mirror of https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad.git synced 2024-11-25 00:35:01 +00:00
Seth Hillbrand 5e0abadb23 Reorganize layer numbering
F_Cu = 0
B_Cu = 2
Remaining internal copper layers are even and incrementing

Non-copper layers are odd and incrementing.

This means that we can no longer do things like:
for( PCB_LAYER_ID layer = F_Cu; layer <= B_Cu; ++layer)
Instead, we have the class LAYER_RANGE:
for( PCB_LAYER_ID layer : LAYER_RANGE( F_Cu, B_Cu) )

Similarly, gt/lt tests should not refer to the integer value of the
layer.  We have functions such as IsCopperLayer to test whether a layer
is copper or not.

When using the connectivity RTree, the third dimension is layer, so we
provide B_Cu with the special INT_MAX value, ensuring that elements
between F_Cu and B_Cu will be identified.  There is a new, special
function GetBoardLayer() for interfacing with CN_ITEMS

Similarly, PNS layers remain unchanged and sequential.  A set of
interface functions is provided to map PNS layers to Board layers and
back.  This allows the PNS_LAYER_RANGE to function as expected
2024-09-06 23:07:58 +00:00

3741 lines
117 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019 Maxime Pinard
// Distributed under the MIT license
// See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
* @brief @ref sul::dynamic_bitset version major.
* @since 1.1.0
* @brief @ref sul::dynamic_bitset version minor.
* @since 1.1.0
* @brief @ref sul::dynamic_bitset version patch.
* @since 1.1.0
/** @file
* @brief @ref sul::dynamic_bitset declaration and implementation.
* @details Standalone file, does not depend on other implementation files or dependencies other
* than the standard library, can be taken and used directly.
* Can optionally include and use libpopcnt if @a DYNAMIC_BITSET_NO_LIBPOPCNT is not
* defined and @a __has_include(\<libpopcnt.h\>) is @a true.
* @remark Include multiple standard library headers and optionally @a libpopcnt.h.
* @since 1.0.0
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
// https://github.com/kimwalisch/libpopcnt
# if __has_include(<libpopcnt.h>)
# include <libpopcnt.h>
# endif
// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/header/bit
# if __has_include(<bit>)
# include <bit>
# ifdef __cpp_lib_bitops
# endif
# endif
# if defined(__clang__)
// https://clang.llvm.org/docs/LanguageExtensions.html#feature-checking-macros
// https://clang.llvm.org/docs/LanguageExtensions.html#intrinsics-support-within-constant-expressions
# ifdef __has_builtin
# if __has_builtin(__builtin_popcount) && __has_builtin(__builtin_popcountl) \
&& __has_builtin(__builtin_popcountll)
# endif
# if __has_builtin(__builtin_ctz) && __has_builtin(__builtin_ctzl) \
&& __has_builtin(__builtin_ctzll)
# endif
# endif
# elif defined(__GNUC__) // also defined by clang
// https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Other-Builtins.html
# elif defined(_MSC_VER)
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/intrinsics/bitscanforward-bitscanforward64
// __popcnt16, __popcnt, __popcnt64 not used because it require to check the hardware support at runtime
// (https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/cpp/intrinsics/popcnt16-popcnt-popcnt64?view=msvc-160#remarks)
# if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_ARM) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_ARM64)
# include <intrin.h>
# pragma intrinsic(_BitScanForward)
# endif
# if(defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_ARM64)) \
&& !defined(DYNAMIC_BITSET_NO_MSVC_BUILTIN_BITSCANFORWARD64) // for testing purposes
# pragma intrinsic(_BitScanForward64)
# endif
# endif
* @brief Simple Useful Libraries.
* @since 1.0.0
namespace sul
* @brief Dynamic bitset.
* @details Data structure used to store a vector of bits and apply binary operations to it. The
* bits are stored in an optimized way in an underling block type. It is highly inspired
* by std\::bitset but with a run-time changeable size.
* Preconditions are checked with @a assert but no exception will be thrown if one is
* violated (as with std\::bitset).
* @remark It is not a Container as it does not provide iterators because of the reference proxy
* class used to access the bits.
* @tparam Block Block type to use for storing the bits, must be an unsigned integral type
* @tparam Allocator Allocator type to use for memory management, must meet the standard
* requirements of @a Allocator
* @since 1.0.0
template<typename Block = unsigned long long, typename Allocator = std::allocator<Block>>
class dynamic_bitset
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<Block>::value, "Block is not an unsigned integral type");
* @brief Type used to represent the size of a @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
typedef size_t size_type;
* @brief Same type as @p Block.
* @since 1.0.0
typedef Block block_type;
* @brief Same type as @p Allocator.
* @since 1.0.0
typedef Allocator allocator_type;
* @brief Number of bits that can be stored in a block.
* @since 1.0.0
static constexpr size_type bits_per_block = std::numeric_limits<block_type>::digits;
* @brief Maximum value of @ref size_type, returned for invalid positions.
* @since 1.0.0
static constexpr size_type npos = std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max();
* @brief Reference to a @ref sul::dynamic_bitset bit.
* @details As the bits in the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset class are stored in an optimized way
* in blocks, it is not possible for the subscript operators to return a reference
* to a boolean. Hence this class is used as a proxy to enable subscript operator of
* the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset class to be used as if it was an array of bools.
* @since 1.0.0
class reference
* @brief Constructs a @ref reference to a bit from a @ref sul::dynamic_bitset and a
* bit position.
* @param bitset @ref sul::dynamic_bitset containing the bit
* @param[in] bit_pos Position of the bit to reference in the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr reference(dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset, size_type bit_pos);
* @brief Copy constructor.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr reference(const reference&) noexcept = default;
* @brief Move constructor.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr reference(reference&&) noexcept = default;
* @brief Destructor.
* @since 1.0.0
~reference() noexcept = default;
* @brief Assign a value to the referenced bit.
* @param[in] v Value to assign to the referenced bit
* @return The @ref reference
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr reference& operator=(bool v);
* @brief Assign a value to the referenced bit from another @ref reference.
* @param[in] rhs @ref reference to the bit to assign value from
* @return The @ref reference
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr reference& operator=(const reference& rhs);
* @brief Assign a value to the referenced bit from another @ref reference.
* @param[in] rhs @ref reference to the bit to assign value from
* @return The @ref reference
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr reference& operator=(reference&& rhs) noexcept;
* @brief Apply binary operator AND to the referenced bit and a value, and assign the
* result to the referenced bit.
* @param[in] v Value to apply binary operator AND with
* @return The @ref reference
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr reference& operator&=(bool v);
* @brief Apply binary operator OR to the referenced bit and a value, and assign the
* result to the referenced bit.
* @param[in] v Value to apply binary operator OR with
* @return The @ref reference
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr reference& operator|=(bool v);
* @brief Apply binary operator XOR to the referenced bit and a value, and assign the
* result to the referenced bit.
* @param[in] v Value to apply binary operator XOR with
* @return The @ref reference
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr reference& operator^=(bool v);
* @brief Apply binary difference to the referenced bit and a value, and assign the
* result to the referenced bit.
* @details Equivalent to:
* @code
* this &= !v;
* @endcode
* @param[in] v Value to apply binary difference with
* @return The @ref reference
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr reference& operator-=(bool v);
* @brief Return the result of applying unary NOT operator.
* @return The opposite of the referenced bit
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator~() const;
* @brief bool conversion operator.
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr operator bool() const;
* @brief Deleted to avoid taking the address of a temporary proxy object.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr void operator&() = delete;
* @brief Set the referenced bit to @a true.
* @return The @ref reference
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr reference& set();
* @brief Reset the referenced bit to @a false.
* @return The @ref reference
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr reference& reset();
* @brief Flip the referenced bit.
* @return The @ref reference
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr reference& flip();
* @brief Assign the value @p v to the referenced bit.
* @param[in] v Value to assign to the bit
* @return The @ref reference
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr reference& assign(bool v);
block_type& m_block;
block_type m_mask;
* @brief Const reference to a @ref sul::dynamic_bitset bit, type bool.
* @since 1.0.0
typedef bool const_reference;
* @brief Copy constructor.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& other) = default;
* @brief Move constructor.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset(dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>&& other) noexcept = default;
* @brief Copy assignment operator.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& operator=(
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& other) = default;
* @brief Move assignment operator.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& operator=(
dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>&& other) noexcept = default;
* @brief Constructs an empty @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @details A copy of @p allocator will be used for memory management.
* @param[in] allocator Allocator to use for memory management
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr explicit dynamic_bitset(const allocator_type& allocator = allocator_type());
* @brief Constructs a @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of @p nbits bits from an initial value.
* @details The first bits are initialized with the bits from @p init_val, if @p nbits \>
* std\::numeric_limits\<unsigned long long\>\::digits , all other bits are
* initialized to @a false. A copy of @p allocator will be used for memory
* management.
* @param[in] nbits Number of bits of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset
* @param[in] init_val Value to initialize the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset with
* @param[in] allocator Allocator to use for memory management
* @complexity Linear in @p nbits / @ref bits_per_block.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr explicit dynamic_bitset(size_type nbits,
unsigned long long init_val = 0,
const allocator_type& allocator = allocator_type());
* @brief Constructs a @ref sul::dynamic_bitset using @p init_vals to initialize the first
* blocks.
* @details The size of the newly created @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is @p init_vals.size() *
* @ref bits_per_block. A copy of @p allocator will be used for memory management.
* @param[in] init_vals Value of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset first blocks
* @param[in] allocator Allocator to use for memory management
* @complexity Linear in @p init_vals.size().
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset(std::initializer_list<block_type> init_vals,
const allocator_type& allocator = allocator_type());
* @brief Constructs a @ref sul::dynamic_bitset from a string or a part of a string.
* @details Construct the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset using the characters from @p str in the
* range \[@p pos, std\::min(@p pos + @p n, @p str.size())\[.
* @param[in] str String containing the part to use
* @param[in] pos Starting position of the string part to use in @p str
* @param[in] n Number of characters of @p str to use from the starting position
* @param[in] zero Character used to represent @a false bits in @p str
* @param[in] one Character used to represent @a true bits in @p str
* @param[in] allocator Allocator to use for memory management
* @tparam _CharT Character type of the string
* @tparam _Traits Traits class specifying the operations on the character type of the
* string
* @pre @code
* pos < str.size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in std\::min(@p n, @p str.size() - @p pos).
* @since 1.0.0
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
constexpr explicit dynamic_bitset(
std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> str,
typename std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>::size_type pos = 0,
typename std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>::size_type n =
std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>::npos,
_CharT zero = _CharT('0'),
_CharT one = _CharT('1'),
const allocator_type& allocator = allocator_type());
* @brief Constructs a @ref sul::dynamic_bitset from a string or a part of a string.
* @details Construct the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset using the characters from @p str in the
* range \[@p pos, std\::min(@p pos + @p n, @p str.size())\[.
* @param[in] str String containing the part to use
* @param[in] pos Starting position of the string part to use in @p str
* @param[in] n Number of characters of @p str to use from the starting position
* @param[in] zero Character used to represent @a false bits in @p str
* @param[in] one Character used to represent @a true bits in @p str
* @param[in] allocator Allocator to use for memory management
* @tparam _CharT Character type of the string
* @tparam _Traits Traits class specifying the operations on the character type of the
* string
* @tparam _Alloc Allocator type used to allocate internal storage of the string
* @pre @code
* pos < str.size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in std\::min(@p n, @p str.size() - @p pos).
* @since 1.0.0
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
constexpr explicit dynamic_bitset(
const std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& str,
typename std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type pos = 0,
typename std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type n =
std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::npos,
_CharT zero = _CharT('0'),
_CharT one = _CharT('1'),
const allocator_type& allocator = allocator_type());
* @brief Constructs a @ref sul::dynamic_bitset from a string or a part of a string.
* @details Construct the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset using the characters from @p str in the
* range \[@p pos, std\::min(@p pos + @p n, @p _Traits\::length(@p str))\[.
* @param[in] str String containing the part to use
* @param[in] pos Starting position of the string part to use
* @param[in] n Number of characters to use from the starting position
* @param[in] zero Character used to represent @a false bits in the string
* @param[in] one Character used to represent 1 @a true bitsn the string
* @param[in] allocator Allocator to use for memory management
* @tparam _CharT Character type of the string
* @tparam _Traits Traits class specifying the operations on the character type of the
* string
* @pre @code
* pos < _Traits::length(str)
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in std\::min(@p n, @p _Traits\::length(@p str) - @p pos).
* @since 1.0.0
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits = std::char_traits<_CharT>>
constexpr explicit dynamic_bitset(
const _CharT* str,
typename std::basic_string<_CharT>::size_type pos = 0,
typename std::basic_string<_CharT>::size_type n = std::basic_string<_CharT>::npos,
_CharT zero = _CharT('0'),
_CharT one = _CharT('1'),
const allocator_type& allocator = allocator_type());
* @brief Destructor.
* @since 1.0.0
~dynamic_bitset() noexcept = default;
* @brief Resize the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset to contain @p nbits bits.
* @details Bits keep the value they had before the resize and, if @p nbits is greater than
* the current size, new bit are initialized to @p value.
* @param[in] nbits New size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset
* @param[in] value Value of the new bits
* @complexity Linear in the difference between the current size and @p nbits.
* Additional complexity possible due to reallocation if capacity is less than @p
* nbits.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr void resize(size_type nbits, bool value = false);
* @brief Clears the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset, resize it to 0.
* @details Equivalent to:
* @code
* this.resize(0);
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr void clear();
* @brief Add a new bit with the value @p value at the end of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @details Increase the size of the bitset by one, the added bit becomes the
* most-significant bit.
* @param[in] value Value of the bit to add
* @complexity Amortized constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr void push_back(bool value);
* @brief Remove the last bit of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @details Decrease the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset by one, does nothing if the
* @ref dynamic_bitset is empty.
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr void pop_back();
* @brief Append a block of bits @p block at the end of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @details Increase the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset by @ref bits_per_block.
* @param[in] block Block of bits to add
* @complexity Amortized constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr void append(block_type block);
* @brief Append blocks of bits from @p blocks at the end of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @param[in] blocks Blocks of bits to add
* @complexity Linear in the size of @p blocks. Additional complexity possible due
* to reallocation if capacity is less than @ref size() + @p blocks.size() * @ref
* bits_per_block.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr void append(std::initializer_list<block_type> blocks);
* @brief Append blocks of bits from the range \[@p first, @p last\[ at the end of the @ref
* dynamic_bitset.
* @param[in] first First iterator of the range
* @param[in] last Last iterator of the range (after the last element to add)
* @tparam BlockInputIterator Type of the range iterators
* @complexity Linear in the size of the range. Additional complexity possible due
* to reallocation if capacity is less than @ref size() + std\::distance(@p first,
* @p last) * @ref bits_per_block.
* @since 1.0.0
template<typename BlockInputIterator>
constexpr void append(BlockInputIterator first, BlockInputIterator last);
* @brief Sets the bits to the result of binary AND on corresponding pairs of bits of *this
* and @p rhs.
* @param[in] rhs Right hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @pre @code
* size() == rhs.size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& operator&=(
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs);
* @brief Sets the bits to the result of binary OR on corresponding pairs of bits of *this
* and @p rhs.
* @param[in] rhs Right hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @pre @code
* size() == rhs.size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& operator|=(
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs);
* @brief Sets the bits to the result of binary XOR on corresponding pairs of bits of *this
* and @p rhs.
* @param[in] rhs Right hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @pre @code
* size() == rhs.size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& operator^=(
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs);
* @brief Sets the bits to the result of the binary difference between the bits of *this
* and @p rhs.
* @details Less efficient but equivalent way to get this result:
* @code
* this &= ~rhs;
* @endcode
* @param[in] rhs Right hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @pre @code
* size() == rhs.size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& operator-=(
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs);
* @brief Performs binary shift left of @p shift bits.
* @details Zeroes are shifted in, does nothing if @p shift == 0.
* @param[in] shift Number of positions to shift the bits
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& operator<<=(size_type shift);
* @brief Performs binary shift right of @p shift bits.
* @details Zeroes are shifted in, does nothing if @p shift == 0.
* @param[in] shift Number of positions to shift the bits
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& operator>>=(size_type shift);
* @brief Performs binary shift right of @p shift bits.
* @details Zeroes are shifted in. Does nothing if @p shift == 0.\n
* Equivalent to:
* @code
* dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> bitset(*this);
* bitset <<= shift;
* @endcode
* @param[in] shift Number of positions to shift the bits
* @return A new @ref sul::dynamic_bitset containing the shifted bits
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> operator<<(size_type shift) const;
* @brief Performs binary shift left of @p shift bits.
* @details Zeroes are shifted in. Does nothing if @p shift == 0.\n
* Equivalent to:
* @code
* dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> bitset(*this);
* bitset >>= shift;
* @endcode
* @param[in] shift Number of positions to shift the bits
* @return A new @ref sul::dynamic_bitset containing the shifted bits
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> operator>>(size_type shift) const;
* @brief Performs a unary NOT on all bits.
* @details Equivalent to:
* @code
* dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> bitset(*this);
* bitset.flip();
* @endcode
* @return A copy of *this with all bits flipped
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> operator~() const;
* @brief Set the bits of the range \[@p pos, @p pos + @p len\[ to value @p value.
* @details Does nothing if @p len == 0.
* @param[in] pos Position of the first bit of the range
* @param[in] len Length of the range
* @param[in] value Value to set the bits to
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @pre @code
* (pos < size()) && ((len == 0) || (pos + len - 1 < size()))
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in @p len.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& set(size_type pos, size_type len, bool value);
* @brief Set the bit at the position @p pos to @a true or value @p value.
* @param[in] pos Position of the bit to set
* @param[in] value Value to set the bit to
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @pre @code
* pos < size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& set(size_type pos, bool value = true);
* @brief Set all the bits of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset to @a true.
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& set();
* @brief Reset the bits of the range \[@p pos, @p pos + @p len\[ to @a false.
* @param[in] pos Position of the first bit of the range
* @param[in] len Length of the range
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @pre @code
* (pos < size()) && ((len == 0) || (pos + len - 1 < size()))
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in @p len.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& reset(size_type pos, size_type len);
* @brief Reset the bit at the position @p pos to @a false.
* @param[in] pos Position of the bit to reset
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @pre @code
* pos < size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& reset(size_type pos);
* @brief Reset all the bits of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset to @a false.
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& reset();
* @brief Flip the bits of the range \[@p pos, @p pos + @p len\[.
* @param[in] pos Position of the first bit of the range
* @param[in] len Length of the range
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @pre @code
* (pos < size()) && ((len == 0) || (pos + len - 1 < size()))
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in @p len.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& flip(size_type pos, size_type len);
* @brief Flip the bit at the position @p pos.
* @param[in] pos Position of the bit to reset
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @pre @code
* pos < size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& flip(size_type pos);
* @brief Flip all the bits of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @return A reference to the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset *this
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& flip();
* @brief Test the value of the bit at position @p pos.
* @param[in] pos Position of the bit to test
* @return The tested bit value
* @pre @code
* pos < size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool test(size_type pos) const;
* @brief Test the value of the bit at position @p pos and set it to @a true or value @p
* value.
* @param[in] pos Position of the bit to test and set
* @param[in] value Value to set the bit to
* @return The tested bit value
* @pre @code
* pos < size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool test_set(size_type pos, bool value = true);
* @brief Checks if all bits are set to @a true.
* @return @a true if all bits are set to @a true, otherwise @a false
* @remark Return @a true if the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is empty, the logic is that you
* are checking if all bits are set to @a true, meaning none of them is set to @a
* false, and in an empty @ref sul::dynamic_bitset no bits are set to @a false.
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool all() const;
* @brief Checks if any bits are set to @a true.
* @return @a true if any of the bits is set to @a true, otherwise @a false
* @remark Return @a false if the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is empty, the logic is you are
* checking if there is at least one bit set to @a true and in an empty @ref
* dynamic_bitset there is no bit set to @a true.
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool any() const;
* @brief Checks if none of the bits are set to @a true.
* @return @a true if none of the bits is set to @a true, otherwise @a false
* @remark Return @a true if the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is empty, the logic is that you
* are checking if there is no bit set to @a true and in an empty @ref
* sul::dynamic_bitset there is no bit that can be set to @a true.
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool none() const;
* @brief Count the number of bits set to @a true.
* @details Return 0 if the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is empty.
* @return The number of bits that are set to @a true
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr size_type count() const noexcept;
* @brief Accesses the bit at position @p pos.
* @param[in] pos Position of the bit to access
* @return A @ref reference object which allows writing to the requested bit
* @pre @code
* pos < size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr reference operator[](size_type pos);
* @brief Accesses the bit at position @p pos.
* @param[in] pos Position of the bit to access
* @return The value of the requested bit
* @pre @code
* pos < size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const;
* @brief Give the number of bits of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @return The number of bits of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr size_type size() const noexcept;
* @brief Give the number of blocks used by the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @return The number of blocks used by the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr size_type num_blocks() const noexcept;
* @brief Checks if the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is empty.
* @details Equivalent to:
* @code
* size() == 0;
* @endcode
* @return @a true if the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is empty, @a false otherwise
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool empty() const noexcept;
* @brief Give the number of bits that the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset has currently allocated
* space for.
* @return Capacity of the currently allocated storage.
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr size_type capacity() const noexcept;
* @brief Increase the capacity of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset to a value that's greater
* or equal to @p num_bits.
* @details If @p num_bits is greater than the current capacity, new storage is allocated and
* all @ref reference on bits of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset are invalidated,
* otherwise the method does nothing.
* @param[in] num_bits New capacity of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset
* @complexity At most linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr void reserve(size_type num_bits);
* @brief Requests the removal of unused capacity.
* @details It is a non-binding request to reduce the capacity to the size. It depends on the
* implementation of std\::vector whether the request is fulfilled.\n If
* reallocation occurs, all @ref reference on bits of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset
* are invalidated.
* @complexity At most linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr void shrink_to_fit();
* @brief Determines if this @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is a subset of @p bitset.
* @details This @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is a subset of @p bitset if, for every bit that is
* set in this @ref sul::dynamic_bitset, the corresponding bit in @p bitset a is
* also set.\n\n Less efficient but equivalent way to get this result:
* @code
* res = (this & ~bitset).none();
* @endcode
* @param[in] bitset The @ref sul::dynamic_bitset for which to check if this @ref
* sul::dynamic_bitset is a subset
* @return @a true if this @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is a subset of @p bitset, @a false
* otherwise
* @remark The relation "is a subset of" is not symmetric (A being a subset of B doesn't
* imply that B is a subset of A) but is antisymmetric (if A is a subset of B and B
* is a subset of A, then A == B).
* @pre @code
* size() == bitset.size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool is_subset_of(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset) const;
* @brief Determines if this @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is a proper subset of @p bitset.
* @details This @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is a proper subset of @p bitset if, for every bit
* that is set in this @ref sul::dynamic_bitset, the corresponding bit in @p bitset
* a is also set and if this @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is different from @p
* bitset.\n\n Less efficient but equivalent way to get this result:
* @code
* res = ((this != bitset) && (this & ~bitset).none());
* @endcode
* @param[in] bitset The @ref sul::dynamic_bitset for which to check if this @ref
* sul::dynamic_bitset is a proper subset
* @return @a true if this @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is a proper subset of @p bitset, @a
* false otherwise
* @remark The relation "is a proper subset of" is asymmetric (A being a proper subset of B
* imply that B is not a proper subset of A).
* @pre @code
* size() == bitset.size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool is_proper_subset_of(
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset) const;
* @brief Determines if this @ref sul::dynamic_bitset and @p bitset intersect.
* @details This @ref sul::dynamic_bitset intersects with @p bitset if for at least one bit
* set in this @ref sul::dynamic_bitset, the corresponding bit in @p bitset a is
* also set. In other words two bitsets intersect if they have at least one bit set
* in common.\n\n Less efficient but equivalent way to get this result:
* @code
* res = (this & bitset).any();
* @endcode
* @param[in] bitset The @ref sul::dynamic_bitset for which to check if this @ref
* sul::dynamic_bitset intersects
* @return @a true if this @ref sul::dynamic_bitset intersects with @p bitset, @a false
* otherwise
* @pre @code
* size() == bitset.size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool intersects(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset) const;
* @brief Find the position of the first bit set in the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset starting
* from the least-significant bit.
* @details Give the lowest index of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset with a bit set, or @ref
* npos if no bits are set.
* @return The position of the first bit set, or @ref npos if no bits are set
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr size_type find_first() const;
* @brief Find the position of the first bit set in the range \[@p prev + 1, @ref size()\[
* of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset starting from the position @p prev + 1.
* @details Give the lowest index superior to @p prev of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset with a
* bit set, or @ref npos if no bits are set after the index @p prev.\n If @p prev +
* 1 \>= @ref size(), return @ref npos.
* @param[in] prev Position of the bit preceding the search range
* @return The position of the first bit set after @p prev, or @ref npos if no bits are set
* after @p prev
* @complexity Linear in @ref size() - @p prev.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr size_type find_next(size_type prev) const;
* @brief Exchanges the bits of this @ref sul::dynamic_bitset with those of @p other.
* @details All @ref reference on bits of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset are invalidated.
* @param other @ref sul::dynamic_bitset to exchange bits with
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
constexpr void swap(dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& other);
* @brief Gets the associated allocator.
* @return The associated allocator.
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr allocator_type get_allocator() const;
* @brief Generate a string representation of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @details Uses @p zero to represent bits with value of @a false and @p one to represent
* bits with value of @a true. The resulting string contains @ref size() characters
* with the first character corresponds to the last (@ref size() - 1th) bit and the
* last character corresponding to the first bit.
* @param[in] zero Character to use to represent @a false
* @param[in] one Character to use to represent @a true
* @tparam _CharT Character type of the string
* @tparam _Traits Traits class specifying the operations on the character type of the
* string
* @tparam _Alloc Allocator type used to allocate internal storage of the string
* @return The string representing the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset content
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
template<typename _CharT = char,
typename _Traits = std::char_traits<_CharT>,
typename _Alloc = std::allocator<_CharT>>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> to_string(
_CharT zero = _CharT('0'),
_CharT one = _CharT('1')) const;
* @brief Converts the contents of the bitset to an <tt>unsigned long</tt> integer.
* @details The first bit of the bitset corresponds to the least significant digit of the
* number and the last bit corresponds to the most significant digit.
* @return The numeric value corresponding to the bitset contents.
* @throws std::overflow_error if the value is too large to be represented in an <tt>unsigned
* long</tt>
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.3.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr unsigned long to_ulong() const;
* @brief Converts the contents of the bitset to an <tt>unsigned long long</tt> integer.
* @details The first bit of the bitset corresponds to the least significant digit of the
* number and the last bit corresponds to the most significant digit.
* @return The numeric value corresponding to the bitset contents.
* @throws std::overflow_error if the value is too large to be represented in an <tt>unsigned long
* long</tt>
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.3.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr unsigned long long to_ullong() const;
* @brief Iterate on the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset and call @p function with the position of
* the bits on.
* @details For each set bit, @p function is called as follow:
* @code
* std::invoke(std::forward<Function>(function), bit_pos, std::forward<Parameters>(parameters)...))
* @endcode
* where @p bit_pos is the position of the current bit on. Thus @p function
* should take a size_t for the current set bit position as first argument, also @p
* parameters can be used to pass additional arguments to @p function when it is
* called by this method.\n\n @p function can return nothing or a bool, if it return
* a bool, the return value indicate if the iteration should continue, @a true to
* continue the iteration, @a false to stop, this make it easy to do an early exit.
* @param function Function to call on all bits on, take the current bit position as
* first argument and @p parameters as next arguments
* @param parameters Extra parameters for @p function
* @tparam Function Type of @p function, must take a size_t as first argument and @p
* Parameters as next arguments
* @tparam Parameters Type of @p parameters
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
template<typename Function, typename... Parameters>
constexpr void iterate_bits_on(Function&& function, Parameters&&... parameters) const;
* @brief Return a pointer to the underlying array serving as blocks storage.
* @details The pointer is such that range [@ref data(); @ref data() + @ref num_blocks()) is
* always a valid range, even if the container is empty (@ref data() is not
* dereferenceable in that case).
* @post The bits past the end of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset in the last block are
* guaranteed to be 0s, example:
* @code
* // random bitset of size 11
* std::minstd_rand rand(std::random_device{}());
* std::bernoulli_distribution dist;
* sul::dynamic_bitset<uint8_t> bitset;
* for(size_t i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
* {
* bitset.push_back(dist(rand));
* }
* // the bitset use 2 blocks of 8 bits
* // check that unused bits are set to 0
* assert(*(bitset.data() + 1) >> 3 == 0);
* @endcode
* @remark If the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is empty, this function may or may not return a
* null pointer.
* @return A pointer to the underlying array serving as blocks storage
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.2.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr block_type* data() noexcept;
* @brief Return a pointer to the underlying array serving as blocks storage.
* @details The pointer is such that range [@ref data(); @ref data() + @ref num_blocks()) is
* always a valid range, even if the container is empty (@ref data() is not
* dereferenceable in that case).
* @post The bits past the end of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset in the last block are
* guaranteed to be 0s, example:
* @code
* // random bitset of size 11
* std::minstd_rand rand(std::random_device{}());
* std::bernoulli_distribution dist;
* sul::dynamic_bitset<uint8_t> bitset;
* for(size_t i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
* {
* bitset.push_back(dist(rand));
* }
* // the bitset use 2 blocks of 8 bits
* // check that unused bits are set to 0
* assert(*(bitset.data() + 1) >> 3 == 0);
* @endcode
* @remark If the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is empty, this function may or may not return a
* null pointer.
* @return A pointer to the underlying array serving as blocks storage
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.2.0
[[nodiscard]] constexpr const block_type* data() const noexcept;
* @brief Test if two @ref sul::dynamic_bitset have the same content.
* @param[in] lhs The left hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @param[in] rhs The right hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @tparam Block_ Block type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for storing the bits
* @tparam Allocator_ Allocator type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for memory management
* @return @a true if they contain the same bits, @a false otherwise
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
template<typename Block_, typename Allocator_>
friend constexpr bool operator==(const dynamic_bitset<Block_, Allocator_>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block_, Allocator_>& rhs);
* @brief Test if @p lhs is "less than" @p rhs. The comparison of the two @ref
* dynamic_bitset is first on numbers their content represent and then on their
* size.
* @details The size comparison is necessary for the comparison operators to keep their
* properties. For example without the size comparison the "<=" operator (defined
* for "A <= B" by "!(B < A)") would no longer be antisymmetric (if A \<= B and B
* \<= A, then A == B) because @ref operator==() compare the @ref
* sul::dynamic_bitset as a container and not a number. For example with bitsets
* A(0011) and B(011), without the size comparison B \< A would be @a false, A \<= B
* would be @a true, B \<= A would be @a true, but A == B would be @a false,
* breaking the antisymmetric property of the operator. Thus, to respect the
* properties of the operators, the size is used as a secondary criteria for the
* comparison of @ref sul::dynamic_bitset which content represent the same number.
* Therefore, for the previous example with bitsets A(0011) and B(011), B \< A is @a
* true, A \<= B is @a false, B \<= A is @a true and A == B is @a false.\n\n If
* comparing bitsets @a A and @a B with the content of @a A representing the number
* @a a, and the content of @a B representing the number @a b, this operator would
* work as follow:
* @code
* if(a == b)
* {
* return A.size() < B.size();
* }
* else
* {
* return a < b;
* }
* @endcode
* @remark The empty @ref sul::dynamic_bitset is the "lowest" of all bitset and for 0-only
* bitsets comparison, the shortest is the lowest.
* @param[in] lhs The left hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @param[in] rhs The right hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @tparam Block_ Block type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for storing the bits
* @tparam Allocator_ Allocator type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for memory management
* @return @a true if @p lhs is "less than" @p rhs
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
template<typename Block_, typename Allocator_>
friend constexpr bool operator<(const dynamic_bitset<Block_, Allocator_>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block_, Allocator_>& rhs);
template<typename T>
struct dependent_false : public std::false_type
std::vector<Block, Allocator> m_blocks;
size_type m_bits_number;
static constexpr block_type zero_block = block_type(0);
static constexpr block_type one_block = block_type(~zero_block);
static constexpr size_type block_last_bit_index = bits_per_block - 1;
static constexpr size_type blocks_required(size_type nbits) noexcept;
static constexpr size_type block_index(size_type pos) noexcept;
static constexpr size_type bit_index(size_type pos) noexcept;
static constexpr block_type bit_mask(size_type pos) noexcept;
static constexpr block_type bit_mask(size_type first, size_type last) noexcept;
static constexpr void set_block_bits(block_type& block,
size_type first,
size_type last,
bool val = true) noexcept;
static constexpr void flip_block_bits(block_type& block,
size_type first,
size_type last) noexcept;
static constexpr size_type block_count(const block_type& block) noexcept;
static constexpr size_type block_count(const block_type& block, size_type nbits) noexcept;
static constexpr size_type count_block_trailing_zero(const block_type& block) noexcept;
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
constexpr void init_from_string(std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> str,
typename std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>::size_type pos,
typename std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>::size_type n,
_CharT zero,
_CharT one);
constexpr block_type& get_block(size_type pos);
constexpr const block_type& get_block(size_type pos) const;
constexpr block_type& last_block();
constexpr block_type last_block() const;
// used bits in the last block
constexpr size_type extra_bits_number() const noexcept;
// unused bits in the last block
constexpr size_type unused_bits_number() const noexcept;
template<typename BinaryOperation>
constexpr void apply(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& other, BinaryOperation binary_op);
template<typename UnaryOperation>
constexpr void apply(UnaryOperation unary_op);
constexpr void apply_left_shift(size_type shift);
constexpr void apply_right_shift(size_type shift);
// reset unused bits to 0
constexpr void sanitize();
// check functions used in asserts
constexpr bool check_unused_bits() const noexcept;
constexpr bool check_size() const noexcept;
constexpr bool check_consistency() const noexcept;
// Deduction guideline for expressions like "dynamic_bitset a(32);" with an integral type as parameter
// to use the constructor with the initial size instead of the constructor with the allocator.
template<typename integral_type, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<integral_type>>>
dynamic_bitset(integral_type) -> dynamic_bitset<>;
// dynamic_bitset external functions declarations
* @brief Test if two @ref sul::dynamic_bitset content are different.
* @details Defined as:
* @code
* return !(lhs == rhs);
* @endcode
* see @ref sul::dynamic_bitset::operator==() for more informations.
* @param[in] lhs The left hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @param[in] rhs The right hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @tparam Block Block type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for storing the bits
* @tparam Allocator Allocator type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for memory management
* @return @a true if they does not contain the same bits, @a false otherwise
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
* @relatesalso dynamic_bitset
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool operator!=(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs);
* @brief Test if @p lhs is "less than or equal to" @p rhs. The comparison of the two @ref
* sul::dynamic_bitset is first on numbers their content represent and then on their size.
* @details Defined as:
* @code
* return !(rhs < lhs);
* @endcode
* see @ref sul::dynamic_bitset::operator<() for more informations.
* @param[in] lhs The left hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @param[in] rhs The right hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @tparam Block Block type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for storing the bits
* @tparam Allocator Allocator type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for memory management
* @return @a true if @p lhs is "less than or equal to" @p rhs
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
* @relatesalso dynamic_bitset
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool operator<=(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs);
* @brief Test if @p lhs is "greater than" @p rhs. The comparison of the two @ref
* sul::dynamic_bitset is first on numbers their content represent and then on their
* size.
* @details Defined as:
* @code
* return rhs < lhs;
* @endcode
* see @ref sul::dynamic_bitset::operator<() for more informations.
* @param[in] lhs The left hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @param[in] rhs The right hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @tparam Block Block type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for storing the bits
* @tparam Allocator Allocator type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for memory management
* @return @a true if @p lhs is "greater than" @p rhs
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
* @relatesalso dynamic_bitset
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool operator>(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs);
* @brief Test if @p lhs is "greater than or equal to" @p rhs. The comparison of the two @ref
* sul::dynamic_bitset is first on numbers their content represent and then on their
* size.
* @details Defined as:
* @code
* return !(lhs < rhs);
* @endcode
* see @ref sul::dynamic_bitset::operator<() for more informations.
* @param[in] lhs The left hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @param[in] rhs The right hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @tparam Block Block type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for storing the bits
* @tparam Allocator Allocator type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for memory management
* @return @a true if @p lhs is "greater than or equal to" @p rhs
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
* @relatesalso dynamic_bitset
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool operator>=(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs);
* @brief Performs binary AND on corresponding pairs of bits of @p lhs and @p rhs.
* @details Defined as:
* @code
* dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> result(lhs);
* return result &= rhs;
* @endcode
* see @ref sul::dynamic_bitset::operator&=() for more informations.
* @param[in] lhs The left hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @param[in] rhs The right hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @tparam Block Block type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for storing the bits
* @tparam Allocator Allocator type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for memory management
* @return A @ref sul::dynamic_bitset with each bit being the result of a binary AND between the
* corresponding pair of bits of @p lhs and @p rhs
* @pre @code
* lhs.size() == rhs.size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
* @relatesalso dynamic_bitset
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> operator&(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs);
* @brief Performs binary OR on corresponding pairs of bits of @p lhs and @p rhs.
* @details Defined as:
* @code
* dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> result(lhs);
* return result |= rhs;
* @endcode
* see @ref sul::dynamic_bitset::operator|=() for more informations.
* @param[in] lhs The left hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @param[in] rhs The right hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @tparam Block Block type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for storing the bits
* @tparam Allocator Allocator type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for memory management
* @return A @ref sul::dynamic_bitset with each bit being the result of a binary OR between the
* corresponding pair of bits of @p lhs and @p rhs
* @pre @code
* lhs.size() == rhs.size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
* @relatesalso dynamic_bitset
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> operator|(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs);
* @brief Performs binary XOR on corresponding pairs of bits of @p lhs and @p rhs.
* @details Defined as:
* @code
* dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> result(lhs);
* return result ^= rhs;
* @endcode
* see @ref sul::dynamic_bitset::operator^=() for more informations.
* @param[in] lhs The left hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @param[in] rhs The right hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @tparam Block Block type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for storing the bits
* @tparam Allocator Allocator type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for memory management
* @return A @ref sul::dynamic_bitset with each bit being the result of a binary XOR between the
* corresponding pair of bits of @p lhs and @p rhs
* @pre @code
* lhs.size() == rhs.size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
* @relatesalso dynamic_bitset
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> operator^(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs);
* @brief Performs binary difference between bits of @p lhs and @p rhs.
* @details Defined as:
* @code
* dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> result(lhs);
* return result -= rhs;
* @endcode
* see @ref sul::dynamic_bitset::operator-=() for more informations.
* @param[in] lhs The left hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @param[in] rhs The right hand side @ref sul::dynamic_bitset of the operator
* @tparam Block Block type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for storing the bits
* @tparam Allocator Allocator type used by @p lhs and @p rhs for memory management
* @return A @ref sul::dynamic_bitset with each bit being the result of the binary difference
* between the corresponding bits of @p lhs and @p rhs
* @pre @code
* lhs.size() == rhs.size()
* @endcode
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
* @relatesalso dynamic_bitset
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> operator-(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs);
* @brief Insert a string representation of this @ref sul::dynamic_bitset to a character
* stream.
* @details The string representation written is the same as if generated with @ref
* sul::dynamic_bitset::to_string() with default parameter, using '1' for @a true bits
* and '0' for @a false bits.
* @param os Character stream to write to
* @param[in] bitset @ref sul::dynamic_bitset to write
* @tparam _CharT Character type of the character stream
* @tparam _Traits Traits class specifying the operations on the character type of the
* character stream
* @tparam Block Block type used by @p bitset for storing the bits
* @tparam Allocator Allocator type used by @p bitset for memory management
* @return @p os
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
* @relatesalso dynamic_bitset
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator<<(
std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& os,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset);
* @brief Extract a @ref sul::dynamic_bitset from a character stream using its string
* representation.
* @details The string representation expected is the same as if generated with @ref
* sul::dynamic_bitset::to_string() with default parameter, using '1' for @a true bits
* and '0' for @a false bits. On success the content of @p bitset is cleared before
* writing to it. The extraction starts by skipping leading whitespace then take the
* characters one by one and stop if @p is.good() return @a false or the next character
* is neither _CharT('0') nor _CharT('1').
* @param is Character stream to read from
* @param bitset @ref sul::dynamic_bitset to write to
* @tparam _CharT Character type of the character stream
* @tparam _Traits Traits class specifying the operations on the character type of the
* character stream
* @tparam Block Block type used by @p bitset for storing the bits
* @tparam Allocator Allocator type used by @p bitset for memory management
* @return @p is
* @complexity Linear in the size of the @ref sul::dynamic_bitset.
* @since 1.0.0
* @relatesalso dynamic_bitset
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator>>(std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& is,
dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset);
* @brief Exchange the content of @p bitset1 and @p bitset2.
* @details Defined as:
* @code
* bitset1.swap(bitset2);
* @endcode
* see @ref sul::dynamic_bitset::swap() for more informations.
* @param bitset1 @ref sul::dynamic_bitset to be swapped
* @param bitset2 @ref sul::dynamic_bitset to be swapped
* @tparam Block Block type used by @p bitset for storing the bits
* @tparam Allocator Allocator type used by @p bitset for memory management
* @complexity Constant.
* @since 1.0.0
* @relatesalso dynamic_bitset
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void swap(dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset1,
dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset2);
// dynamic_bitset::reference functions implementations
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference::reference(
dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset,
size_type bit_pos)
: m_block(bitset.get_block(bit_pos)), m_mask(dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::bit_mask(bit_pos))
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
reference::operator=(bool v)
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
reference::operator=(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference& rhs)
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
reference::operator=(dynamic_bitset::reference&& rhs) noexcept
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
reference::operator&=(bool v)
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
reference::operator|=(bool v)
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
reference::operator^=(bool v)
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
reference::operator-=(bool v)
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference::operator~() const
return (m_block & m_mask) == zero_block;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference::operator bool() const
return (m_block & m_mask) != zero_block;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
m_block |= m_mask;
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
m_block &= static_cast<block_type>(~m_mask);
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
m_block ^= m_mask;
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
reference::assign(bool v)
return *this;
// dynamic_bitset public functions implementations
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::dynamic_bitset(const allocator_type& allocator)
: m_blocks(allocator), m_bits_number(0)
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::dynamic_bitset(size_type nbits,
unsigned long long init_val,
const allocator_type& allocator)
: m_blocks(blocks_required(nbits), allocator), m_bits_number(nbits)
if(nbits == 0 || init_val == 0)
constexpr size_t ull_bits_number = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::digits;
constexpr size_t init_val_required_blocks = ull_bits_number / bits_per_block;
if constexpr(init_val_required_blocks == 1)
m_blocks[0] = init_val;
const unsigned long long block_mask = static_cast<unsigned long long>(one_block);
const size_t blocks_to_init = std::min(m_blocks.size(), init_val_required_blocks);
for(size_t i = 0; i < blocks_to_init; ++i)
m_blocks[i] = block_type((init_val >> (i * bits_per_block) & block_mask));
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::dynamic_bitset(
std::initializer_list<block_type> init_vals,
const allocator_type& allocator)
: m_blocks(allocator), m_bits_number(0)
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::dynamic_bitset(
std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> str,
typename std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>::size_type pos,
typename std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>::size_type n,
_CharT zero,
_CharT one,
const allocator_type& allocator)
: m_blocks(allocator), m_bits_number(0)
assert(pos < str.size());
init_from_string(str, pos, n, zero, one);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::dynamic_bitset(
const std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& str,
typename std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type pos,
typename std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type n,
_CharT zero,
_CharT one,
const allocator_type& allocator)
: m_blocks(allocator), m_bits_number(0)
assert(pos < str.size());
init_from_string(std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>(str), pos, n, zero, one);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::dynamic_bitset(
const _CharT* str,
typename std::basic_string<_CharT>::size_type pos,
typename std::basic_string<_CharT>::size_type n,
_CharT zero,
_CharT one,
const allocator_type& allocator)
: m_blocks(allocator), m_bits_number(0)
init_from_string(std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>(str), pos, n, zero, one);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::resize(size_type nbits, bool value)
if(nbits == m_bits_number)
const size_type old_num_blocks = num_blocks();
const size_type new_num_blocks = blocks_required(nbits);
const block_type init_value = value ? one_block : zero_block;
if(new_num_blocks != old_num_blocks)
m_blocks.resize(new_num_blocks, init_value);
if(value && nbits > m_bits_number && old_num_blocks > 0)
// set value of the new bits in the old last block
const size_type extra_bits = extra_bits_number();
if(extra_bits > 0)
m_blocks[old_num_blocks - 1] |= static_cast<block_type>(init_value << extra_bits);
m_bits_number = nbits;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::clear()
m_bits_number = 0;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::push_back(bool value)
const size_type new_last_bit = m_bits_number++;
if(m_bits_number <= m_blocks.size() * bits_per_block)
set(new_last_bit, value);
assert(operator[](new_last_bit) == value);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::pop_back()
if(m_blocks.size() > blocks_required(m_bits_number))
// no extra bits: sanitize not required
assert(extra_bits_number() == 0);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::append(block_type block)
const size_type extra_bits = extra_bits_number();
if(extra_bits == 0)
last_block() |= static_cast<block_type>(block << extra_bits);
m_blocks.push_back(block_type(block >> (bits_per_block - extra_bits)));
m_bits_number += bits_per_block;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::append(std::initializer_list<block_type> blocks)
if(blocks.size() == 0)
append(std::cbegin(blocks), std::cend(blocks));
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
template<typename BlockInputIterator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::append(BlockInputIterator first,
BlockInputIterator last)
if(first == last)
// if random access iterators, std::distance complexity is constant
if constexpr(std::is_same_v<
typename std::iterator_traits<BlockInputIterator>::iterator_category,
assert(std::distance(first, last) > 0);
m_blocks.reserve(m_blocks.size() + static_cast<size_type>(std::distance(first, last)));
const size_type extra_bits = extra_bits_number();
const size_type unused_bits = unused_bits_number();
if(extra_bits == 0)
auto pos = m_blocks.insert(std::end(m_blocks), first, last);
assert(std::distance(pos, std::end(m_blocks)) > 0);
m_bits_number +=
static_cast<size_type>(std::distance(pos, std::end(m_blocks))) * bits_per_block;
last_block() |= static_cast<block_type>(*first << extra_bits);
block_type block = block_type(*first >> unused_bits);
while(first != last)
block |= static_cast<block_type>(*first << extra_bits);
m_bits_number += bits_per_block;
block = block_type(*first >> unused_bits);
m_bits_number += bits_per_block;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::operator&=(
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs)
assert(size() == rhs.size());
//apply(rhs, std::bit_and());
for(size_type i = 0; i < m_blocks.size(); ++i)
m_blocks[i] &= rhs.m_blocks[i];
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::operator|=(
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs)
assert(size() == rhs.size());
//apply(rhs, std::bit_or());
for(size_type i = 0; i < m_blocks.size(); ++i)
m_blocks[i] |= rhs.m_blocks[i];
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::operator^=(
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs)
assert(size() == rhs.size());
//apply(rhs, std::bit_xor());
for(size_type i = 0; i < m_blocks.size(); ++i)
m_blocks[i] ^= rhs.m_blocks[i];
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::operator-=(
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs)
assert(size() == rhs.size());
//apply(rhs, [](const block_type& x, const block_type& y) { return (x & ~y); });
for(size_type i = 0; i < m_blocks.size(); ++i)
m_blocks[i] &= static_cast<block_type>(~rhs.m_blocks[i]);
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::operator<<=(
size_type shift)
if(shift != 0)
if(shift >= m_bits_number)
sanitize(); // unused bits can have changed, reset them to 0
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::operator>>=(
size_type shift)
if(shift != 0)
if(shift >= m_bits_number)
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::operator<<(
size_type shift) const
return dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>(*this) <<= shift;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::operator>>(
size_type shift) const
return dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>(*this) >>= shift;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::operator~() const
dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> bitset(*this);
return bitset;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::set(size_type pos,
size_type len,
bool value)
assert(pos < size());
if(len == 0)
return *this;
assert(pos + len - 1 < size());
const size_type first_block = block_index(pos);
const size_type last_block = block_index(pos + len - 1);
const size_type first_bit_index = bit_index(pos);
const size_type last_bit_index = bit_index(pos + len - 1);
if(first_block == last_block)
set_block_bits(m_blocks[first_block], first_bit_index, last_bit_index, value);
size_type first_full_block = first_block;
size_type last_full_block = last_block;
if(first_bit_index != 0)
++first_full_block; // first block is not full
set_block_bits(m_blocks[first_block], first_bit_index, block_last_bit_index, value);
if(last_bit_index != block_last_bit_index)
--last_full_block; // last block is not full
set_block_bits(m_blocks[last_block], 0, last_bit_index, value);
const block_type full_block = value ? one_block : zero_block;
for(size_type i = first_full_block; i <= last_full_block; ++i)
m_blocks[i] = full_block;
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::set(size_type pos,
bool value)
assert(pos < size());
m_blocks[block_index(pos)] |= bit_mask(pos);
m_blocks[block_index(pos)] &= static_cast<block_type>(~bit_mask(pos));
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::set()
std::fill(std::begin(m_blocks), std::end(m_blocks), one_block);
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reset(size_type pos,
size_type len)
return set(pos, len, false);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reset(size_type pos)
return set(pos, false);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reset()
std::fill(std::begin(m_blocks), std::end(m_blocks), zero_block);
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::flip(size_type pos,
size_type len)
assert(pos < size());
if(len == 0)
return *this;
assert(pos + len - 1 < size());
const size_type first_block = block_index(pos);
const size_type last_block = block_index(pos + len - 1);
const size_type first_bit_index = bit_index(pos);
const size_type last_bit_index = bit_index(pos + len - 1);
if(first_block == last_block)
flip_block_bits(m_blocks[first_block], first_bit_index, last_bit_index);
size_type first_full_block = first_block;
size_type last_full_block = last_block;
if(first_bit_index != 0)
++first_full_block; // first block is not full
flip_block_bits(m_blocks[first_block], first_bit_index, block_last_bit_index);
if(last_bit_index != block_last_bit_index)
--last_full_block; // last block is not full
flip_block_bits(m_blocks[last_block], 0, last_bit_index);
for(size_type i = first_full_block; i <= last_full_block; ++i)
m_blocks[i] = block_type(~m_blocks[i]);
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::flip(size_type pos)
assert(pos < size());
m_blocks[block_index(pos)] ^= bit_mask(pos);
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::flip()
std::cbegin(m_blocks), std::cend(m_blocks), std::begin(m_blocks), std::bit_not<block_type>());
return *this;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::test(size_type pos) const
assert(pos < size());
return (m_blocks[block_index(pos)] & bit_mask(pos)) != zero_block;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::test_set(size_type pos, bool value)
bool const result = test(pos);
if(result != value)
set(pos, value);
return result;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::all() const
return true;
const block_type full_block = one_block;
if(extra_bits_number() == 0)
for(const block_type& block: m_blocks)
if(block != full_block)
return false;
for(size_type i = 0; i < m_blocks.size() - 1; ++i)
if(m_blocks[i] != full_block)
return false;
if(last_block() != (full_block >> unused_bits_number()))
return false;
return true;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::any() const
for(const block_type& block: m_blocks)
if(block != zero_block)
return true;
return false;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::none() const
return !any();
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type dynamic_bitset<Block,
const noexcept
return 0;
const size_type count =
static_cast<size_type>(popcnt(m_blocks.data(), m_blocks.size() * sizeof(block_type)));
size_type count = 0;
// full blocks
for(size_type i = 0; i < m_blocks.size() - 1; ++i)
count += block_count(m_blocks[i]);
// last block
const block_type& block = last_block();
const size_type extra_bits = extra_bits_number();
if(extra_bits == 0)
count += block_count(block);
count += block_count(block, extra_bits);
return count;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
operator[](size_type pos)
assert(pos < size());
return dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reference(*this, pos);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::const_reference dynamic_bitset<
Allocator>::operator[](size_type pos) const
return test(pos);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type dynamic_bitset<Block,
const noexcept
return m_bits_number;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
num_blocks() const noexcept
return m_blocks.size();
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::empty() const noexcept
return size() == 0;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type dynamic_bitset<Block,
const noexcept
return m_blocks.capacity() * bits_per_block;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::reserve(size_type num_bits)
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::shrink_to_fit()
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::is_subset_of(
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset) const
assert(size() == bitset.size());
for(size_type i = 0; i < m_blocks.size(); ++i)
if((m_blocks[i] & ~bitset.m_blocks[i]) != zero_block)
return false;
return true;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::is_proper_subset_of(
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset) const
assert(size() == bitset.size());
bool is_proper = false;
for(size_type i = 0; i < m_blocks.size(); ++i)
const block_type& self_block = m_blocks[i];
const block_type& other_block = bitset.m_blocks[i];
if((self_block & ~other_block) != zero_block)
return false;
if((~self_block & other_block) != zero_block)
is_proper = true;
return is_proper;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::intersects(
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset) const
const size_type min_blocks_number = std::min(m_blocks.size(), bitset.m_blocks.size());
for(size_type i = 0; i < min_blocks_number; ++i)
if((m_blocks[i] & bitset.m_blocks[i]) != zero_block)
return true;
return false;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
find_first() const
for(size_type i = 0; i < m_blocks.size(); ++i)
if(m_blocks[i] != zero_block)
return i * bits_per_block + count_block_trailing_zero(m_blocks[i]);
return npos;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
find_next(size_type prev) const
if(empty() || prev >= (size() - 1))
return npos;
const size_type first_bit = prev + 1;
const size_type first_block = block_index(first_bit);
const size_type first_bit_index = bit_index(first_bit);
const block_type first_block_shifted = block_type(m_blocks[first_block] >> first_bit_index);
if(first_block_shifted != zero_block)
return first_bit + count_block_trailing_zero(first_block_shifted);
for(size_type i = first_block + 1; i < m_blocks.size(); ++i)
if(m_blocks[i] != zero_block)
return i * bits_per_block + count_block_trailing_zero(m_blocks[i]);
return npos;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::swap(dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& other)
std::swap(m_blocks, other.m_blocks);
std::swap(m_bits_number, other.m_bits_number);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::allocator_type dynamic_bitset<
Allocator>::get_allocator() const
return m_blocks.get_allocator();
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
constexpr std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::to_string(
_CharT zero,
_CharT one) const
const size_type len = size();
std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> str(len, zero);
for(size_type i_block = 0; i_block < m_blocks.size(); ++i_block)
if(m_blocks[i_block] == zero_block)
block_type mask = block_type(1);
const size_type limit =
i_block * bits_per_block < len ? len - i_block * bits_per_block : bits_per_block;
for(size_type i_bit = 0; i_bit < limit; ++i_bit)
if((m_blocks[i_block] & mask) != zero_block)
_Traits::assign(str[len - (i_block * bits_per_block + i_bit + 1)], one);
// mask <<= 1; not used because it trigger -Wconversion because of integral promotion for block_type smaller than int
mask = static_cast<block_type>(mask << 1);
return str;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr unsigned long dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::to_ulong() const
if(m_bits_number == 0)
return 0;
constexpr size_t ul_bits_number = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::digits;
if(find_next(ul_bits_number - 1) != npos)
throw std::overflow_error("sul::dynamic_bitset::to_ulong");
unsigned long result = 0;
const size_type result_bits_number = std::min(ul_bits_number, m_bits_number);
for(size_type i_block = 0; i_block <= block_index(result_bits_number - 1); ++i_block)
result |= (static_cast<unsigned long>(m_blocks[i_block]) << (i_block * bits_per_block));
return result;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr unsigned long long dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::to_ullong() const
if(m_bits_number == 0)
return 0;
constexpr size_t ull_bits_number = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::digits;
if(find_next(ull_bits_number - 1) != npos)
throw std::overflow_error("sul::dynamic_bitset::to_ullong");
unsigned long long result = 0;
const size_type result_bits_number = std::min(ull_bits_number, m_bits_number);
for(size_type i_block = 0; i_block <= block_index(result_bits_number - 1); ++i_block)
result |=
(static_cast<unsigned long long>(m_blocks[i_block]) << (i_block * bits_per_block));
return result;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
template<typename Function, typename... Parameters>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::iterate_bits_on(Function&& function,
Parameters&&... parameters) const
if constexpr(!std::is_invocable_v<Function, size_t, Parameters...>)
static_assert(dependent_false<Function>::value, "Function take invalid arguments");
// function should take (size_t, parameters...) as arguments
if constexpr(std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Function, size_t, Parameters...>, void>)
size_type i_bit = find_first();
while(i_bit != npos)
std::forward<Function>(function), i_bit, std::forward<Parameters>(parameters)...);
i_bit = find_next(i_bit);
else if constexpr(std::is_convertible_v<std::invoke_result_t<Function, size_t, Parameters...>,
size_type i_bit = find_first();
while(i_bit != npos)
std::forward<Function>(function), i_bit, std::forward<Parameters>(parameters)...))
i_bit = find_next(i_bit);
static_assert(dependent_false<Function>::value, "Function have invalid return type");
// return type should be void, or convertible to bool
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::block_type* dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
data() noexcept
return m_blocks.data();
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr const typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::block_type* dynamic_bitset<
Allocator>::data() const noexcept
return m_blocks.data();
template<typename Block_, typename Allocator_>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const dynamic_bitset<Block_, Allocator_>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block_, Allocator_>& rhs)
return (lhs.m_bits_number == rhs.m_bits_number) && (lhs.m_blocks == rhs.m_blocks);
template<typename Block_, typename Allocator_>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator<(const dynamic_bitset<Block_, Allocator_>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block_, Allocator_>& rhs)
using size_type = typename dynamic_bitset<Block_, Allocator_>::size_type;
using block_type = typename dynamic_bitset<Block_, Allocator_>::block_type;
const size_type lhs_size = lhs.size();
const size_type rhs_size = rhs.size();
const size_type lhs_blocks_size = lhs.m_blocks.size();
const size_type rhs_blocks_size = rhs.m_blocks.size();
if(lhs_size == rhs_size)
// if comparison of two empty bitsets
if(lhs_size == 0)
return false;
for(size_type i = lhs_blocks_size - 1; i > 0; --i)
if(lhs.m_blocks[i] != rhs.m_blocks[i])
return lhs.m_blocks[i] < rhs.m_blocks[i];
return lhs.m_blocks[0] < rhs.m_blocks[0];
// empty bitset inferior to 0-only bitset
if(lhs_size == 0)
return true;
if(rhs_size == 0)
return false;
const bool rhs_longer = rhs_size > lhs_size;
const dynamic_bitset<Block_, Allocator_>& longest_bitset = rhs_longer ? rhs : lhs;
const size_type longest_blocks_size = std::max(lhs_blocks_size, rhs_blocks_size);
const size_type shortest_blocks_size = std::min(lhs_blocks_size, rhs_blocks_size);
for(size_type i = longest_blocks_size - 1; i >= shortest_blocks_size; --i)
if(longest_bitset.m_blocks[i] != block_type(0))
return rhs_longer;
for(size_type i = shortest_blocks_size - 1; i > 0; --i)
if(lhs.m_blocks[i] != rhs.m_blocks[i])
return lhs.m_blocks[i] < rhs.m_blocks[i];
if(lhs.m_blocks[0] != rhs.m_blocks[0])
return lhs.m_blocks[0] < rhs.m_blocks[0];
return lhs_size < rhs_size;
// dynamic_bitset private functions implementations
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
blocks_required(size_type nbits) noexcept
return nbits / bits_per_block + static_cast<size_type>(nbits % bits_per_block > 0);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
block_index(size_type pos) noexcept
return pos / bits_per_block;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
bit_index(size_type pos) noexcept
return pos % bits_per_block;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::block_type dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
bit_mask(size_type pos) noexcept
return block_type(block_type(1) << bit_index(pos));
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::block_type dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
bit_mask(size_type first, size_type last) noexcept
first = bit_index(first);
last = bit_index(last);
if(last == (block_last_bit_index))
return block_type(one_block << first);
return block_type(((block_type(1) << (last + 1)) - 1) ^ ((block_type(1) << first) - 1));
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::set_block_bits(block_type& block,
size_type first,
size_type last,
bool val) noexcept
block |= bit_mask(first, last);
block &= static_cast<block_type>(~bit_mask(first, last));
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::flip_block_bits(block_type& block,
size_type first,
size_type last) noexcept
block ^= bit_mask(first, last);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
block_count(const block_type& block) noexcept
return static_cast<size_type>(std::popcount(block));
if(block == zero_block)
return 0;
constexpr size_t u_bits_number = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits;
constexpr size_t ul_bits_number = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::digits;
constexpr size_t ull_bits_number = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::digits;
if constexpr(bits_per_block <= u_bits_number)
return static_cast<size_type>(__builtin_popcount(static_cast<unsigned int>(block)));
else if constexpr(bits_per_block <= ul_bits_number)
return static_cast<size_type>(__builtin_popcountl(static_cast<unsigned long>(block)));
else if constexpr(bits_per_block <= ull_bits_number)
return static_cast<size_type>(__builtin_popcountll(static_cast<unsigned long long>(block)));
# endif
size_type count = 0;
block_type mask = 1;
for(size_type bit_index = 0; bit_index < bits_per_block; ++bit_index)
count += static_cast<size_type>((block & mask) != zero_block);
// mask <<= 1; not used because it trigger -Wconversion because of integral promotion for block_type smaller than int
mask = static_cast<block_type>(mask << 1);
return count;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
block_count(const block_type& block, size_type nbits) noexcept
assert(nbits <= bits_per_block);
const block_type shifted_block = block_type(block << (bits_per_block - nbits));
return static_cast<size_type>(std::popcount(shifted_block));
const block_type shifted_block = block_type(block << (bits_per_block - nbits));
if(shifted_block == zero_block)
return 0;
constexpr size_t u_bits_number = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits;
constexpr size_t ul_bits_number = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::digits;
constexpr size_t ull_bits_number = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::digits;
if constexpr(bits_per_block <= u_bits_number)
return static_cast<size_type>(__builtin_popcount(static_cast<unsigned int>(shifted_block)));
else if constexpr(bits_per_block <= ul_bits_number)
return static_cast<size_type>(
__builtin_popcountl(static_cast<unsigned long>(shifted_block)));
else if constexpr(bits_per_block <= ull_bits_number)
return static_cast<size_type>(
__builtin_popcountll(static_cast<unsigned long long>(shifted_block)));
# endif
size_type count = 0;
block_type mask = 1;
for(size_type bit_index = 0; bit_index < nbits; ++bit_index)
count += static_cast<size_type>((block & mask) != zero_block);
// mask <<= 1; not used because it trigger -Wconversion because of integral promotion for block_type smaller than int
mask = static_cast<block_type>(mask << 1);
return count;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
count_block_trailing_zero(const block_type& block) noexcept
assert(block != zero_block);
return static_cast<size_type>(std::countr_zero(block));
constexpr size_t u_bits_number = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits;
constexpr size_t ul_bits_number = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::digits;
constexpr size_t ull_bits_number = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::digits;
if constexpr(bits_per_block <= u_bits_number)
return static_cast<size_type>(__builtin_ctz(static_cast<unsigned int>(block)));
else if constexpr(bits_per_block <= ul_bits_number)
return static_cast<size_type>(__builtin_ctzl(static_cast<unsigned long>(block)));
else if constexpr(bits_per_block <= ull_bits_number)
return static_cast<size_type>(__builtin_ctzll(static_cast<unsigned long long>(block)));
constexpr size_t ul_bits_number = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::digits;
constexpr size_t ui64_bits_number = std::numeric_limits<unsigned __int64>::digits;
if constexpr(bits_per_block <= ul_bits_number)
unsigned long index = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max();
_BitScanForward(&index, static_cast<unsigned long>(block));
return static_cast<size_type>(index);
else if constexpr(bits_per_block <= ui64_bits_number)
unsigned long index = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max();
_BitScanForward64(&index, static_cast<unsigned __int64>(block));
return static_cast<size_type>(index);
# else
constexpr unsigned long max_ul = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max();
unsigned long low = block & max_ul;
if(low != 0)
unsigned long index = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max();
_BitScanForward(&index, low);
return static_cast<size_type>(index);
unsigned long high = block >> ul_bits_number;
unsigned long index = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max();
_BitScanForward(&index, high);
return static_cast<size_type>(ul_bits_number + index);
# endif
# endif
block_type mask = block_type(1);
for(size_type i = 0; i < bits_per_block; ++i)
if((block & mask) != zero_block)
return i;
// mask <<= 1; not used because it trigger -Wconversion because of integral promotion for block_type smaller than int
mask = static_cast<block_type>(mask << 1);
assert(false); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE: unreachable
return npos; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE: unreachable
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::init_from_string(
std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> str,
typename std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>::size_type pos,
typename std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>::size_type n,
[[maybe_unused]] _CharT zero,
_CharT one)
assert(pos < str.size());
const size_type size = std::min(n, str.size() - pos);
m_bits_number = size;
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
const _CharT c = str[(pos + size - 1) - i];
assert(c == zero || c == one);
if(c == one)
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::block_type& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
get_block(size_type pos)
return m_blocks[block_index(pos)];
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr const typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::block_type& dynamic_bitset<
Allocator>::get_block(size_type pos) const
return m_blocks[block_index(pos)];
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::block_type& dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
return m_blocks[m_blocks.size() - 1];
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::block_type dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
last_block() const
return m_blocks[m_blocks.size() - 1];
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
extra_bits_number() const noexcept
return bit_index(m_bits_number);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::
unused_bits_number() const noexcept
return bits_per_block - extra_bits_number();
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
template<typename BinaryOperation>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::apply(
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& other,
BinaryOperation binary_op)
assert(num_blocks() == other.num_blocks());
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
template<typename UnaryOperation>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::apply(UnaryOperation unary_op)
std::transform(std::cbegin(m_blocks), std::cend(m_blocks), std::begin(m_blocks), unary_op);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::apply_left_shift(size_type shift)
assert(shift > 0);
assert(shift < capacity());
const size_type blocks_shift = shift / bits_per_block;
const size_type bits_offset = shift % bits_per_block;
if(bits_offset == 0)
for(size_type i = m_blocks.size() - 1; i >= blocks_shift; --i)
m_blocks[i] = m_blocks[i - blocks_shift];
const size_type reverse_bits_offset = bits_per_block - bits_offset;
for(size_type i = m_blocks.size() - 1; i > blocks_shift; --i)
m_blocks[i] =
block_type((m_blocks[i - blocks_shift] << bits_offset)
| block_type(m_blocks[i - blocks_shift - 1] >> reverse_bits_offset));
m_blocks[blocks_shift] = block_type(m_blocks[0] << bits_offset);
// set bit that came at the right to 0 in unmodified blocks
+ static_cast<typename decltype(m_blocks)::difference_type>(blocks_shift),
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::apply_right_shift(size_type shift)
assert(shift > 0);
assert(shift < capacity());
const size_type blocks_shift = shift / bits_per_block;
const size_type bits_offset = shift % bits_per_block;
const size_type last_block_to_shift = m_blocks.size() - blocks_shift - 1;
if(bits_offset == 0)
for(size_type i = 0; i <= last_block_to_shift; ++i)
m_blocks[i] = m_blocks[i + blocks_shift];
const size_type reverse_bits_offset = bits_per_block - bits_offset;
for(size_type i = 0; i < last_block_to_shift; ++i)
m_blocks[i] =
block_type((m_blocks[i + blocks_shift] >> bits_offset)
| block_type(m_blocks[i + blocks_shift + 1] << reverse_bits_offset));
m_blocks[last_block_to_shift] = block_type(m_blocks[m_blocks.size() - 1] >> bits_offset);
// set bit that came at the left to 0 in unmodified blocks
+ static_cast<typename decltype(m_blocks)::difference_type>(last_block_to_shift + 1),
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::sanitize()
size_type shift = m_bits_number % bits_per_block;
if(shift > 0)
last_block() &= static_cast<block_type>(~(one_block << shift));
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::check_unused_bits() const noexcept
const size_type extra_bits = extra_bits_number();
if(extra_bits > 0)
return (last_block() & (one_block << extra_bits)) == zero_block;
return true;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::check_size() const noexcept
return blocks_required(size()) == m_blocks.size();
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::check_consistency() const noexcept
return check_unused_bits() && check_size();
// dynamic_bitset external functions implementations
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool operator!=(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool operator<=(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs)
return !(rhs < lhs);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool operator>(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs)
return rhs < lhs;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bool operator>=(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs)
return !(lhs < rhs);
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> operator&(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs)
dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> result(lhs);
return result &= rhs;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> operator|(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs)
dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> result(lhs);
return result |= rhs;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> operator^(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs)
dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> result(lhs);
return result ^= rhs;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> operator-(const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& lhs,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& rhs)
dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> result(lhs);
return result -= rhs;
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator<<(
std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& os,
const dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset)
// A better implementation is possible
return os << bitset.template to_string<_CharT, _Traits>();
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator>>(std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& is,
dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset)
// A better implementation is possible
constexpr _CharT zero = _CharT('0');
constexpr _CharT one = _CharT('1');
typename std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::sentry s(is);
return is;
dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator> reverse_bitset;
_CharT val;
if(val == one)
else if(val == zero)
for(typename dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::size_type i = reverse_bitset.size() - 1;
i > 0;
return is;
template<typename Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr void swap(dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset1,
dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>& bitset2)
} // namespace sul