvent& aEvent )
#if !defined USE_MOUSE_CAPTURE
onMotion( aEvent );
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onCaptureLost( wxMouseEvent& aEvent )
// This method must be present to suppress the capture-lost assertion
// Set the flag to allow calling m_parentPanel->CaptureMouse()
// Note: One cannot call m_parentPanel->CaptureMouse() twice, this is not accepted
// by wxWidgets (MSW specific) so we need this guard
m_parentPanel->m_MouseCapturedLost = true;
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onTimer( wxTimerEvent& aEvent )
switch( m_state )
if( !m_settings.m_autoPanEnabled )
setState( IDLE );
#ifdef __WXMSW__
// Hackfix: It's possible for the mouse to leave the canvas
// without triggering any leave events on windows
// Use a MSW only wx function
if( !m_parentPanel->IsMouseInWindow() )
setState( IDLE );
if( !m_parentPanel->HasFocus() && !m_parentPanel->StatusPopupHasFocus() )
setState( IDLE );
double borderSize = std::min( m_settings.m_autoPanMargin * m_view->GetScreenPixelSize().x,
m_settings.m_autoPanMargin * m_view->GetScreenPixelSize().y );
// When the mouse cursor is outside the area with no pan,
// m_panDirection is the dist to this area limit ( in pixels )
// It will be used also as pan value (the pan speed depends on this dist).
VECTOR2D dir( m_panDirection );
// When the mouse cursor is outside the area with no pan, the pan value
// is accelerated depending on the dist between the area and the cursor
float accel = 0.5f + ( m_settings.m_autoPanAcceleration / 5.0f );
// For a small mouse cursor dist to area, just use the distance.
// But for a dist > borderSize / 2, use an accelerated pan value
if( dir.EuclideanNorm() >= borderSize ) // far from area limits
dir = dir.Resize( borderSize * accel );
else if( dir.EuclideanNorm() > borderSize / 2 ) // Near from area limits
dir = dir.Resize( borderSize );
dir = m_view->ToWorld( dir, false );
m_view->SetCenter( m_view->GetCenter() + dir );
refreshMouse( true );
case IDLE: // Just remove unnecessary warnings
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onZoomGesture( wxZoomGestureEvent& aEvent )
if( aEvent.IsGestureStart() )
m_gestureLastZoomFactor = 1.0;
m_gestureLastPos = VECTOR2D( aEvent.GetPosition().x, aEvent.GetPosition().y );
VECTOR2D evtPos( aEvent.GetPosition().x, aEvent.GetPosition().y );
VECTOR2D deltaWorld = m_view->ToWorld( evtPos - m_gestureLastPos, false );
m_view->SetCenter( m_view->GetCenter() - deltaWorld );
m_view->SetScale( m_view->GetScale() * aEvent.GetZoomFactor() / m_gestureLastZoomFactor,
m_view->ToWorld( evtPos ) );
m_gestureLastZoomFactor = aEvent.GetZoomFactor();
m_gestureLastPos = evtPos;
refreshMouse( true );
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onPanGesture( wxPanGestureEvent& aEvent )
VECTOR2I screenDelta( aEvent.GetDelta().x, aEvent.GetDelta().y );
VECTOR2D deltaWorld = m_view->ToWorld( screenDelta, false );
m_view->SetCenter( m_view->GetCenter() - deltaWorld );
refreshMouse( true );
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onScroll( wxScrollWinEvent& aEvent )
const double linePanDelta = 0.05;
const double pagePanDelta = 0.5;
int type = aEvent.GetEventType();
int dir = aEvent.GetOrientation();
auto center = m_view->GetCenter();
const auto& boundary = m_view->GetBoundary();
// Flip scroll direction in flipped view
const double xstart = ( m_view->IsMirroredX() ?
boundary.GetRight() : boundary.GetLeft() );
const double xdelta = ( m_view->IsMirroredX() ? -1 : 1 );
if( dir == wxHORIZONTAL )
center.x = xstart + xdelta * ( aEvent.GetPosition() / m_scrollScale.x );
center.y = boundary.GetTop() + aEvent.GetPosition() / m_scrollScale.y;
m_view->SetCenter( center );
else if( type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE ||
type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP ||
// Do nothing on thumb release, we don't care about it.
// We don't have a concept of top or bottom in our viewport, so ignore those events.
double dist = 0;
if( type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP )
dist = pagePanDelta;
else if( type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN )
dist = -pagePanDelta;
else if( type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP )
dist = linePanDelta;
else if( type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN )
dist = -linePanDelta;
wxCHECK_MSG( false, /* void */, wxT( "Unhandled event type" ) );
VECTOR2D scroll = m_view->ToWorld( m_view->GetScreenPixelSize(), false ) * dist;
double scrollX = 0.0;
double scrollY = 0.0;
if ( dir == wxHORIZONTAL )
scrollX = -scroll.x;
scrollY = -scroll.y;
VECTOR2D delta( scrollX, scrollY );
m_view->SetCenter( m_view->GetCenter() + delta );
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::CaptureCursor( bool aEnabled )
// Note: for some reason, m_parentPanel->HasCapture() can be false even if CaptureMouse()
// was called (i.e. mouse was captured, so when need to test m_MouseCapturedLost to be
// sure a wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST event was fired before. Otherwise wxMSW complains
// The IsModalDialogFocused is checked because it's possible to start a capture
// due to event ordering while a modal dialog was just opened, the mouse capture steels focus
// from the modal and causes odd behavior
if( aEnabled && !m_parentPanel->HasCapture() && m_parentPanel->m_MouseCapturedLost
&& !KIUI::IsModalDialogFocused() )
// Clear the flag to allow calling m_parentPanel->CaptureMouse()
// Calling it without calling ReleaseMouse() is not accepted by wxWidgets (MSW specific)
m_parentPanel->m_MouseCapturedLost = false;
else if( !aEnabled && m_parentPanel->HasCapture()
&& m_state != DRAG_PANNING && m_state != DRAG_ZOOMING )
// Mouse is released, calling CaptureMouse() is allowed now:
m_parentPanel->m_MouseCapturedLost = true;
VIEW_CONTROLS::CaptureCursor( aEnabled );
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::CancelDrag()
if( m_state == DRAG_PANNING || m_state == DRAG_ZOOMING )
setState( IDLE );
if( !m_settings.m_cursorCaptured && m_parentPanel->HasCapture() )
VECTOR2D WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::GetMousePosition( bool aWorldCoordinates ) const
wxPoint msp = getMouseScreenPosition();
VECTOR2D screenPos( msp.x, msp.y );
return aWorldCoordinates ? GetClampedCoords( m_view->ToWorld( screenPos ) ) : screenPos;
VECTOR2D WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::GetRawCursorPosition( bool aEnableSnapping ) const
GAL* gal = m_view->GetGAL();
if( aEnableSnapping && gal->GetGridSnapping() )
return gal->GetGridPoint( m_cursorPos );
return m_cursorPos;
VECTOR2D WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::GetCursorPosition( bool aEnableSnapping ) const
if( m_settings.m_forceCursorPosition )
return m_settings.m_forcedPosition;
return GetClampedCoords( GetRawCursorPosition( aEnableSnapping ) );
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::SetCursorPosition( const VECTOR2D& aPosition, bool aWarpView,
bool aTriggeredByArrows, long aArrowCommand )
m_updateCursor = false;
VECTOR2D clampedPosition = GetClampedCoords( aPosition );
if( aTriggeredByArrows )
m_settings.m_lastKeyboardCursorPositionValid = true;
m_settings.m_lastKeyboardCursorPosition = clampedPosition;
m_settings.m_lastKeyboardCursorCommand = aArrowCommand;
m_cursorWarped = false;
m_settings.m_lastKeyboardCursorPositionValid = false;
m_settings.m_lastKeyboardCursorPosition = { 0.0, 0.0 };
m_settings.m_lastKeyboardCursorCommand = 0;
m_cursorWarped = true;
WarpMouseCursor( clampedPosition, true, aWarpView );
m_cursorPos = clampedPosition;
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::SetCrossHairCursorPosition( const VECTOR2D& aPosition,
bool aWarpView = true )
m_updateCursor = false;
VECTOR2D clampedPosition = GetClampedCoords( aPosition );
const VECTOR2I& screenSize = m_view->GetGAL()->GetScreenPixelSize();
BOX2I screen( VECTOR2I( 0, 0 ), screenSize );
VECTOR2D screenPos = m_view->ToScreen( clampedPosition );
if( aWarpView && !screen.Contains( screenPos ) )
m_view->SetCenter( clampedPosition );
m_cursorPos = clampedPosition;
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::WarpMouseCursor( const VECTOR2D& aPosition, bool aWorldCoordinates,
bool aWarpView )
if( aWorldCoordinates )
const VECTOR2I& screenSize = m_view->GetGAL()->GetScreenPixelSize();
BOX2I screen( VECTOR2I( 0, 0 ), screenSize );
VECTOR2D clampedPosition = GetClampedCoords( aPosition );
VECTOR2D screenPos = m_view->ToScreen( clampedPosition );
if( !screen.Contains( screenPos ) )
if( aWarpView )
m_view->SetCenter( clampedPosition );
KIPLATFORM::UI::WarpPointer( m_parentPanel, screenSize.x / 2, screenSize.y / 2 );
KIPLATFORM::UI::WarpPointer( m_parentPanel, screenPos.x, screenPos.y );
KIPLATFORM::UI::WarpPointer( m_parentPanel, aPosition.x, aPosition.y );
// If we are not refreshing because of mouse movement, don't set the modifiers because we
// are refreshing for keyboard movement, which uses the same modifiers for other actions
refreshMouse( m_updateCursor );
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::CenterOnCursor()
const VECTOR2I& screenSize = m_view->GetGAL()->GetScreenPixelSize();
VECTOR2D screenCenter( screenSize / 2 );
if( GetMousePosition( false ) != screenCenter )
VECTOR2D newCenter = GetCursorPosition();
if( KIPLATFORM::UI::WarpPointer( m_parentPanel, screenCenter.x, screenCenter.y ) )
m_view->SetCenter( newCenter );
m_dragStartPoint = screenCenter;
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::PinCursorInsideNonAutoscrollArea( bool aWarpMouseCursor )
int border = std::min( m_settings.m_autoPanMargin * m_view->GetScreenPixelSize().x,
m_settings.m_autoPanMargin * m_view->GetScreenPixelSize().y );
border += 2;
VECTOR2D topLeft( border, border );
VECTOR2D botRight( m_view->GetScreenPixelSize().x - border,
m_view->GetScreenPixelSize().y - border );
topLeft = m_view->ToWorld( topLeft );
botRight = m_view->ToWorld( botRight );
VECTOR2D pos = GetMousePosition( true );
if( pos.x < topLeft.x )
pos.x = topLeft.x;
else if( pos.x > botRight.x )
pos.x = botRight.x;
if( pos.y < topLeft.y )
pos.y = topLeft.y;
else if( pos.y > botRight.y )
pos.y = botRight.y;
SetCursorPosition( pos, false, false, 0 );
if( aWarpMouseCursor )
WarpMouseCursor( pos, true );
bool WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::handleAutoPanning( const wxMouseEvent& aEvent )
VECTOR2I p( aEvent.GetX(), aEvent.GetY() );
VECTOR2I pKey( m_view->ToScreen(m_settings.m_lastKeyboardCursorPosition ) );
if( m_cursorWarped || ( m_settings.m_lastKeyboardCursorPositionValid && p == pKey ) )
// last cursor move event came from keyboard cursor control. If auto-panning is enabled
// and the next position is inside the autopan zone, check if it really came from a mouse
// event, otherwise disable autopan temporarily. Also temporarily disable autopan if the
// cursor is in the autopan zone because the application warped the cursor.
m_cursorWarped = false;
return true;
m_cursorWarped = false;
// Compute areas where autopanning is active
int borderStart = std::min( m_settings.m_autoPanMargin * m_view->GetScreenPixelSize().x,
m_settings.m_autoPanMargin * m_view->GetScreenPixelSize().y );
borderStart = std::max( borderStart, 2 );
int borderEndX = m_view->GetScreenPixelSize().x - borderStart;
int borderEndY = m_view->GetScreenPixelSize().y - borderStart;
if( p.x < borderStart )
m_panDirection.x = -( borderStart - p.x );
else if( p.x > borderEndX )
m_panDirection.x = ( p.x - borderEndX );
m_panDirection.x = 0;
if( p.y < borderStart )
m_panDirection.y = -( borderStart - p.y );
else if( p.y > borderEndY )
m_panDirection.y = ( p.y - borderEndY );
m_panDirection.y = 0;
bool borderHit = ( m_panDirection.x != 0 || m_panDirection.y != 0 );
switch( m_state )
if( !borderHit )
setState( IDLE );
return false;
return true;
case IDLE:
if( borderHit )
setState( AUTO_PANNING );
m_panTimer.Start( (int) ( 250.0 / 60.0 ), true );
return true;
return false;
return false;
wxCHECK_MSG( false, false, wxT( "This line should never be reached" ) );
return false;
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::handleCursorCapture( int x, int y )
if( m_settings.m_cursorCaptured )
bool warp = false;
wxSize parentSize = m_parentPanel->GetClientSize();
if( x < 0 )
x = 0;
warp = true;
else if( x >= parentSize.x )
x = parentSize.x - 1;
warp = true;
if( y < 0 )
y = 0;
warp = true;
else if( y >= parentSize.y )
y = parentSize.y - 1;
warp = true;
if( warp )
KIPLATFORM::UI::WarpPointer( m_parentPanel, x, y );
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::refreshMouse( bool aSetModifiers )
// Notify tools that the cursor position has changed in the world coordinates
wxMouseEvent moveEvent( EVT_REFRESH_MOUSE );
wxPoint msp = getMouseScreenPosition();
moveEvent.SetX( msp.x );
moveEvent.SetY( msp.y );
if( aSetModifiers )
// Set the modifiers state
moveEvent.SetControlDown( wxGetKeyState( WXK_CONTROL ) );
moveEvent.SetShiftDown( wxGetKeyState( WXK_SHIFT ) );
moveEvent.SetAltDown( wxGetKeyState( WXK_ALT ) );
m_cursorPos = GetClampedCoords( m_view->ToWorld( VECTOR2D( msp.x, msp.y ) ) );
wxPostEvent( m_parentPanel, moveEvent );
wxPoint WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::getMouseScreenPosition() const
wxPoint msp = KIPLATFORM::UI::GetMousePosition();
m_parentPanel->ScreenToClient( &msp.x, &msp.y );
return msp;
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::UpdateScrollbars()
const BOX2D viewport = m_view->GetViewport();
const BOX2D& boundary = m_view->GetBoundary();
m_scrollScale.x = 2e3 / viewport.GetWidth(); // TODO it does not have to be updated so often
m_scrollScale.y = 2e3 / viewport.GetHeight();
VECTOR2I newScroll( ( viewport.Centre().x - boundary.GetLeft() ) * m_scrollScale.x,
( viewport.Centre().y - boundary.GetTop() ) * m_scrollScale.y );
// We add the width of the scroll bar thumb to the range because the scroll range is given by
// the full bar while the position is given by the left/top position of the thumb
VECTOR2I newRange( m_scrollScale.x * boundary.GetWidth() +
m_parentPanel->GetScrollThumb( wxSB_HORIZONTAL ),
m_scrollScale.y * boundary.GetHeight() +
m_parentPanel->GetScrollThumb( wxSB_VERTICAL ) );
// Flip scroll direction in flipped view
if( m_view->IsMirroredX() )
newScroll.x = ( boundary.GetRight() - viewport.Centre().x ) * m_scrollScale.x;
// Adjust scrollbars only if it is needed. Otherwise there are cases when canvas is continuously
// refreshed (Windows)
if( m_scrollPos != newScroll || newRange.x != m_parentPanel->GetScrollRange( wxSB_HORIZONTAL )
|| newRange.y != m_parentPanel->GetScrollRange( wxSB_VERTICAL ) )
m_parentPanel->SetScrollbars( 1, 1, newRange.x, newRange.y, newScroll.x, newScroll.y,
true );
m_scrollPos = newScroll;
#if !defined( __APPLE__ ) && !defined( WIN32 )
// Trigger a mouse refresh to get the canvas update in GTK (re-draws the scrollbars).
// Note that this causes an infinite loop on OSX and Windows (in certain cases) as it
// generates a paint event.
refreshMouse( false );
void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::ForceCursorPosition( bool aEnabled, const VECTOR2D& aPosition )
VECTOR2D clampedPosition = GetClampedCoords( aPosition );
m_settings.m_forceCursorPosition = aEnabled;
m_settings.m_forcedPosition = clampedPosition;