mirror of https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad.git synced 2024-11-22 11:35:00 +00:00
Seth Hillbrand a724b3d8b1 Handle DXF files with out of bounds values
First, ensure that we calculate the bbox of the imported elements.

If the total BBOX is outside our allowed value, refused to import.  This
needs to be scaled or addressed in an external editor

If the bbox fits, then make sure that we clamp it such that the largest
element is still within our bounds

Fixes https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad/-/issues/18523
2024-08-14 13:06:18 -07:00

321 lines
12 KiB

* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2018 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at wanadoo.fr
* Copyright (C) 1992-2023 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <dialogs/html_message_box.h>
#include "dialog_import_graphics.h"
#include <import_gfx/dxf_import_plugin.h>
#include <base_units.h>
#include <kiface_base.h>
#include <locale_io.h>
#include <pcb_layer_box_selector.h>
#include <wildcards_and_files_ext.h>
#include <bitmaps.h>
#include <widgets/std_bitmap_button.h>
#include <map>
#include <footprint.h>
#include <wx/filedlg.h>
#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
#include <memory>
// Static members of DIALOG_IMPORT_GRAPHICS, to remember the user's choices during the session
bool DIALOG_IMPORT_GRAPHICS::s_useDlgLayerSelection = true;
bool DIALOG_IMPORT_GRAPHICS::s_placementInteractive = true;
bool DIALOG_IMPORT_GRAPHICS::s_shouldGroupItems = true;
bool DIALOG_IMPORT_GRAPHICS::s_fixDiscontinuities = true;
int DIALOG_IMPORT_GRAPHICS::s_toleranceValue = pcbIUScale.mmToIU( 1.0 );
double DIALOG_IMPORT_GRAPHICS::s_importScale = 1.0; // Do not change the imported items size
const std::map<DXF_IMPORT_UNITS, wxString> dxfUnitsMap = {
{ DXF_IMPORT_UNITS::INCHES, _( "Inches" ) },
{ DXF_IMPORT_UNITS::MILLIMETERS, _( "Millimeters" ) },
{ DXF_IMPORT_UNITS::MILS, _( "Mils" ) },
{ DXF_IMPORT_UNITS::CENTIMETERS, _( "Centimeter" ) },
{ DXF_IMPORT_UNITS::FEET, _( "Feet" ) },
m_parent( aParent ),
m_xOrigin( aParent, nullptr, m_xCtrl, nullptr ),
m_yOrigin( aParent, m_yLabel, m_yCtrl, m_yUnits ),
m_defaultLineWidth( aParent, m_lineWidthLabel, m_lineWidthCtrl, m_lineWidthUnits ),
m_tolerance( aParent, m_toleranceLabel, m_toleranceCtrl, m_toleranceUnits )
// The SVG import has currently a flaw: all SVG shapes are imported as curves and
// converted to a lot of segments. A better approach is to convert to polylines
// (not yet existing in Pcbnew) and keep arcs and circles as primitives (not yet
// possible with tinysvg library).
m_importer = std::make_unique<GRAPHICS_IMPORTER_PCBNEW>( aParent->GetModel() );
m_gfxImportMgr = std::make_unique<GRAPHICS_IMPORT_MGR>();
PCBNEW_SETTINGS* cfg = m_parent->GetPcbNewSettings();
s_shouldGroupItems = cfg->m_ImportGraphics.group_items;
s_fixDiscontinuities = cfg->m_ImportGraphics.fix_discontinuities;
s_toleranceValue = cfg->m_ImportGraphics.tolerance * pcbIUScale.IU_PER_MM;
s_useDlgLayerSelection = cfg->m_ImportGraphics.use_dlg_layer_selection;
s_placementInteractive = cfg->m_ImportGraphics.interactive_placement;
m_cbGroupItems->SetValue( s_shouldGroupItems );
m_setLayerCheckbox->SetValue( s_useDlgLayerSelection );
m_xOrigin.SetValue( cfg->m_ImportGraphics.origin_x * pcbIUScale.IU_PER_MM );
m_yOrigin.SetValue( cfg->m_ImportGraphics.origin_y * pcbIUScale.IU_PER_MM );
m_defaultLineWidth.SetValue( cfg->m_ImportGraphics.dxf_line_width * pcbIUScale.IU_PER_MM );
m_importScaleCtrl->SetValue( wxString::Format( wxT( "%f" ), s_importScale ) );
m_textCtrlFileName->SetValue( cfg->m_ImportGraphics.last_file );
m_placeAtCheckbox->SetValue( !s_placementInteractive );
m_tolerance.SetValue( s_toleranceValue );
m_rbFixDiscontinuities->SetValue( s_fixDiscontinuities );
// Configure the layers list selector
m_SelLayerBox->SetLayersHotkeys( false ); // Do not display hotkeys
m_SelLayerBox->SetBoardFrame( m_parent );
if( m_SelLayerBox->SetLayerSelection( cfg->m_ImportGraphics.layer ) < 0 )
m_SelLayerBox->SetLayerSelection( Dwgs_User );
for( const std::pair<const DXF_IMPORT_UNITS, wxString>& unitEntry : dxfUnitsMap )
m_dxfUnitsChoice->Append( unitEntry.second );
m_dxfUnitsChoice->SetSelection( cfg->m_ImportGraphics.dxf_units );
m_browseButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmapBundle( BITMAPS::small_folder ) );
wxCommandEvent dummy;
onFilename( dummy );
SetInitialFocus( m_textCtrlFileName );
GetSizer()->Fit( this );
GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this );
m_textCtrlFileName->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED,
wxCommandEventHandler( DIALOG_IMPORT_GRAPHICS::onFilename ),
nullptr, this );
s_placementInteractive = !m_placeAtCheckbox->GetValue();
s_fixDiscontinuities = m_rbFixDiscontinuities->GetValue();
s_toleranceValue = m_tolerance.GetIntValue();
s_shouldGroupItems = m_cbGroupItems->IsChecked();
s_useDlgLayerSelection = m_setLayerCheckbox->IsChecked();
PCBNEW_SETTINGS* cfg = nullptr;
cfg = m_parent->GetPcbNewSettings();
catch( const std::runtime_error& e )
wxFAIL_MSG( e.what() );
if( cfg )
cfg->m_ImportGraphics.layer = m_SelLayerBox->GetLayerSelection();
cfg->m_ImportGraphics.use_dlg_layer_selection = s_useDlgLayerSelection;
cfg->m_ImportGraphics.interactive_placement = s_placementInteractive;
cfg->m_ImportGraphics.last_file = m_textCtrlFileName->GetValue();
cfg->m_ImportGraphics.dxf_line_width = pcbIUScale.IUTomm( m_defaultLineWidth.GetIntValue() );
cfg->m_ImportGraphics.origin_x = pcbIUScale.IUTomm( m_xOrigin.GetIntValue() );
cfg->m_ImportGraphics.origin_y = pcbIUScale.IUTomm( m_yOrigin.GetIntValue() );
cfg->m_ImportGraphics.dxf_units = m_dxfUnitsChoice->GetSelection();
cfg->m_ImportGraphics.group_items = s_shouldGroupItems;
cfg->m_ImportGraphics.fix_discontinuities = s_fixDiscontinuities;
cfg->m_ImportGraphics.tolerance = pcbIUScale.IUTomm( s_toleranceValue );
s_importScale = EDA_UNIT_UTILS::UI::DoubleValueFromString( m_importScaleCtrl->GetValue() );
m_textCtrlFileName->Disconnect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED,
wxCommandEventHandler( DIALOG_IMPORT_GRAPHICS::onFilename ),
nullptr, this );
void DIALOG_IMPORT_GRAPHICS::onFilename( wxCommandEvent& event )
bool enableDXFControls = true;
wxString ext = wxFileName( m_textCtrlFileName->GetValue() ).GetExt();
if( std::unique_ptr<GRAPHICS_IMPORT_PLUGIN> plugin = m_gfxImportMgr->GetPluginByExt( ext ) )
enableDXFControls = dynamic_cast<DXF_IMPORT_PLUGIN*>( plugin.get() ) != nullptr;
m_defaultLineWidth.Enable( enableDXFControls );
m_dxfUnitsLabel->Enable( enableDXFControls );
m_dxfUnitsChoice->Enable( enableDXFControls );
void DIALOG_IMPORT_GRAPHICS::onBrowseFiles( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxString path;
wxString filename = m_textCtrlFileName->GetValue();
if( !filename.IsEmpty() )
wxFileName fn( filename );
path = fn.GetPath();
filename = fn.GetFullName();
// Generate the list of handled file formats
wxString wildcardsDesc;
wxString allWildcards;
for( GRAPHICS_IMPORT_MGR::GFX_FILE_T pluginType : m_gfxImportMgr->GetImportableFileTypes() )
std::unique_ptr<GRAPHICS_IMPORT_PLUGIN> plugin = m_gfxImportMgr->GetPlugin( pluginType );
const std::vector<std::string> extensions = plugin->GetFileExtensions();
wildcardsDesc += wxT( "|" ) + plugin->GetName() + AddFileExtListToFilter( extensions );
allWildcards += plugin->GetWildcards() + wxT( ";" );
wildcardsDesc = _( "All supported formats" ) + wxT( "|" ) + allWildcards + wildcardsDesc;
wxFileDialog dlg( m_parent, _( "Import Graphics" ), path, filename, wildcardsDesc,
if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK && !dlg.GetPath().IsEmpty() )
m_textCtrlFileName->SetValue( dlg.GetPath() );
bool DIALOG_IMPORT_GRAPHICS::TransferDataFromWindow()
if( !wxDialog::TransferDataFromWindow() )
return false;
if( m_textCtrlFileName->GetValue().IsEmpty() )
wxMessageBox( _( "Please select a file to import." ) );
return false;
if( m_setLayerCheckbox->GetValue() && m_SelLayerBox->GetLayerSelection() < 0 )
wxMessageBox( _( "Please select a valid layer." ) );
return false;
PCBNEW_SETTINGS* cfg = m_parent->GetPcbNewSettings();
wxString ext = wxFileName( m_textCtrlFileName->GetValue() ).GetExt();
double scale = EDA_UNIT_UTILS::UI::DoubleValueFromString( m_importScaleCtrl->GetValue() );
double xscale = scale;
double yscale = scale;
if( cfg->m_Display.m_DisplayInvertXAxis )
xscale *= -1.0;
if( cfg->m_Display.m_DisplayInvertYAxis )
yscale *= -1.0;
VECTOR2D origin( m_xOrigin.GetDoubleValue() / xscale, m_yOrigin.GetDoubleValue() / yscale );
if( std::unique_ptr<GRAPHICS_IMPORT_PLUGIN> plugin = m_gfxImportMgr->GetPluginByExt( ext ) )
if( DXF_IMPORT_PLUGIN* dxfPlugin = dynamic_cast<DXF_IMPORT_PLUGIN*>( plugin.get() ) )
auto it = dxfUnitsMap.begin();
std::advance( it, m_dxfUnitsChoice->GetSelection() );
if( it == dxfUnitsMap.end() )
dxfPlugin->SetUnit( DXF_IMPORT_UNITS::DEFAULT );
dxfPlugin->SetUnit( it->first );
m_importer->SetLineWidthMM( pcbIUScale.IUTomm( m_defaultLineWidth.GetIntValue() ) );
m_importer->SetLineWidthMM( 0.0 );
m_importer->SetPlugin( std::move( plugin ) );
if( m_setLayerCheckbox->GetValue() )
m_importer->SetLayer( PCB_LAYER_ID( m_SelLayerBox->GetLayerSelection() ) );
m_importer->SetLayer( m_parent->GetActiveLayer() );
m_importer->SetImportOffsetMM( origin * pcbIUScale.IUTomm( 1 ) );
LOCALE_IO dummy; // Ensure floats can be read.
if( m_importer->Load( m_textCtrlFileName->GetValue() ) )
m_importer->Import( VECTOR2D( scale, scale ) );
// Get warning messages:
wxString warnings = m_importer->GetMessages();
// This isn't a fatal error so allow the dialog to close with wxID_OK.
if( !warnings.empty() )
HTML_MESSAGE_BOX dlg( this, _( "Warning" ) );
dlg.MessageSet( _( "Items in the imported file could not be handled properly." ) );
warnings.Replace( wxT( "\n" ), wxT( "<br/>" ) );
dlg.AddHTML_Text( warnings );
return true;
wxMessageBox( _( "There is no plugin to handle this file type." ) );
return false;
void DIALOG_IMPORT_GRAPHICS::onUpdateUI( wxUpdateUIEvent& event )
m_xOrigin.Enable( m_placeAtCheckbox->GetValue() );
m_yOrigin.Enable( m_placeAtCheckbox->GetValue() );
m_tolerance.Enable( m_rbFixDiscontinuities->GetValue() );
m_SelLayerBox->Enable( m_setLayerCheckbox->GetValue() );