
736 lines
13 KiB

(footprint "RotaryEncoder_Bourns_Horizontal_PEL12D-2x26F-Sxxxx"
(version 20240108)
(generator "pcbnew")
(generator_version "8.0")
(layer "F.Cu")
(descr "Rotary encoder with switch and illuminated 13mm shaft, dual-led,")
(tags "rotary encoder illuminated switch horizontal")
(property "Reference" "REF**"
(at 3.1 -5.1 0)
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(uuid "0adb1b11-be3d-466b-b4ff-faff6e833615")
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(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}"
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(uuid "50f760a7-a9c9-443e-841b-82b0c4bf846b")
(size 1 1)
(thickness 0.15)
(pad "1" thru_hole roundrect
(at 0 0 270)
(size 1.6 1.6)
(drill 1)
(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
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(roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(uuid "2b858d4b-b7dd-4684-8282-842ecf41d1c5")
(pad "2" thru_hole circle
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(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
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(uuid "2c7896f7-ae93-4eef-bff7-0725b1be0ac4")
(pad "3" thru_hole circle
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(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
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(uuid "0d13eccb-d148-42e4-a540-4872a4112a9e")
(pad "4" thru_hole circle
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(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
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(uuid "c8d3c523-d212-4e64-bf85-3d69222d5e97")
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(uuid "5808ecbd-62b4-401e-b72e-2a265d963a05")
(pad "SH" thru_hole oval
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(uuid "ff1678ea-49ad-46f5-8f88-d8e978f616ad")
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(net_name "")
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(tracks not_allowed)
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(copperpour allowed)
(footprints allowed)
(thermal_gap 0.5)
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(xy -2.7 -3.2) (xy -2.7 -4.1) (xy -3.4 -4.1) (xy -3.4 -3.2)
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(hatch edge 0.5)
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(copperpour allowed)
(footprints allowed)
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(xy 9.4 -3.2) (xy 9.4 -4.1) (xy 8.7 -4.1) (xy 8.7 -3.2)
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(net_name "")
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(uuid "2fb51120-bb6c-4e9d-8e54-ffc60404a4b8")
(hatch edge 0.5)
(clearance 0)
(min_thickness 0.25)
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(tracks not_allowed)
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(copperpour allowed)
(footprints allowed)
(thermal_gap 0.5)
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(xy -2.7 4.9) (xy -2.7 3.6) (xy -3.45 3.6) (xy -3.45 4.9)
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(uuid "e4e2b1c8-d274-407d-93f3-e9881e9b5038")
(hatch edge 0.5)
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(min_thickness 0.25)
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(tracks not_allowed)
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(pads not_allowed)
(copperpour allowed)
(footprints allowed)
(thermal_gap 0.5)
(thermal_bridge_width 0.5)
(xy 9.45 4.95) (xy 9.45 3.65) (xy 8.7 3.65) (xy 8.7 4.95)
(model "${KICAD8_3DMODEL_DIR}/Rotary_Encoder.3dshapes/RotaryEncoder_Bourns_Horizontal_PEL12D-2x26F-Sxxxx.wrl"
(xyz 0 0 0)
(xyz 1 1 1)
(xyz 0 0 0)