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File: eproto_rx.v
This file is part of the Parallella Project.
Copyright (C) 2014 Adapteva, Inc.
Contributed by Fred Huettig <fred@adapteva.com>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program (see the file COPYING). If not, see
EPIPHANY eLink RX Protocol block
This block takes the parallel output of the input deserializers, locates
valid frame transitions, and decodes the bytes into standard eMesh
protocol (104-bit transactions).
module eproto_rx (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
rx_rd_wait, rx_wr_wait, emrx_access, emrx_write, emrx_datamode,
emrx_ctrlmode, emrx_dstaddr, emrx_srcaddr, emrx_data,
// Inputs
reset, rxlclk_p, rxframe_p, rxdata_p, emrx_rd_wait, emrx_wr_wait
// System reset input
input reset;
// Parallel interface, 8 eLink bytes at a time
input rxlclk_p; // Parallel clock input from IO block
input [7:0] rxframe_p;
input [63:0] rxdata_p;
output rx_rd_wait; // The wait signals are passed through
output rx_wr_wait; // from the emesh interfaces
// Output to MMU / filter
output emrx_access;
output emrx_write;
output [1:0] emrx_datamode;
output [3:0] emrx_ctrlmode;
output [31:0] emrx_dstaddr;
output [31:0] emrx_srcaddr;
output [31:0] emrx_data;
input emrx_rd_wait;
input emrx_wr_wait;
//# Configuration bits
//# Identify FRAME edges
reg frame_prev;
reg [2:0] rxalign_in;
reg rxactive_in;
reg [63:0] rxdata_in;
reg [2:0] rxalign_0;
reg rxactive_0;
reg [3:0] ctrlmode_0;
reg [31:0] dstaddr_0;
reg [1:0] datamode_0;
reg write_0;
reg access_0;
reg [31:16] data_0;
reg stream_0;
reg [2:0] rxalign_1;
reg rxactive_1;
reg [3:0] ctrlmode_1;
reg [31:0] dstaddr_1;
reg [1:0] datamode_1;
reg write_1;
reg access_1;
reg [31:0] data_1;
reg [31:0] srcaddr_1;
reg stream_1;
reg [3:0] ctrlmode_2;
reg [31:0] dstaddr_2;
reg [1:0] datamode_2;
reg write_2;
reg access_2;
reg [31:0] data_2;
reg [31:0] srcaddr_2;
reg stream_2;
// Here we handle any alignment of the frame within an 8-cycle group,
// though in theory frames should only start on rising edges??
always @( posedge rxlclk_p ) begin
frame_prev <= rxframe_p[0] ; // Capture last bit for next group
rxdata_in <= rxdata_p;
if( ~frame_prev & rxframe_p[7] ) begin // All 8 bytes are a new frame
rxalign_in <= 3'd7;
rxactive_in <= 1'b1;
end else if( ~rxframe_p[7] & rxframe_p[6] ) begin
rxalign_in <= 3'd6;
rxactive_in <= 1'b1;
end else if( ~rxframe_p[6] & rxframe_p[5] ) begin
rxalign_in <= 3'd5;
rxactive_in <= 1'b1;
end else if( ~rxframe_p[5] & rxframe_p[4] ) begin
rxalign_in <= 3'd4;
rxactive_in <= 1'b1;
end else if( ~rxframe_p[4] & rxframe_p[3] ) begin
rxalign_in <= 3'd3;
rxactive_in <= 1'b1;
end else if( ~rxframe_p[3] & rxframe_p[2] ) begin
rxalign_in <= 3'd2;
rxactive_in <= 1'b1;
end else if( ~rxframe_p[2] & rxframe_p[1] ) begin
rxalign_in <= 3'd1;
rxactive_in <= 1'b1;
end else if( ~rxframe_p[1] & rxframe_p[0] ) begin
rxalign_in <= 3'd0;
rxactive_in <= 1'b1;
end else begin
rxactive_in <= 3'd0; // No edge
end // always @ ( posedge rxlclk_p )
// 1st cycle
always @( posedge rxlclk_p ) begin
rxactive_0 <= rxactive_in;
rxalign_0 <= rxalign_in;
stream_0 <= 1'b0;
3'd7: begin
ctrlmode_0 <= rxdata_in[55:52];
dstaddr_0[31:0] <= rxdata_in[51:20];
datamode_0 <= rxdata_in[19:18];
write_0 <= rxdata_in[17];
access_0 <= rxdata_in[16];
data_0[31:16] <= rxdata_in[15:0];
stream_0 <= rxframe_p[1] & (rxactive_in | stream_0);
3'd6: begin
ctrlmode_0 <= rxdata_in[47:44];
dstaddr_0[31:0] <= rxdata_in[43:12];
datamode_0 <= rxdata_in[11:10];
write_0 <= rxdata_in[9];
access_0 <= rxdata_in[8];
data_0[31:24] <= rxdata_in[7:0];
stream_0 <= rxframe_p[0] & (rxactive_in | stream_0);
3'd5: begin
ctrlmode_0 <= rxdata_in[39:36];
dstaddr_0[31:0] <= rxdata_in[35:4];
datamode_0 <= rxdata_in[3:2];
write_0 <= rxdata_in[1];
access_0 <= rxdata_in[0];
3'd4: begin
ctrlmode_0 <= rxdata_in[31:28];
dstaddr_0[31:4] <= rxdata_in[27:0];
3'd3: begin
ctrlmode_0 <= rxdata_in[23:20];
dstaddr_0[31:12] <= rxdata_in[19:0];
3'd2: begin
ctrlmode_0 <= rxdata_in[15:12];
dstaddr_0[31:20] <= rxdata_in[11:0];
3'd1: begin
ctrlmode_0 <= rxdata_in[7:4];
dstaddr_0[31:28] <= rxdata_in[3:0];
// if align == 0 then only the tran byte is present, ignore
endcase // case (rxalign_in)
end // always @ ( posedge rxlclk_p )
// 2nd cycle
always @( posedge rxlclk_p ) begin
rxactive_1 <= rxactive_0;
rxalign_1 <= rxalign_0;
// default pass-throughs
ctrlmode_1 <= ctrlmode_0;
dstaddr_1 <= dstaddr_0;
datamode_1 <= datamode_0;
write_1 <= write_0;
access_1 <= access_0;
data_1[31:16] <= data_0[31:16];
stream_1 <= stream_0;
3'd7: begin
data_1[15:0] <= rxdata_in[63:48];
srcaddr_1 <= rxdata_in[47:16];
3'd6: begin
data_1[23:0] <= rxdata_in[63:40];
srcaddr_1 <= rxdata_in[39:8];
3'd5: begin
data_1 <= rxdata_in[63:32];
srcaddr_1 <= rxdata_in[31:0];
stream_1 <= rxframe_p[7] & (rxactive_0 | stream_1);
3'd4: begin
dstaddr_1[3:0] <= rxdata_in[63:60];
datamode_1 <= rxdata_in[59:58];
write_1 <= rxdata_in[57];
access_1 <= rxdata_in[56];
data_1 <= rxdata_in[55:24];
srcaddr_1[31:8] <= rxdata_in[23:0];
stream_1 <= rxframe_p[6] & (rxactive_0 | stream_1);
3'd3: begin
dstaddr_1[11:0] <= rxdata_in[63:52];
datamode_1 <= rxdata_in[51:50];
write_1 <= rxdata_in[49];
access_1 <= rxdata_in[48];
data_1 <= rxdata_in[47:16];
srcaddr_1[31:16] <= rxdata_in[15:0];
stream_1 <= rxframe_p[5] & (rxactive_0 | stream_1);
3'd2: begin
dstaddr_1[19:0] <= rxdata_in[63:44];
datamode_1 <= rxdata_in[43:42];
write_1 <= rxdata_in[41];
access_1 <= rxdata_in[40];
data_1 <= rxdata_in[39:8];
srcaddr_1[31:24] <= rxdata_in[7:0];
stream_1 <= rxframe_p[4] & (rxactive_0 | stream_1);
3'd1: begin
dstaddr_1[27:0] <= rxdata_in[63:36];
datamode_1 <= rxdata_in[35:34];
write_1 <= rxdata_in[33];
access_1 <= rxdata_in[32];
data_1 <= rxdata_in[31:0];
stream_1 <= rxframe_p[3] & (rxactive_0 | stream_1);
3'd0: begin
ctrlmode_1 <= rxdata_in[63:60];
dstaddr_1[31:0] <= rxdata_in[59:28];
datamode_1 <= rxdata_in[27:26];
write_1 <= rxdata_in[25];
access_1 <= rxdata_in[24];
data_1[31:8] <= rxdata_in[23:0];
stream_1 <= rxframe_p[2] & (rxactive_0 | stream_1);
end // always @ ( posedge rxlclk_p )
// 3rd cycle
always @( posedge rxlclk_p ) begin
// default pass-throughs
if(~stream_2) begin
ctrlmode_2 <= ctrlmode_1;
dstaddr_2 <= dstaddr_1;
datamode_2 <= datamode_1;
write_2 <= write_1;
access_2 <= access_1 & rxactive_1;
end else begin
dstaddr_2 <= dstaddr_2 + 32'h00000008;
data_2 <= data_1;
srcaddr_2 <= srcaddr_1;
stream_2 <= stream_1;
case( rxalign_1 )
// 7-5: Full packet is complete in 2nd cycle
srcaddr_2[7:0] <= rxdata_in[63:56];
srcaddr_2[15:0] <= rxdata_in[63:48];
srcaddr_2[23:0] <= rxdata_in[63:40];
srcaddr_2[31:0] <= rxdata_in[63:32];
3'd0: begin
data_2[7:0] <= rxdata_in[63:56];
srcaddr_2[31:0] <= rxdata_in[55:24];
endcase // case ( rxalign_1 )
end // always @ ( posedge rxlclk_p )
/* The spec says reads use the 'data' slot for src address, but apparently
the silicon has not read this spec.
if( write_1 ) begin
srcaddr_2 <= srcaddr_1;
case( rxalign_1 )
// 7-5 Full packet is complete in 2nd cycle
srcaddr_2[7:0] <= rxdata_in[63:56];
srcaddr_2[15:0] <= rxdata_in[63:48];
srcaddr_2[23:0] <= rxdata_in[63:40];
srcaddr_2[31:0] <= rxdata_in[63:32];
3'd0: begin
data_2[7:0] <= rxdata_in[63:56];
srcaddr_2[31:0] <= rxdata_in[55:24];
endcase // case ( rxalign_1 )
end else begin // on reads, source addr is in data slot
srcaddr_2 <= data_1;
if( rxalign_1 == )
srcaddr_2[7:0] <= rxdata_in[63:56];
end // else: !if( write_1 )
end // always @ ( posedge rxlclk_p )
// xxx_2 now has one complete transfer
// TODO: Handle burst mode, for now we stop after one xaction
assign emrx_access = access_2;
assign emrx_write = write_2;
assign emrx_datamode = datamode_2;
assign emrx_ctrlmode = ctrlmode_2;
assign emrx_dstaddr = dstaddr_2;
assign emrx_srcaddr = srcaddr_2;
assign emrx_data = data_2;
//# Wait signal passthrough
wire rx_rd_wait = emrx_rd_wait;
wire rx_wr_wait = emrx_wr_wait;
endmodule // eproto_rx