
456 lines
7.9 KiB

(footprint "LED_D5.0mm_Horizontal_O3.81mm_Z9.0mm"
(version 20240108)
(generator "pcbnew")
(generator_version "8.0")
(layer "F.Cu")
(descr "LED, diameter 5.0mm z-position of LED center 3.0mm, 2 pins, diameter 5.0mm z-position of LED center 3.0mm, 2 pins, diameter 5.0mm z-position of LED center 3.0mm, 2 pins, diameter 5.0mm z-position of LED center 9.0mm, 2 pins, diameter 5.0mm z-position of LED center 9.0mm, 2 pins")
(tags "LED diameter 5.0mm z-position of LED center 3.0mm 2 pins diameter 5.0mm z-position of LED center 3.0mm 2 pins diameter 5.0mm z-position of LED center 3.0mm 2 pins diameter 5.0mm z-position of LED center 9.0mm 2 pins diameter 5.0mm z-position of LED center 9.0mm 2 pins")
(property "Reference" "REF**"
(at 1.27 -1.96 0)
(layer "F.SilkS")
(uuid "a3f8642b-dd09-4c64-aa3f-ab48a6ef64b6")
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(model "${KICAD8_3DMODEL_DIR}/LED_THT.3dshapes/LED_D5.0mm_Horizontal_O3.81mm_Z9.0mm.wrl"
(xyz 0 0 0)
(xyz 1 1 1)
(xyz 0 0 0)