Add ESD Protection to Endstops #2

AllSpiceAlice wants to merge 5 commits from develop into main
Showing only changes of commit 35b7d09b73 - Show all commits

brendan marked this conversation as resolved

@RevaReviewa, the extra endstop channel has been removed. Thank you!

!thumbnail[](EndStops.SchDoc){ diff="AllSpice-Demos/Altium-Demo:c285374952fcea88c33ee99a6badbfa58c18cc50...7eaa84ee12e13afc3adee15ebf0e4f30f55007c4" pr="2" diff-visibility="full" variant="default" view-coords="4.8,40.4,49.6,60.8" aspect-ratio="1.286" } @RevaReviewa, the extra endstop channel has been removed. Thank you!

@daniel What's up with this?

!thumbnail[](EndStops.SchDoc){ diff="AllSpice-Demos/Altium-Demo:c285374952fcea88c33ee99a6badbfa58c18cc50...7eaa84ee12e13afc3adee15ebf0e4f30f55007c4" pr="2" diff-visibility="full" variant="default" view-coords="51.6,15.4,93.9,37.3" aspect-ratio="1.286" } @daniel What's up with this?

We wanted to add ESD protection. The users kept frying the boards when connecting cables.

We wanted to add ESD protection. The users kept frying the boards when connecting cables.

@daniel-allspice , why did we remove this channel?

!thumbnail[](EndStops.SchDoc){ diff="AllSpice-Demos/Altium-Demo:c285374952fcea88c33ee99a6badbfa58c18cc50...7eaa84ee12e13afc3adee15ebf0e4f30f55007c4" pr="2" diff-visibility="full" variant="default" view-coords="4.4,37.9,50.7,62.0" aspect-ratio="1.286" } @daniel-allspice , why did we remove this channel?