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* Copyright (C) 2024 KiCad Developers.
* Copyright (C) 2024 Fabien Corona f.corona<at>laposte.net
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <drc/drc_creepage_utils.h>
#include <geometry/intersection.h>
extern bool segmentIntersectsArc( const VECTOR2I& p1, const VECTOR2I& p2, const VECTOR2I& center,
double radius, EDA_ANGLE startAngle, EDA_ANGLE endAngle,
std::vector<VECTOR2I>* aIntersectPoints );
//Check if line segments 'p1q1' and 'p2q2' intersect, excluding endpoint overlap
bool segments_intersect( VECTOR2I p1, VECTOR2I q1, VECTOR2I p2, VECTOR2I q2,
std::vector<VECTOR2I>* aIntersectPoints )
if( p1 == p2 || p1 == q2 || q1 == p2 || q1 == q2 )
return false;
SEG segment1( p1, q1 );
SEG segment2( p2, q2 );
std::vector<VECTOR2I> intersectionPoints;
INTERSECTABLE_GEOM geom1 = segment1;
INTERSECTABLE_GEOM geom2 = segment2;
INTERSECTION_VISITOR visitor( geom2, intersectionPoints );
std::visit( visitor, geom1 );
if( aIntersectPoints )
for( VECTOR2I& point : intersectionPoints )
aIntersectPoints->push_back( point );
return intersectionPoints.size() > 0;
bool compareShapes( const CREEP_SHAPE* a, const CREEP_SHAPE* b )
if( !a )
return true;
if( !b )
return false;
if( a->GetType() != b->GetType() )
return a->GetType() < b->GetType();
if( a->GetType() == CREEP_SHAPE::TYPE::UNDEFINED )
return true;
auto posA = a->GetPos();
auto posB = b->GetPos();
if( posA != posB )
return posA < posB;
if( a->GetType() == CREEP_SHAPE::TYPE::CIRCLE )
return a->GetRadius() < b->GetRadius();
return false;
bool areEquivalent( const CREEP_SHAPE* a, const CREEP_SHAPE* b )
if( !a && !b )
return true;
if( ( !a && b ) || ( a && !b ) )
return false;
if( a->GetType() != b->GetType() )
return false;
if( a->GetType() == CREEP_SHAPE::TYPE::POINT )
return a->GetPos() == b->GetPos();
if( a->GetType() == CREEP_SHAPE::TYPE::CIRCLE )
return a->GetPos() == b->GetPos() && ( a->GetRadius() == b->GetRadius() );
return false;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> BE_SHAPE_POINT::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_POINT& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
double weight = ( this->GetPos() - aS2.GetPos() ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
if( weight > aMaxSquaredWeight )
return result;
pc.a1 = this->GetPos();
pc.a2 = aS2.GetPos();
pc.weight = sqrt( weight );
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> BE_SHAPE_POINT::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
int radius = aS2.GetRadius();
VECTOR2I pointPos = this->GetPos();
VECTOR2I circleCenter = aS2.GetPos();
if( radius <= 0 )
return result;
double pointToCenterDistanceSquared = ( pointPos - circleCenter ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
double weightSquared = pointToCenterDistanceSquared - (float) radius * (float) radius;
if( weightSquared > aMaxSquaredWeight )
return result;
VECTOR2D direction1 = VECTOR2D( pointPos.x - circleCenter.x, pointPos.y - circleCenter.y );
direction1 = direction1.Resize( 1 );
VECTOR2D direction2 = direction1.Perpendicular();
double radiusSquared = double( radius ) * double( radius );
double distance = sqrt( pointToCenterDistanceSquared );
double value1 = radiusSquared / distance;
double value2 = sqrt( radiusSquared - value1 * value1 );
VECTOR2D resultPoint;
pc.a1 = pointPos;
pc.weight = sqrt( weightSquared );
resultPoint = direction1 * value1 + direction2 * value2 + circleCenter;
pc.a2.x = int( resultPoint.x );
pc.a2.y = int( resultPoint.y );
result.push_back( pc );
resultPoint = direction1 * value1 - direction2 * value2 + circleCenter;
pc.a2.x = int( resultPoint.x );
pc.a2.y = int( resultPoint.y );
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::pair<bool, bool>
BE_SHAPE_ARC::IsThereATangentPassingThroughPoint( const BE_SHAPE_POINT aPoint ) const
std::pair<bool, bool> result;
double R = m_radius;
VECTOR2I newPoint = aPoint.GetPos() - m_pos;
if( newPoint.SquaredEuclideanNorm() <= R * R )
// If the point is inside the arc
result.first = false;
result.second = false;
return result;
EDA_ANGLE testAngle = AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( aPoint.GetPos() );
double startAngle = m_startAngle.AsRadians();
double endAngle = m_endAngle.AsRadians();
double pointAngle = testAngle.AsRadians();
bool greaterThan180 = ( m_endAngle - m_startAngle ) > EDA_ANGLE( 180 );
bool connectToEndPoint;
connectToEndPoint = ( cos( startAngle ) * newPoint.x + sin( startAngle ) * newPoint.y >= R );
if( greaterThan180 )
connectToEndPoint &= ( cos( endAngle ) * newPoint.x + sin( endAngle ) * newPoint.y <= R );
connectToEndPoint |= ( cos( endAngle ) * newPoint.x + sin( endAngle ) * newPoint.y <= R )
&& ( pointAngle >= endAngle || pointAngle <= startAngle );
result.first = !connectToEndPoint;
connectToEndPoint = ( cos( endAngle ) * newPoint.x + sin( endAngle ) * newPoint.y >= R );
if( greaterThan180 )
connectToEndPoint &=
( cos( startAngle ) * newPoint.x + sin( startAngle ) * newPoint.y <= R );
connectToEndPoint |= ( cos( startAngle ) * newPoint.x + sin( startAngle ) * newPoint.y <= R )
&& ( pointAngle >= endAngle || pointAngle <= startAngle );
result.second = !connectToEndPoint;
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> BE_SHAPE_POINT::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_ARC& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
VECTOR2I center = aS2.GetPos();
double radius = aS2.GetRadius();
// First path tries to connect to start point
// Second path tries to connect to end point
std::pair<bool, bool> behavesLikeCircle;
behavesLikeCircle = aS2.IsThereATangentPassingThroughPoint( *this );
if( behavesLikeCircle.first && behavesLikeCircle.second )
BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc( center, radius );
return this->Paths( csc, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
if( behavesLikeCircle.first )
BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc( center, radius );
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> paths = this->Paths( csc, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
if( paths.size() > 1 ) // Point to circle creates either 0 or 2 connections
result.push_back( paths[1] );
BE_SHAPE_POINT csp1( aS2.GetStartPoint() );
for( PATH_CONNECTION pc : this->Paths( csp1, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
result.push_back( pc );
if( behavesLikeCircle.second )
BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc( center, radius );
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> paths = this->Paths( csc, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
if( paths.size() > 1 ) // Point to circle creates either 0 or 2 connections
result.push_back( paths[0] );
BE_SHAPE_POINT csp1( aS2.GetEndPoint() );
for( PATH_CONNECTION pc : this->Paths( csp1, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_ARC& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
VECTOR2I circleCenter = this->GetPos();
double circleRadius = this->GetRadius();
VECTOR2I arcCenter = aS2.GetPos();
double arcRadius = aS2.GetRadius();
EDA_ANGLE arcStartAngle = aS2.GetStartAngle();
EDA_ANGLE arcEndAngle = aS2.GetEndAngle();
double centerDistance = ( circleCenter - arcCenter ).EuclideanNorm();
if( centerDistance + arcRadius < circleRadius )
// The arc is inside the circle
return result;
BE_SHAPE_POINT csp1( aS2.GetStartPoint() );
BE_SHAPE_POINT csp2( aS2.GetEndPoint() );
BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc( arcCenter, arcRadius );
for( PATH_CONNECTION pc : this->Paths( csc, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
EDA_ANGLE pointAngle = aS2.AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( pc.a2 - arcCenter );
if( pointAngle <= aS2.GetEndAngle() )
result.push_back( pc );
if( result.size() == 4 )
// It behaved as a circle
return result;
for( BE_SHAPE_POINT csp : { csp1, csp2 } )
for( PATH_CONNECTION pc : this->Paths( csp, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
if( !segmentIntersectsArc( pc.a1, pc.a2, arcCenter, arcRadius, arcStartAngle,
arcEndAngle, nullptr ) )
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> BE_SHAPE_ARC::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_ARC& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
VECTOR2I circleCenter = this->GetPos();
double circleRadius = this->GetRadius();
VECTOR2I arcCenter = aS2.GetPos();
double arcRadius = aS2.GetRadius();
double centerDistance = ( circleCenter - arcCenter ).EuclideanNorm();
if( centerDistance + arcRadius < circleRadius )
// The arc is inside the circle
return result;
BE_SHAPE_POINT csp1( aS2.GetStartPoint() );
BE_SHAPE_POINT csp2( aS2.GetEndPoint() );
BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc( arcCenter, arcRadius );
for( PATH_CONNECTION pc : this->Paths( BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE( aS2.GetPos(), aS2.GetRadius() ),
aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
EDA_ANGLE pointAngle = aS2.AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( pc.a2 - arcCenter );
if( pointAngle <= aS2.GetEndAngle() )
result.push_back( pc );
for( PATH_CONNECTION pc : BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE( this->GetPos(), this->GetRadius() )
.Paths( aS2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
EDA_ANGLE pointAngle = this->AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( pc.a2 - arcCenter );
if( pointAngle <= this->GetEndAngle() )
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
VECTOR2I p1 = this->GetPos();
VECTOR2I p2 = aS2.GetPos();
VECTOR2D distSquared( double( ( p2 - p1 ).x ), double( ( p2 - p1 ).y ) );
double weightSquared = distSquared.SquaredEuclideanNorm();
double R1 = this->GetRadius();
double R2 = aS2.GetRadius();
double Rdiff = abs( R1 - R2 );
double Rsum = R1 + R2;
// "Straight" paths
double weightSquared1 = weightSquared - Rdiff * Rdiff;
// "Crossed" paths
double weightSquared2 = weightSquared - Rsum * Rsum;
if( weightSquared1 <= aMaxSquaredWeight )
VECTOR2D direction1 = VECTOR2D( p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y );
direction1 = direction1.Resize( 1 );
VECTOR2D direction2 = direction1.Perpendicular();
double D = sqrt( weightSquared );
double ratio1 = ( R1 - R2 ) / D;
double ratio2 = sqrt( 1 - ratio1 * ratio1 );
pc.weight = sqrt( weightSquared1 );
pc.a1 = p1 + direction1 * R1 * ratio1 + direction2 * R1 * ratio2;
pc.a2 = p2 + direction1 * R2 * ratio1 + direction2 * R2 * ratio2;
result.push_back( pc );
pc.a1 = p1 + direction1 * R1 * ratio1 - direction2 * R1 * ratio2;
pc.a2 = p2 + direction1 * R2 * ratio1 - direction2 * R2 * ratio2;
result.push_back( pc );
if( weightSquared2 <= aMaxSquaredWeight )
VECTOR2D direction1 = VECTOR2D( p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y );
direction1 = direction1.Resize( 1 );
VECTOR2D direction2 = direction1.Perpendicular();
double D = sqrt( weightSquared );
double ratio1 = ( R1 + R2 ) / D;
double ratio2 = sqrt( 1 - ratio1 * ratio1 );
pc.weight = sqrt( weightSquared2 );
pc.a1 = p1 + direction1 * R1 * ratio1 + direction2 * R1 * ratio2;
pc.a2 = p2 - direction1 * R2 * ratio1 - direction2 * R2 * ratio2;
result.push_back( pc );
pc.a1 = p1 + direction1 * R1 * ratio1 - direction2 * R1 * ratio2;
pc.a2 = p2 - direction1 * R2 * ratio1 + direction2 * R2 * ratio2;
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
void CreepageGraph::TransformCreepShapesToNodes( std::vector<CREEP_SHAPE*>& aShapes )
for( CREEP_SHAPE* p1 : aShapes )
if( !p1 )
switch( p1->GetType() )
case CREEP_SHAPE::TYPE::POINT: AddNode( GraphNode::TYPE::POINT, p1, p1->GetPos() ); break;
case CREEP_SHAPE::TYPE::CIRCLE: AddNode( GraphNode::TYPE::CIRCLE, p1, p1->GetPos() ); break;
case CREEP_SHAPE::TYPE::ARC: AddNode( GraphNode::TYPE::ARC, p1, p1->GetPos() ); break;
default: break;
void CreepageGraph::RemoveDuplicatedShapes()
// Sort the vector
sort( m_shapeCollection.begin(), m_shapeCollection.end(), compareShapes );
std::vector<CREEP_SHAPE*> newVector;
size_t i = 0;
for( i = 0; i < m_shapeCollection.size() - 1; i++ )
if( m_shapeCollection[i] == nullptr )
if( areEquivalent( m_shapeCollection[i], m_shapeCollection[i + 1] ) )
delete m_shapeCollection[i];
m_shapeCollection[i] = nullptr;
newVector.push_back( m_shapeCollection[i] );
if( m_shapeCollection[i] )
newVector.push_back( m_shapeCollection[i] );
std::swap( m_shapeCollection, newVector );
void CreepageGraph::TransformEdgeToCreepShapes()
for( BOARD_ITEM* drawing : m_boardEdge )
PCB_SHAPE* d = dynamic_cast<PCB_SHAPE*>( drawing );
if( !d )
switch( d->GetShape() )
BE_SHAPE_POINT* a = new BE_SHAPE_POINT( d->GetStart() );
m_shapeCollection.push_back( a );
a = new BE_SHAPE_POINT( d->GetEnd() );
m_shapeCollection.push_back( a );
BE_SHAPE_POINT* a = new BE_SHAPE_POINT( d->GetStart() );
m_shapeCollection.push_back( a );
a = new BE_SHAPE_POINT( d->GetEnd() );
m_shapeCollection.push_back( a );
a = new BE_SHAPE_POINT( VECTOR2I( d->GetEnd().x, d->GetStart().y ) );
m_shapeCollection.push_back( a );
a = new BE_SHAPE_POINT( VECTOR2I( d->GetStart().x, d->GetEnd().y ) );
m_shapeCollection.push_back( a );
std::vector<VECTOR2I> points;
d->DupPolyPointsList( points );
for( auto p : points )
m_shapeCollection.push_back( a );
BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE* a = new BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE( d->GetCenter(), d->GetRadius() );
a->SetParent( d );
m_shapeCollection.push_back( a );
case SHAPE_T::ARC:
// If the arc is not locally convex, only use the endpoints
double tolerance = 10;
VECTOR2D center( double( d->GetCenter().x ), double( d->GetCenter().y ) );
VECTOR2D mid( double( d->GetArcMid().x ), double( d->GetArcMid().y ) );
VECTOR2D dir( mid - center );
dir = dir / d->GetRadius() * ( d->GetRadius() - tolerance );
EDA_ANGLE alpha, beta;
d->CalcArcAngles( alpha, beta );
BE_SHAPE_ARC* a = new BE_SHAPE_ARC( d->GetCenter(), d->GetRadius(), alpha, beta,
d->GetStart(), d->GetEnd() );
a->SetParent( d );
m_shapeCollection.push_back( a );
default: break;
std::vector<PCB_SHAPE> GraphConnection::GetShapes()
std::vector<PCB_SHAPE> shapes = std::vector<PCB_SHAPE>();
int lineWidth = 0;
if( !m_path.m_show )
return shapes;
if( !n1 || !n2 )
return shapes;
if( n1->m_type == GraphNode::TYPE::VIRTUAL || n2->m_type == GraphNode::TYPE::VIRTUAL )
return shapes;
if( !forceStraightLigne && n1->m_parent && ( n1->m_parent == n2->m_parent )
&& ( n1->m_parent->GetType() == CREEP_SHAPE::TYPE::CIRCLE ) )
VECTOR2I center = n1->m_parent->GetPos();
VECTOR2I R1 = n1->m_pos - center;
VECTOR2I R2 = n2->m_pos - center;
PCB_SHAPE s( nullptr, SHAPE_T::ARC );
if( R1.Cross( R2 ) > 0 )
s.SetStart( n1->m_pos );
s.SetEnd( n2->m_pos );
s.SetStart( n2->m_pos );
s.SetEnd( n1->m_pos );
s.SetCenter( center );
s.SetWidth( lineWidth );
s.SetLayer( Eco1_User );
shapes.push_back( s );
return shapes;
else if( !forceStraightLigne && n1->m_parent && ( n1->m_parent == n2->m_parent )
&& n1->m_parent->GetType() == CREEP_SHAPE::TYPE::ARC )
BE_SHAPE_ARC* arc = dynamic_cast<BE_SHAPE_ARC*>( n1->m_parent );
if( !arc )
s.SetStart( m_path.a1 );
s.SetEnd( m_path.a2 );
s.SetWidth( lineWidth );
s.SetLayer( Eco1_User );
shapes.push_back( s );
return shapes;
VECTOR2I center = arc->GetPos();
VECTOR2I R1 = n1->m_pos - center;
VECTOR2I R2 = n2->m_pos - center;
PCB_SHAPE s( nullptr, SHAPE_T::ARC );
if( R1.Cross( R2 ) > 0 )
s.SetStart( n1->m_pos );
s.SetEnd( n2->m_pos );
s.SetStart( n2->m_pos );
s.SetEnd( n1->m_pos );
s.SetCenter( center );
//Check that we are on the correct side of the arc.
VECTOR2I mid = s.GetArcMid();
EDA_ANGLE midAngle = arc->AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( mid );
if( midAngle > arc->GetEndAngle() )
tmp = s.GetStart();
s.SetStart( s.GetEnd() );
s.SetEnd( tmp );
s.SetCenter( center );
s.SetWidth( lineWidth );
s.SetLayer( Eco1_User );
shapes.push_back( s );
return shapes;
s.SetStart( m_path.a1 );
s.SetEnd( m_path.a2 );
s.SetWidth( lineWidth );
shapes.push_back( s );
return shapes;
void CREEP_SHAPE::ConnectChildren( std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& a1, std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>&,
CreepageGraph& aG ) const
void BE_SHAPE_POINT::ConnectChildren( std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& a1, std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>&,
CreepageGraph& aG ) const
void BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE::ShortenChildDueToGV( std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& a1,
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& a2, CreepageGraph& aG,
double aNormalWeight ) const
EDA_ANGLE angle1 = EDA_ANGLE( a1->m_pos - m_pos );
EDA_ANGLE angle2 = EDA_ANGLE( a2->m_pos - m_pos );
while( angle1 < 0 )
angle1 += ANGLE_360;
while( angle2 < 0 )
angle2 += ANGLE_360;
while( angle1 > ANGLE_360 )
angle1 -= ANGLE_360;
while( angle2 > ANGLE_360 )
angle2 -= ANGLE_360;
EDA_ANGLE maxAngle = angle1 > angle2 ? angle1 : angle2;
EDA_ANGLE skipAngle =
EDA_ANGLE( asin( float( aG.m_minGrooveWidth ) / ( 2 * m_radius ) ), RADIANS_T );
skipAngle += skipAngle; // Cannot multiply EDA_ANGLE by scalar, but this really is angle *2
EDA_ANGLE pointAngle = maxAngle - skipAngle;
VECTOR2I skipPoint = m_pos;
skipPoint.x += m_radius * cos( pointAngle.AsRadians() );
skipPoint.y += m_radius * sin( pointAngle.AsRadians() );
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> gnt = aG.AddNode( GraphNode::POINT, a1->m_parent, skipPoint );
pc.a1 = maxAngle == angle2 ? a1->m_pos : a2->m_pos;
pc.a2 = skipPoint;
pc.weight = aNormalWeight - aG.m_minGrooveWidth;
aG.AddConnection( maxAngle == angle2 ? a1 : a2, gnt, pc );
pc.a1 = skipPoint;
pc.a2 = maxAngle == angle2 ? a2->m_pos : a1->m_pos;
pc.weight = aG.m_minGrooveWidth;
std::shared_ptr<GraphConnection> gc = aG.AddConnection( gnt, maxAngle == angle2 ? a2 : a1, pc );
if( gc )
gc->forceStraightLigne = true;
void BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE::ConnectChildren( std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& a1,
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& a2, CreepageGraph& aG ) const
if( !a1 || !a2 )
if( m_radius == 0 )
VECTOR2D distI( a1->m_pos - a2->m_pos );
VECTOR2D distD( double( distI.x ), double( distI.y ) );
double weight = m_radius * 2 * asin( distD.EuclideanNorm() / ( 2.0 * m_radius ) );
if( ( weight > aG.GetTarget() ) )
if( aG.m_minGrooveWidth <= 0 )
pc.a1 = a1->m_pos;
pc.a2 = a2->m_pos;
pc.weight = weight;
aG.AddConnection( a1, a2, pc );
if( weight > aG.m_minGrooveWidth )
ShortenChildDueToGV( a1, a2, aG, weight );
// Else well.. this paths will be "shorted" by another one
void BE_SHAPE_ARC::ConnectChildren( std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& a1, std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& a2,
CreepageGraph& aG ) const
if( !a1 || !a2 )
EDA_ANGLE angle1 = AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( a1->m_pos );
EDA_ANGLE angle2 = AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( a2->m_pos );
double weight = abs( m_radius * ( angle2 - angle1 ).AsRadians() );
if( true || aG.m_minGrooveWidth <= 0 )
if( ( weight > aG.GetTarget() ) )
pc.a1 = a1->m_pos;
pc.a2 = a2->m_pos;
pc.weight = weight;
aG.AddConnection( a1, a2, pc );
if( weight > aG.m_minGrooveWidth )
ShortenChildDueToGV( a1, a2, aG, weight );
void CreepageGraph::SetTarget( double aTarget )
m_creepageTarget = aTarget;
m_creepageTargetSquared = aTarget * aTarget;
bool segmentIntersectsArc( const VECTOR2I& p1, const VECTOR2I& p2, const VECTOR2I& center,
double radius, EDA_ANGLE startAngle, EDA_ANGLE endAngle,
std::vector<VECTOR2I>* aIntersectPoints )
SEG segment( p1, p2 );
VECTOR2I startPoint( radius * cos( startAngle.AsRadians() ),
radius * sin( startAngle.AsRadians() ) );
startPoint += center;
SHAPE_ARC arc( center, startPoint, endAngle - startAngle );
std::vector<VECTOR2I> intersectionPoints;
INTERSECTABLE_GEOM geom1 = segment;
INTERSECTION_VISITOR visitor( geom2, intersectionPoints );
std::visit( visitor, geom1 );
if( aIntersectPoints )
for( VECTOR2I& point : intersectionPoints )
aIntersectPoints->push_back( point );
return intersectionPoints.size() > 0;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> CU_SHAPE_SEGMENT::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_POINT& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
VECTOR2I start = this->GetStart();
VECTOR2I end = this->GetEnd();
double halfWidth = this->GetWidth() / 2;
EDA_ANGLE trackAngle( end - start );
VECTOR2I pointPos = aS2.GetPos();
double length = ( start - end ).EuclideanNorm();
double projectedPos = cos( trackAngle.AsRadians() ) * ( pointPos.x - start.x )
+ sin( trackAngle.AsRadians() ) * ( pointPos.y - start.y );
VECTOR2I newPoint;
if( projectedPos <= 0 )
newPoint = start + ( pointPos - start ).Resize( halfWidth );
else if( projectedPos >= length )
newPoint = end + ( pointPos - end ).Resize( halfWidth );
double posOnSegment = ( start - pointPos ).SquaredEuclideanNorm()
- ( end - pointPos ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
posOnSegment = posOnSegment / ( 2 * length ) + length / 2;
newPoint = start + ( end - start ).Resize( posOnSegment );
newPoint += ( pointPos - newPoint ).Resize( halfWidth );
double weightSquared = ( pointPos - newPoint ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
if( weightSquared > aMaxSquaredWeight )
return result;
pc.a1 = newPoint;
pc.a2 = pointPos;
pc.weight = sqrt( weightSquared );
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> CU_SHAPE_SEGMENT::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
VECTOR2I start = this->GetStart();
VECTOR2I end = this->GetEnd();
double halfWidth = this->GetWidth() / 2;
double circleRadius = aS2.GetRadius();
VECTOR2I circleCenter = aS2.GetPos();
double length = ( start - end ).EuclideanNorm();
EDA_ANGLE trackAngle( end - start );
double weightSquared = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
VECTOR2I PointOnTrack, PointOnCircle;
// There are two possible paths
// First the one on the side of the start of the track.
double projectedPos1 = cos( trackAngle.AsRadians() ) * ( circleCenter.x - start.x )
+ sin( trackAngle.AsRadians() ) * ( circleCenter.y - start.y );
double projectedPos2 = projectedPos1 + circleRadius;
projectedPos1 = projectedPos1 - circleRadius;
double trackSide = ( end - start ).Cross( circleCenter - start ) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
if( ( projectedPos1 < 0 && projectedPos2 < 0 ) )
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc( start, halfWidth );
for( PATH_CONNECTION pc : csc.Paths( aS2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
result.push_back( pc );
else if( ( projectedPos1 > length && projectedPos2 > length ) )
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc( end, halfWidth );
for( PATH_CONNECTION pc : csc.Paths( aS2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
result.push_back( pc );
else if( ( projectedPos1 >= 0 ) && ( projectedPos1 <= length ) && ( projectedPos2 >= 0 )
&& ( projectedPos2 <= length ) )
// Both point connects to the segment part of the track
PointOnTrack = start;
PointOnTrack += ( end - start ).Resize( projectedPos1 );
PointOnTrack += ( end - start ).Perpendicular().Resize( halfWidth ) * trackSide;
PointOnCircle = circleCenter - ( end - start ).Resize( circleRadius );
weightSquared = ( PointOnCircle - PointOnTrack ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
if( weightSquared < aMaxSquaredWeight )
pc.a1 = PointOnTrack;
pc.a2 = PointOnCircle;
pc.weight = sqrt( weightSquared );
result.push_back( pc );
PointOnTrack = start;
PointOnTrack += ( end - start ).Resize( projectedPos2 );
PointOnTrack += ( end - start ).Perpendicular().Resize( halfWidth ) * trackSide;
PointOnCircle = circleCenter + ( end - start ).Resize( circleRadius );
pc.a1 = PointOnTrack;
pc.a2 = PointOnCircle;
result.push_back( pc );
else if( ( ( projectedPos1 >= 0 ) && ( projectedPos1 <= length ) )
&& ( ( projectedPos2 > length ) || projectedPos2 < 0 ) )
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc( end, halfWidth );
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs = csc.Paths( aS2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
if( pcs.size() < 2 )
return result;
result.push_back( pcs.at( trackSide == 1 ? 1 : 0 ) );
PointOnTrack = start;
PointOnTrack += ( end - start ).Resize( projectedPos1 );
PointOnTrack += ( end - start ).Perpendicular().Resize( halfWidth ) * trackSide;
PointOnCircle = circleCenter - ( end - start ).Resize( circleRadius );
weightSquared = ( PointOnCircle - PointOnTrack ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
if( weightSquared < aMaxSquaredWeight )
pc.a1 = PointOnTrack;
pc.a2 = PointOnCircle;
pc.weight = sqrt( weightSquared );
result.push_back( pc );
else if( ( ( projectedPos2 >= 0 ) && ( projectedPos2 <= length ) )
&& ( ( projectedPos1 > length ) || projectedPos1 < 0 ) )
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc( start, halfWidth );
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs = csc.Paths( aS2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
if( pcs.size() < 2 )
return result;
result.push_back( pcs.at( trackSide == 1 ? 0 : 1 ) );
PointOnTrack = start;
PointOnTrack += ( end - start ).Resize( projectedPos2 );
PointOnTrack += ( end - start ).Perpendicular().Resize( halfWidth ) * trackSide;
PointOnCircle = circleCenter + ( end - start ).Resize( circleRadius );
weightSquared = ( PointOnCircle - PointOnTrack ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
if( weightSquared < aMaxSquaredWeight )
pc.a1 = PointOnTrack;
pc.a2 = PointOnCircle;
pc.weight = sqrt( weightSquared );
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> CU_SHAPE_SEGMENT::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_ARC& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE bsc( aS2.GetPos(), aS2.GetRadius() );
for( auto& pc : this->Paths( bsc, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
EDA_ANGLE testAngle = aS2.AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( pc.a2 );
if( testAngle < aS2.GetEndAngle() )
result.push_back( pc );
if( result.size() < 2 )
BE_SHAPE_POINT bsp1( aS2.GetStartPoint() );
BE_SHAPE_POINT bsp2( aS2.GetEndPoint() );
VECTOR2I beArcPos = aS2.GetPos();
int beArcRadius = aS2.GetRadius();
EDA_ANGLE beArcStartAngle = aS2.GetStartAngle();
EDA_ANGLE beArcEndAngle = aS2.GetEndAngle();
for( auto& pc : this->Paths( bsp1, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
if( !segmentIntersectsArc( pc.a1, pc.a2, beArcPos, beArcRadius, beArcStartAngle,
beArcEndAngle, nullptr ) )
result.push_back( pc );
for( auto& pc : this->Paths( bsp2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
if( !segmentIntersectsArc( pc.a1, pc.a2, beArcPos, beArcRadius, beArcStartAngle,
beArcEndAngle, nullptr ) )
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_ARC& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
VECTOR2I beArcPos = aS2.GetPos();
int beArcRadius = aS2.GetRadius();
EDA_ANGLE beArcStartAngle = aS2.GetStartAngle();
EDA_ANGLE beArcEndAngle = aS2.GetEndAngle();
BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE bsc( beArcPos, beArcRadius );
for( auto& pc : this->Paths( bsc, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
EDA_ANGLE testAngle = aS2.AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( pc.a2 );
if( testAngle < aS2.GetEndAngle() )
result.push_back( pc );
if( result.size() < 2 )
BE_SHAPE_POINT bsp1( aS2.GetStartPoint() );
BE_SHAPE_POINT bsp2( aS2.GetEndPoint() );
for( auto& pc : this->Paths( bsp1, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
if( !segmentIntersectsArc( pc.a1, pc.a2, beArcPos, beArcRadius, beArcStartAngle,
beArcEndAngle, nullptr ) )
result.push_back( pc );
for( auto& pc : this->Paths( bsp2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
if( !segmentIntersectsArc( pc.a1, pc.a2, beArcPos, beArcRadius, beArcStartAngle,
beArcEndAngle, nullptr ) )
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> CU_SHAPE_ARC::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc( this->GetPos(), this->GetRadius() + this->GetWidth() / 2 );
for( auto& pc : this->Paths( csc, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
EDA_ANGLE testAngle = this->AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( pc.a2 );
if( testAngle < this->GetEndAngle() )
result.push_back( pc );
if( result.size() < 2 )
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc1( this->GetStartPoint(), this->GetWidth() / 2 );
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc2( this->GetEndPoint(), this->GetWidth() / 2 );
for( auto& pc : this->Paths( csc1, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
result.push_back( pc );
for( auto& pc : this->Paths( csc2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> CU_SHAPE_ARC::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_ARC& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
VECTOR2I beArcPos = aS2.GetPos();
int beArcRadius = aS2.GetRadius();
EDA_ANGLE beArcStartAngle = aS2.GetStartAngle();
EDA_ANGLE beArcEndAngle = aS2.GetEndAngle();
BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE bsc( aS2.GetPos(), aS2.GetRadius() );
for( auto& pc : this->Paths( bsc, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
EDA_ANGLE testAngle = aS2.AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( pc.a2 );
if( testAngle < aS2.GetEndAngle() )
result.push_back( pc );
if( result.size() < 2 )
BE_SHAPE_POINT bsp1( aS2.GetStartPoint() );
BE_SHAPE_POINT bsp2( aS2.GetEndPoint() );
for( auto& pc : this->Paths( bsp1, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
if( !segmentIntersectsArc( pc.a1, pc.a2, beArcPos, beArcRadius, beArcStartAngle,
beArcEndAngle, nullptr ) )
result.push_back( pc );
for( auto& pc : this->Paths( bsp2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight ) )
if( !segmentIntersectsArc( pc.a1, pc.a2, beArcPos, beArcRadius, beArcStartAngle,
beArcEndAngle, nullptr ) )
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_POINT& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
double R = this->GetRadius();
VECTOR2I center = this->GetPos();
VECTOR2I point = aS2.GetPos();
double weight = ( center - point ).EuclideanNorm() - R;
if( weight > aMaxWeight )
return result;
pc.weight = weight;
pc.a2 = point;
pc.a1 = center + ( point - center ).Resize( R );
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE::Paths( const CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
double R1 = this->GetRadius();
double R2 = aS2.GetRadius();
VECTOR2I C1 = this->GetPos();
VECTOR2I C2 = aS2.GetPos();
if( ( C1 - C2 ).SquaredEuclideanNorm() < ( R1 - R2 ) * ( R1 - R2 ) )
// One of the circles is inside the other
return result;
double weight = ( C1 - C2 ).EuclideanNorm() - R1 - R2;
if( weight > aMaxWeight || weight < 0 )
return result;
pc.weight = weight;
pc.a1 = ( C2 - C1 ).Resize( R1 ) + C1;
pc.a2 = ( C1 - C2 ).Resize( R2 ) + C2;
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> CU_SHAPE_SEGMENT::Paths( const CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
VECTOR2I s_start = this->GetStart();
VECTOR2I s_end = this->GetEnd();
double halfWidth = this->GetWidth() / 2;
EDA_ANGLE trackAngle( s_end - s_start );
VECTOR2I pointPos = aS2.GetPos();
double length = ( s_start - s_end ).EuclideanNorm();
double projectedPos = cos( trackAngle.AsRadians() ) * ( pointPos.x - s_start.x )
+ sin( trackAngle.AsRadians() ) * ( pointPos.y - s_start.y );
if( ( projectedPos <= 0 ) || ( s_start == s_end ) )
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc( s_start, halfWidth );
return csc.Paths( aS2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
if( projectedPos >= length )
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc( s_end, halfWidth );
return csc.Paths( aS2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
double radius = aS2.GetRadius();
double trackSide = ( s_end - s_start ).Cross( pointPos - s_start ) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
pc.a1 = s_start + ( s_end - s_start ).Resize( projectedPos )
+ ( s_end - s_start ).Perpendicular().Resize( halfWidth ) * trackSide;
pc.a2 = ( pc.a1 - pointPos ).Resize( radius ) + pointPos;
pc.weight = ( pc.a2 - pc.a1 ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
if( pc.weight <= aMaxSquaredWeight )
pc.weight = sqrt( pc.weight );
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE::Paths( const CU_SHAPE_ARC& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
VECTOR2I circlePos = this->GetPos();
VECTOR2I arcPos = aS2.GetPos();
double circleRadius = this->GetRadius();
double arcRadius = aS2.GetRadius();
VECTOR2I startPoint = aS2.GetStartPoint();
VECTOR2I endPoint = aS2.GetEndPoint();
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc( arcPos, arcRadius + aS2.GetWidth() / 2 );
if( ( circlePos - arcPos ).EuclideanNorm() > arcRadius + circleRadius )
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs = this->Paths( csc, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
if( pcs.size() == 1 )
EDA_ANGLE testAngle = aS2.AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( pcs[0].a2 );
if( testAngle < aS2.GetEndAngle() )
result.push_back( pcs[0] );
return result;
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc1( startPoint, aS2.GetWidth() / 2 );
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc2( endPoint, aS2.GetWidth() / 2 );
PATH_CONNECTION* bestPath = nullptr;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs1 = this->Paths( csc1, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs2 = this->Paths( csc2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
for( PATH_CONNECTION& pc : pcs1 )
if( !bestPath || ( ( bestPath->weight > pc.weight ) && ( pc.weight > 0 ) ) )
bestPath = &pc;
for( PATH_CONNECTION& pc : pcs2 )
if( !bestPath || ( ( bestPath->weight > pc.weight ) && ( pc.weight > 0 ) ) )
bestPath = &pc;
// If the circle center is insde the arc ring
if( ( circlePos - arcPos ).SquaredEuclideanNorm() < arcRadius * arcRadius )
if( circlePos != arcPos ) // The best path is already found otherwise
EDA_ANGLE testAngle = aS2.AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( circlePos );
if( testAngle < aS2.GetEndAngle() )
pc3.weight = arcRadius - ( circlePos - arcPos ).EuclideanNorm() - circleRadius;
pc3.a1 = circlePos + ( circlePos - arcPos ).Resize( circleRadius );
pc3.a2 = arcPos + ( circlePos - arcPos ).Resize( arcRadius - aS2.GetWidth() / 2 );
if( !bestPath || ( ( bestPath->weight > pc3.weight ) && ( pc3.weight > 0 ) ) )
bestPath = &pc3;
if( bestPath && bestPath->weight > 0 )
result.push_back( *bestPath );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> CU_SHAPE_SEGMENT::Paths( const CU_SHAPE_ARC& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
VECTOR2I s_start = this->GetStart();
VECTOR2I s_end = this->GetEnd();
double halfWidth1 = this->GetWidth() / 2;
VECTOR2I arcPos = aS2.GetPos();
double arcRadius = aS2.GetRadius();
double halfWidth2 = aS2.GetWidth() / 2;
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc( arcPos, arcRadius + halfWidth2 );
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs;
pcs = this->Paths( csc, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
if( pcs.size() < 1 )
return result;
VECTOR2I circlePoint;
EDA_ANGLE testAngle;
if( pcs.size() > 0 )
circlePoint = pcs[0].a1;
testAngle = ( aS2.AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( pcs[0].a1 ) );
if( testAngle < aS2.GetEndAngle() && pcs.size() > 0 )
result.push_back( pcs[0] );
return result;
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc1( aS2.GetStartPoint(), halfWidth2 );
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc2( aS2.GetEndPoint(), halfWidth2 );
PATH_CONNECTION* bestPath = nullptr;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs1 = this->Paths( csc1, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
for( PATH_CONNECTION& pc : pcs1 )
if( !bestPath || ( bestPath->weight > pc.weight ) )
bestPath = &pc;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs2 = this->Paths( csc2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
for( PATH_CONNECTION& pc : pcs2 )
if( !bestPath || ( bestPath->weight > pc.weight ) )
bestPath = &pc;
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc3( s_start, halfWidth1 );
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc4( s_end, halfWidth1 );
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs3 = csc3.Paths( aS2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
for( PATH_CONNECTION& pc : pcs3 )
if( !bestPath || ( bestPath->weight > pc.weight ) )
bestPath = &pc;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs4 = csc4.Paths( aS2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
for( PATH_CONNECTION& pc : pcs4 )
if( !bestPath || ( bestPath->weight > pc.weight ) )
bestPath = &pc;
if( bestPath )
result.push_back( *bestPath );
return result;
// Function to compute the projection of point P onto the line segment AB
VECTOR2I closestPointOnSegment( const VECTOR2I& A, const VECTOR2I& B, const VECTOR2I& P )
if( A == B )
return A;
if( A == P )
return A;
double t = float( AB.Dot( AP ) ) / float( AB.SquaredEuclideanNorm() );
// Clamp t to the range [0, 1] to restrict the projection to the segment
t = std::max( 0.0, std::min( 1.0, t ) );
return A + ( AB * t );
double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
VECTOR2I A( this->GetStart() );
VECTOR2I B( this->GetEnd() );
double halfWidth1 = this->GetWidth() / 2;
VECTOR2I C( aS2.GetStart() );
VECTOR2I D( aS2.GetEnd() );
double halfWidth2 = aS2.GetWidth() / 2;
VECTOR2I P1 = closestPointOnSegment( A, B, C );
VECTOR2I P2 = closestPointOnSegment( A, B, D );
VECTOR2I P3 = closestPointOnSegment( C, D, A );
VECTOR2I P4 = closestPointOnSegment( C, D, B );
// Calculate all possible squared distances between the segments
double dist1 = ( P1 - C ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
double dist2 = ( P2 - D ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
double dist3 = ( P3 - A ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
double dist4 = ( P4 - B ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
// Find the minimum squared distance and update closest points
double min_dist = dist1;
VECTOR2I closest1 = P1;
VECTOR2I closest2 = C;
if( dist2 < min_dist )
min_dist = dist2;
closest1 = P2;
closest2 = D;
if( dist3 < min_dist )
min_dist = dist3;
closest1 = A;
closest2 = P3;
if( dist4 < min_dist )
min_dist = dist4;
closest1 = B;
closest2 = P4;
pc.a1 = closest1 + ( closest2 - closest1 ).Resize( halfWidth1 );
pc.a2 = closest2 + ( closest1 - closest2 ).Resize( halfWidth2 );
pc.weight = sqrt( min_dist ) - halfWidth1 - halfWidth2;
if( pc.weight <= aMaxWeight )
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
double R1 = this->GetRadius();
double R2 = aS2.GetRadius();
VECTOR2I center1 = this->GetPos();
VECTOR2I center2 = aS2.GetPos();
double dist = ( center1 - center2 ).EuclideanNorm();
if( dist > aMaxWeight || dist == 0 )
return result;
double weight = sqrt( dist * dist - R2 * R2 ) - R1;
double theta = asin( R2 / dist );
double psi = acos( R2 / dist );
if( weight > aMaxWeight )
return result;
pc.weight = weight;
double circleAngle = EDA_ANGLE( center2 - center1 ).AsRadians();
VECTOR2I pStart;
pStart = VECTOR2I( R1 * cos( theta + circleAngle ), R1 * sin( theta + circleAngle ) );
pStart += center1;
pEnd = VECTOR2I( -R2 * cos( psi - circleAngle ), R2 * sin( psi - circleAngle ) );
pEnd += center2;
pc.a1 = pStart;
pc.a2 = pEnd;
result.push_back( pc );
pStart = VECTOR2I( R1 * cos( -theta + circleAngle ), R1 * sin( -theta + circleAngle ) );
pStart += center1;
pEnd = VECTOR2I( -R2 * cos( -psi - circleAngle ), R2 * sin( -psi - circleAngle ) );
pEnd += center2;
pc.a1 = pStart;
pc.a2 = pEnd;
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> CU_SHAPE_ARC::Paths( const BE_SHAPE_POINT& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
VECTOR2I point = aS2.GetPos();
VECTOR2I arcCenter = this->GetPos();
double radius = this->GetRadius();
double width = this->GetWidth();
EDA_ANGLE angle( point - arcCenter );
while( angle < this->GetStartAngle() )
angle += ANGLE_360;
while( angle > this->GetEndAngle() + ANGLE_360 )
angle -= ANGLE_360;
if( angle < this->GetEndAngle() )
if( ( point - arcCenter ).SquaredEuclideanNorm() > radius * radius )
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE circle( arcCenter, radius + width / 2 );
return circle.Paths( aS2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
pc.weight = ( radius - width / 2 ) - ( point - arcCenter ).EuclideanNorm();
pc.a1 = ( point - arcCenter ).Resize( radius - width / 2 ) + arcCenter;
pc.a2 = point;
if( pc.weight > 0 && pc.weight < aMaxWeight )
result.push_back( pc );
return result;
VECTOR2I nearestPoint;
if( ( point - this->GetStartPoint() ).SquaredEuclideanNorm()
> ( point - this->GetEndPoint() ).SquaredEuclideanNorm() )
nearestPoint = this->GetEndPoint();
nearestPoint = this->GetStartPoint();
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE circle( nearestPoint, width / 2 );
return circle.Paths( aS2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
return result;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> CU_SHAPE_ARC::Paths( const CU_SHAPE_ARC& aS2, double aMaxWeight,
double aMaxSquaredWeight ) const
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
double R1 = this->GetRadius();
double R2 = aS2.GetRadius();
VECTOR2I C1 = this->GetPos();
VECTOR2I C2 = aS2.GetPos();
bestPath.weight = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc1( C1, R1 + this->GetWidth() / 2 );
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc2( C2, R2 + aS2.GetWidth() / 2 );
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc3( this->GetStartPoint(), this->GetWidth() / 2 );
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc4( this->GetEndPoint(), this->GetWidth() / 2 );
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc5( aS2.GetStartPoint(), aS2.GetWidth() / 2 );
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE csc6( aS2.GetEndPoint(), aS2.GetWidth() / 2 );
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs0 = csc1.Paths( csc2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs1 = this->Paths( csc2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs2 = csc1.Paths( aS2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs3 = this->Paths( csc5, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs4 = this->Paths( csc6, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs5 = csc3.Paths( aS2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs6 = csc4.Paths( aS2, aMaxWeight, aMaxSquaredWeight );
for( std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs : { pcs0, pcs1, pcs2 } )
for( PATH_CONNECTION& pc : pcs )
EDA_ANGLE testAngle1 = this->AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( pc.a1 );
EDA_ANGLE testAngle2 = aS2.AngleBetweenStartAndEnd( pc.a2 );
if( ( testAngle1 < this->GetEndAngle() ) && ( testAngle2 < aS2.GetEndAngle() )
&& ( bestPath.weight > pc.weight ) )
bestPath = pc;
for( std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> pcs : { pcs3, pcs4, pcs5, pcs6 } )
for( PATH_CONNECTION& pc : pcs )
if( bestPath.weight > pc.weight )
bestPath = pc;
if( bestPath.weight != std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() )
result.push_back( bestPath );
return result;
bool segmentIntersectsCircle( VECTOR2I p1, VECTOR2I p2, VECTOR2I center, double radius,
std::vector<VECTOR2I>* aIntersectPoints )
SEG segment( p1, p2 );
CIRCLE circle( center, radius );
std::vector<VECTOR2I> intersectionPoints;
INTERSECTABLE_GEOM geom1 = segment;
INTERSECTABLE_GEOM geom2 = circle;
INTERSECTION_VISITOR visitor( geom2, intersectionPoints );
std::visit( visitor, geom1 );
if( aIntersectPoints )
for( VECTOR2I& point : intersectionPoints )
aIntersectPoints->push_back( point );
return intersectionPoints.size() > 0;
bool SegmentIntersectsBoard( const VECTOR2I& aP1, const VECTOR2I& aP2,
const std::vector<BOARD_ITEM*>& aBe,
const std::vector<const BOARD_ITEM*>& aDontTestAgainst,
int aMinGrooveWidth )
std::vector<VECTOR2I> intersectionPoints;
bool TestGrooveWidth = aMinGrooveWidth > 0;
for( BOARD_ITEM* be : aBe )
if( count( aDontTestAgainst.begin(), aDontTestAgainst.end(), be ) > 0 )
PCB_SHAPE* d = static_cast<PCB_SHAPE*>( be );
if( !d )
switch( d->GetShape() )
bool intersects =
segments_intersect( aP1, aP2, d->GetStart(), d->GetEnd(), &intersectionPoints );
if( intersects && !TestGrooveWidth )
return false;
VECTOR2I c1 = d->GetStart();
VECTOR2I c2( d->GetStart().x, d->GetEnd().y );
VECTOR2I c3 = d->GetEnd();
VECTOR2I c4( d->GetEnd().x, d->GetStart().y );
bool intersects = false;
intersects |= segments_intersect( aP1, aP2, c1, c2, &intersectionPoints );
intersects |= segments_intersect( aP1, aP2, c2, c3, &intersectionPoints );
intersects |= segments_intersect( aP1, aP2, c3, c4, &intersectionPoints );
intersects |= segments_intersect( aP1, aP2, c4, c1, &intersectionPoints );
if( intersects && !TestGrooveWidth )
return false;
std::vector<VECTOR2I> points;
d->DupPolyPointsList( points );
if( points.size() < 2 )
VECTOR2I prevPoint = points.back();
bool intersects = false;
for( auto p : points )
intersects |= segments_intersect( aP1, aP2, prevPoint, p, &intersectionPoints );
prevPoint = p;
if( intersects && !TestGrooveWidth )
return false;
VECTOR2I center = d->GetCenter();
double radius = d->GetRadius();
bool intersects =
segmentIntersectsCircle( aP1, aP2, center, radius, &intersectionPoints );
if( intersects && !TestGrooveWidth )
return false;
case SHAPE_T::ARC:
VECTOR2I center = d->GetCenter();
double radius = d->GetRadius();
d->CalcArcAngles( A, B );
bool intersects =
segmentIntersectsArc( aP1, aP2, center, radius, A, B, &intersectionPoints );
if( intersects && !TestGrooveWidth )
return false;
default: break;
if( intersectionPoints.size() <= 0 )
return true;
if( intersectionPoints.size() % 2 != 0 )
return false; // Should not happen if the start and end are both on the board
int minx = intersectionPoints[0].x;
int maxx = intersectionPoints[0].x;
int miny = intersectionPoints[0].y;
int maxy = intersectionPoints[0].y;
for( VECTOR2I v : intersectionPoints )
minx = v.x < minx ? v.x : minx;
maxx = v.x > maxx ? v.x : maxx;
miny = v.x < miny ? v.x : miny;
maxy = v.x > maxy ? v.x : maxy;
if( abs( maxx - minx ) > abs( maxy - miny ) )
std::sort( intersectionPoints.begin(), intersectionPoints.end(),
[]( VECTOR2I a, VECTOR2I b )
return a.x > b.x;
} );
std::sort( intersectionPoints.begin(), intersectionPoints.end(),
[]( VECTOR2I a, VECTOR2I b )
return a.y > b.y;
} );
int GVSquared = aMinGrooveWidth * aMinGrooveWidth;
for( size_t i = 0; i < intersectionPoints.size(); i += 2 )
if( intersectionPoints[i].SquaredDistance( intersectionPoints[i + 1] ) > GVSquared )
return false;
return true;
bool CheckPathValidity( VECTOR2I aP1, VECTOR2I aP2, std::vector<BOARD_ITEM*> aBe,
std::vector<const BOARD_ITEM*> aDontTestAgainst )
return false;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> GetPaths( CREEP_SHAPE* aS1, CREEP_SHAPE* aS2, double aMaxWeight )
double maxWeight = aMaxWeight;
double maxWeightSquared = maxWeight * maxWeight;
std::vector<PATH_CONNECTION> result;
CU_SHAPE_SEGMENT* cusegment1 = dynamic_cast<CU_SHAPE_SEGMENT*>( aS1 );
CU_SHAPE_SEGMENT* cusegment2 = dynamic_cast<CU_SHAPE_SEGMENT*>( aS2 );
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE* cucircle1 = dynamic_cast<CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE*>( aS1 );
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE* cucircle2 = dynamic_cast<CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE*>( aS2 );
CU_SHAPE_ARC* cuarc1 = dynamic_cast<CU_SHAPE_ARC*>( aS1 );
CU_SHAPE_ARC* cuarc2 = dynamic_cast<CU_SHAPE_ARC*>( aS2 );
BE_SHAPE_POINT* bepoint1 = dynamic_cast<BE_SHAPE_POINT*>( aS1 );
BE_SHAPE_POINT* bepoint2 = dynamic_cast<BE_SHAPE_POINT*>( aS2 );
BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE* becircle1 = dynamic_cast<BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE*>( aS1 );
BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE* becircle2 = dynamic_cast<BE_SHAPE_CIRCLE*>( aS2 );
BE_SHAPE_ARC* bearc1 = dynamic_cast<BE_SHAPE_ARC*>( aS1 );
BE_SHAPE_ARC* bearc2 = dynamic_cast<BE_SHAPE_ARC*>( aS2 );
// Cu to Cu
if( cuarc1 && cuarc2 )
return cuarc1->Paths( *cuarc2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cuarc1 && cucircle2 )
return cuarc1->Paths( *cucircle2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cuarc1 && cusegment2 )
return cuarc1->Paths( *cusegment2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cucircle1 && cuarc2 )
return cucircle1->Paths( *cuarc2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cucircle1 && cucircle2 )
return cucircle1->Paths( *cucircle2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cucircle1 && cusegment2 )
return cucircle1->Paths( *cusegment2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cusegment1 && cuarc2 )
return cusegment1->Paths( *cuarc2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cusegment1 && cucircle2 )
return cusegment1->Paths( *cucircle2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cusegment1 && cusegment2 )
return cusegment1->Paths( *cusegment2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
// Cu to Be
if( cuarc1 && bearc2 )
return cuarc1->Paths( *bearc2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cuarc1 && becircle2 )
return cuarc1->Paths( *becircle2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cuarc1 && bepoint2 )
return cuarc1->Paths( *bepoint2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cucircle1 && bearc2 )
return cucircle1->Paths( *bearc2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cucircle1 && becircle2 )
return cucircle1->Paths( *becircle2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cucircle1 && bepoint2 )
return cucircle1->Paths( *bepoint2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cusegment1 && bearc2 )
return cusegment1->Paths( *bearc2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cusegment1 && becircle2 )
return cusegment1->Paths( *becircle2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cusegment1 && bepoint2 )
return cusegment1->Paths( *bepoint2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
// Reversed
if( cuarc2 && bearc1 )
return bearc1->Paths( *bearc2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cuarc2 && becircle1 )
return becircle1->Paths( *bearc2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cuarc2 && bepoint1 )
return bepoint1->Paths( *bearc2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cucircle2 && bearc1 )
return bearc1->Paths( *cucircle2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cucircle2 && becircle1 )
return becircle1->Paths( *cucircle2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cucircle2 && bepoint1 )
return bepoint1->Paths( *cucircle2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cusegment2 && bearc1 )
return bearc1->Paths( *cusegment2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cusegment2 && becircle1 )
return becircle1->Paths( *cusegment2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( cusegment2 && bepoint1 )
return bepoint1->Paths( *cusegment2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
// Be to Be
if( bearc1 && bearc2 )
return bearc1->Paths( *bearc2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( bearc1 && becircle2 )
return bearc1->Paths( *becircle2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( bearc1 && bepoint2 )
return bearc1->Paths( *bepoint2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( becircle1 && bearc2 )
return becircle1->Paths( *bearc2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( becircle1 && becircle2 )
return becircle1->Paths( *becircle2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( becircle1 && bepoint2 )
return becircle1->Paths( *bepoint2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( bepoint1 && bearc2 )
return bepoint1->Paths( *bearc2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( bepoint1 && becircle2 )
return bepoint1->Paths( *becircle2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
if( bepoint1 && bepoint2 )
return bepoint1->Paths( *bepoint2, maxWeight, maxWeightSquared );
return result;
double CreepageGraph::Solve(
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& aFrom, std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& aTo,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GraphConnection>>& aResult ) // Change to vector of pointers
if( !aFrom || !aTo )
return 0;
if( aFrom == aTo )
return 0;
// Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest path
std::unordered_map<GraphNode*, double> distances;
std::unordered_map<GraphNode*, GraphNode*> previous;
auto cmp = [&distances]( GraphNode* left, GraphNode* right )
if( distances[left] == distances[right] )
return left > right; // Compare addresses to avoid ties.
return distances[left] > distances[right];
std::priority_queue<GraphNode*, std::vector<GraphNode*>, decltype( cmp )> pq( cmp );
// Initialize distances to infinity for all nodes except the starting node
for( std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> node : m_nodes )
if( node != nullptr )
distances[node.get()] = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); // Set to infinity
distances[aFrom.get()] = 0.0;
distances[aTo.get()] = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
pq.push( aFrom.get() );
// Dijkstra's main loop
while( !pq.empty() )
GraphNode* current = pq.top();
if( current == aTo.get() )
break; // Shortest path found
// Traverse neighbors
for( std::shared_ptr<GraphConnection> connection : current->m_connections )
GraphNode* neighbor = ( connection->n1 ).get() == current ? ( connection->n2 ).get()
: ( connection->n1 ).get();
if( !neighbor )
double alt = distances[current]
+ connection->m_path.weight; // Calculate alternative path cost
if( alt < distances[neighbor] )
distances[neighbor] = alt;
previous[neighbor] = current;
pq.push( neighbor );
double pathWeight = distances[aTo.get()];
// If aTo is unreachable, return infinity
if( pathWeight == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() )
return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
// Trace back the path from aTo to aFrom
GraphNode* step = aTo.get();
while( step != aFrom.get() )
GraphNode* prevNode = previous[step];
for( std::shared_ptr<GraphConnection> connection : step->m_connections )
if( ( ( connection->n1 ).get() == prevNode && ( connection->n2 ).get() == step )
|| ( ( connection->n1 ).get() == step && ( connection->n2 ).get() == prevNode ) )
aResult.push_back( connection );
step = prevNode;
return pathWeight;
void CreepageGraph::Addshape( const SHAPE& aShape, std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& aConnectTo,
BOARD_ITEM* aParent )
CREEP_SHAPE* newshape = nullptr;
if( !aConnectTo )
switch( aShape.Type() )
const SHAPE_SEGMENT& segment = dynamic_cast<const SHAPE_SEGMENT&>( aShape );
new CU_SHAPE_SEGMENT( segment.GetSeg().A, segment.GetSeg().B, segment.GetWidth() );
newshape = dynamic_cast<CREEP_SHAPE*>( cuseg );
const SHAPE_CIRCLE& circle = dynamic_cast<const SHAPE_CIRCLE&>( aShape );
CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE* cucircle = new CU_SHAPE_CIRCLE( circle.GetCenter(), circle.GetRadius() );
newshape = dynamic_cast<CREEP_SHAPE*>( cucircle );
case SH_ARC:
const SHAPE_ARC& arc = dynamic_cast<const SHAPE_ARC&>( aShape );
EDA_ANGLE alpha, beta;
VECTOR2I start, end;
if( arc.IsClockwise() )
edaArc.SetArcGeometry( arc.GetP0(), arc.GetArcMid(), arc.GetP1() );
start = arc.GetP0();
end = arc.GetP1();
edaArc.SetArcGeometry( arc.GetP1(), arc.GetArcMid(), arc.GetP0() );
start = arc.GetP1();
end = arc.GetP0();
edaArc.CalcArcAngles( alpha, beta );
CU_SHAPE_ARC* cuarc = new CU_SHAPE_ARC( edaArc.getCenter(), edaArc.GetRadius(), alpha, beta,
arc.GetP0(), arc.GetP1() );
cuarc->SetWidth( arc.GetWidth() );
newshape = dynamic_cast<CREEP_SHAPE*>( cuarc );
int nbShapes = static_cast<const SHAPE_COMPOUND*>( &aShape )->Shapes().size();
for( const SHAPE* subshape : ( static_cast<const SHAPE_COMPOUND*>( &aShape )->Shapes() ) )
if( subshape )
// We don't want to add shape for the inner rectangle of rounded rectangles
if( !( ( subshape->Type() == SH_RECT ) && ( nbShapes == 5 ) ) )
Addshape( *subshape, aConnectTo, aParent );
const SHAPE_POLY_SET& polySet = dynamic_cast<const SHAPE_POLY_SET&>( aShape );
for( auto it = polySet.CIterateSegmentsWithHoles(); it; it++ )
const SEG object = *it;
SHAPE_SEGMENT segment( object.A, object.B );
Addshape( segment, aConnectTo, aParent );
const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& lineChain = dynamic_cast<const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN&>( aShape );
VECTOR2I prevPoint = lineChain.CLastPoint();
for( auto point : lineChain.CPoints() )
SHAPE_SEGMENT segment( point, prevPoint );
prevPoint = point;
Addshape( segment, aConnectTo, aParent );
case SH_RECT:
const SHAPE_RECT& rect = dynamic_cast<const SHAPE_RECT&>( aShape );
VECTOR2I point0 = rect.GetPosition();
VECTOR2I point1 = rect.GetPosition() + VECTOR2I( rect.GetSize().x, 0 );
VECTOR2I point2 = rect.GetPosition() + rect.GetSize();
VECTOR2I point3 = rect.GetPosition() + VECTOR2I( 0, rect.GetSize().y );
Addshape( SHAPE_SEGMENT( point0, point1 ), aConnectTo, aParent );
Addshape( SHAPE_SEGMENT( point1, point2 ), aConnectTo, aParent );
Addshape( SHAPE_SEGMENT( point2, point3 ), aConnectTo, aParent );
Addshape( SHAPE_SEGMENT( point3, point0 ), aConnectTo, aParent );
default: break;
if( !newshape )
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> gnShape = nullptr;
newshape->SetParent( aParent );
switch( aShape.Type() )
case SH_SEGMENT: gnShape = AddNode( GraphNode::SEGMENT, newshape, newshape->GetPos() ); break;
case SH_CIRCLE: gnShape = AddNode( GraphNode::CIRCLE, newshape, newshape->GetPos() ); break;
case SH_ARC: gnShape = AddNode( GraphNode::ARC, newshape, newshape->GetPos() ); break;
default: break;
if( gnShape )
m_shapeCollection.push_back( newshape );
gnShape->m_net = aConnectTo->m_net;
std::shared_ptr<GraphConnection> gc = AddConnection( gnShape, aConnectTo );
if( gc )
gc->m_path.m_show = false;
delete newshape;
newshape = nullptr;
void CreepageGraph::GeneratePaths( double aMaxWeight, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer,
bool aGenerateBoardEdges )
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>> nodes1 = m_nodes;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>> nodes2 = m_nodes;
for( std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> gn1 : nodes1 )
nodes2.erase( nodes2.begin() );
if( !gn1 )
if( !gn1->m_parent )
if( !gn1->m_connectDirectly )
if( gn1->m_type == GraphNode::TYPE::VIRTUAL )
for( std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> gn2 : nodes2 )
if( !gn2 )
if( !gn2->m_parent )
if( gn1->m_parent == gn2->m_parent )
if( !gn2->m_connectDirectly )
if( gn2->m_type == GraphNode::TYPE::VIRTUAL )
if( !aGenerateBoardEdges && !gn1->m_parent->IsConductive()
&& !gn2->m_parent->IsConductive() )
if( ( gn1->m_net == gn2->m_net ) && ( gn1->m_parent->IsConductive() )
&& ( gn2->m_parent->IsConductive() ) )
for( PATH_CONNECTION pc : GetPaths( gn1->m_parent, gn2->m_parent, aMaxWeight ) )
std::vector<const BOARD_ITEM*> IgnoreForTest;
IgnoreForTest.push_back( gn1->m_parent->GetParent() );
IgnoreForTest.push_back( gn2->m_parent->GetParent() );
if( !pc.isValid( m_board, aLayer, m_boardEdge, IgnoreForTest, m_boardOutline,
{ false, true }, m_minGrooveWidth ) )
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>* connect1 = &gn1;
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>* connect2 = &gn2;
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> gnt1 = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> gnt2 = nullptr;
if ( gn1->m_parent->GetType() != CREEP_SHAPE::TYPE::POINT )
gnt1 = AddNode( GraphNode::POINT, gn1->m_parent, pc.a1 );
gnt1->m_connectDirectly = false;
if( gn1->m_parent->IsConductive() )
std::shared_ptr<GraphConnection> gc = AddConnection( gn1, gnt1 );
if( gc )
gc->m_path.m_show = false;
connect1 = &gnt1;
if( gn2->m_parent->GetType() != CREEP_SHAPE::TYPE::POINT )
gnt2 = AddNode( GraphNode::POINT, gn2->m_parent, pc.a2 );
gnt2->m_connectDirectly = false;
if( gn2->m_parent->IsConductive() )
std::shared_ptr<GraphConnection> gc = AddConnection( gn2, gnt2 );
if( gc )
gc->m_path.m_show = false;
connect2 = &gnt2;
AddConnection( *connect1, *connect2, pc );
void CreepageGraph::Trim( double aWeightLimit )
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GraphConnection>> toRemove;
// Collect connections to remove
for( std::shared_ptr<GraphConnection>& gc : m_connections )
if( gc && ( gc->m_path.weight > aWeightLimit ) )
toRemove.push_back( gc );
// Remove collected connections
for( const std::shared_ptr<GraphConnection>& gc : toRemove )
RemoveConnection( gc );
void CreepageGraph::RemoveConnection( std::shared_ptr<GraphConnection> aGc, bool aDelete )
if( !aGc )
for( std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> gn : { aGc->n1, aGc->n2 } )
if( gn )
auto& nConns = gn->m_connections;
nConns.erase( std::remove( nConns.begin(), nConns.end(), aGc ), nConns.end() );
if( nConns.empty() && aDelete )
auto it = std::find_if( m_nodes.begin(), m_nodes.end(),
[&gn]( const std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> node )
return node.get() == gn.get();
} );
if( it != m_nodes.end() )
m_nodes.erase( it );
if( aDelete )
// Remove the connection from the graph's connections
m_connections.erase( std::remove( m_connections.begin(), m_connections.end(), aGc ),
m_connections.end() );
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> CreepageGraph::AddNode( GraphNode::TYPE aType, CREEP_SHAPE* parent,
VECTOR2I pos )
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> gn = FindNode( aType, parent, pos );
if( gn )
return gn;
gn = std::make_shared<GraphNode>( aType, parent, pos );
m_nodes.push_back( gn );
return gn;
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> CreepageGraph::AddNodeVirtual()
//Virtual nodes are always unique, do not try to find them
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> gn =
std::make_shared<GraphNode>( GraphNode::TYPE::VIRTUAL, nullptr );
m_nodes.push_back( gn );
return gn;
std::shared_ptr<GraphConnection> CreepageGraph::AddConnection( std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& aN1,
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& aN2,
if( !aN1 || !aN2 )
return nullptr;
wxASSERT_MSG( ( aN1 != aN2 ), "Creepage: a connection connects a node to itself" );
std::shared_ptr<GraphConnection> gc = std::make_shared<GraphConnection>( aN1, aN2, aPc );
m_connections.push_back( gc );
aN1->m_connections.push_back( gc );
aN2->m_connections.push_back( gc );
return gc;
std::shared_ptr<GraphConnection> CreepageGraph::AddConnection( std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& aN1,
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>& aN2 )
if( !aN1 || !aN2 )
return nullptr;
pc.a1 = aN1->m_pos;
pc.a2 = aN2->m_pos;
pc.weight = 0;
return AddConnection( aN1, aN2, pc );
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> CreepageGraph::FindNode( GraphNode::TYPE aType, CREEP_SHAPE* aParent,
for( std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> gn : m_nodes )
if( aPos == gn->m_pos && aParent == gn->m_parent && aType == gn->m_type )
return gn;
return nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> CreepageGraph::AddNetElements( int aNetCode, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer,
int aMaxCreepage )
std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> virtualNode = AddNodeVirtual();
virtualNode->m_net = aNetCode;
for( FOOTPRINT* footprint : m_board.Footprints() )
for( PAD* pad : footprint->Pads() )
if( pad->GetNetCode() != aNetCode )
std::shared_ptr<SHAPE> padShape = pad->GetEffectiveShape( aLayer );
if( padShape )
Addshape( *padShape, virtualNode, pad );
for( PCB_TRACK* track : m_board.Tracks() )
if( !track )
if( track->GetNetCode() != aNetCode )
if( !track->IsOnLayer( aLayer ) )
if( track->GetEffectiveShape() == nullptr )
Addshape( *( track->GetEffectiveShape() ), virtualNode, track );
for( ZONE* zone : m_board.Zones() )
if( !zone )
if( zone->GetNetCode() != aNetCode )
if( zone->GetEffectiveShape( aLayer ) == nullptr )
Addshape( *( zone->GetEffectiveShape( aLayer ) ), virtualNode, zone );
const DRAWINGS drawings = m_board.Drawings();
for( BOARD_ITEM* drawing : drawings )
if( !drawing )
if( !drawing->IsConnected() )
BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* bci = dynamic_cast<BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM*>( drawing );
if( !bci )
if( bci->GetNetCode() != aNetCode )
if( bci->IsOnLayer( aLayer ) )
Addshape( *( bci->GetEffectiveShape() ), virtualNode, bci );
return virtualNode;