Bug Fixes and component re-positioning #8

allspice-hermes wants to merge 10 commits from develop into main
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1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 D C B A D C B A Date: Size: A4 Id: / File: blob_65000c3982960588bf2b872d5028e6798f4562f4_2594020028.kicad_sch Sheet: / KiCad E.D.A. eeschema 8.0 Title: Rev: C7 100n TP_UGND1 R103 1K TP_~{RESET2}1 TP_GND2 TP_D+1 TP_DTR1 TP_VUCAP1 TP_SCK2 C8 1u TP_TX2 R102 1K TP_MISO2 C5 100n L1 L TP_GND1 R101 1K TP_MOSI2 XTAL1 1 PD4 10 PD5 11 PD6 12 ~{HWB}/PD7 13 PB0 14 PB1 15 PB2 16 PB3 17 PB4 18 PB5 19 PC0/XTAL2 2 PB6 20 PB7 21 PC7 22 PC6 23 PC1/~{RESET} 24 PC5 25 PC4 26 UCAP 27 UGND 28 D+ 29 GND 3 D- 30 UVCC 31 AVCC 32 VCC 4 PC2 5 PD0 6 PD1 7 PD2 8 PD3 9 U1 R104 1K U Z2 CG0603MLC-05E R1C1 10K R111 22R TP_D-1 L3 L TP_TX1 TP_RX2 U Z1 CG0603MLC-05E Y1 16MHz DRX1 LED 1 2 3 4 5 6 J11 Conn_02x03_Odd_Even R110 22R C9 22p VBUS 1 D- 2 D+ 3 GND 4 Shield 5 J5 USB_B DTX1 LED TP_USH1 SW2 SW_Push 1 2 D3 Diode-CD1206-S01575 TP_RX1 R105 1K C11 22p TP_USBVCC1 GND GND +5V GND GND GND +5V +5V GND +5V +5V USBVCC MOSI2 PB4 TP_VUCAP TXLED UGND SCK2 MISO2 ~{RESET2} USBVCC SCK2 M8TXD USHIELD M8TXD MOSI2 M8RXD ~{RESET2} TXLED USBVCC RXLED MISO2 SCK2 UGND MISO2 PB7 DTR PB5 PB6 RXLED M8RXD MOSI2 XUSB ~{RESET2} +5V TXD GND ~{RESET_EN} RXD USBVCC 1 2022-05-10 ARDUINO UNO BOOTLOADER USB CONNECTION TP_XT3 1 2 3 4 J10 Conn_01x04 TP_XT4 C7 100n TP_UGND1 R103 1K TP_~{RESET2}1 TP_GND2 TP_D+1 TP_DTR1 TP_VUCAP1 TP_SCK2 C8 1u TP_TX2 R102 1K TP_MISO2 C5 100n L1 L TP_GND1 R101 1K TP_MOSI2 XTAL1 1 PD4 10 PD5 11 PD6 12 ~{HWB}/PD7 13 PB0 14 PB1 15 PB2 16 PB3 17 PB4 18 PB5 19 PC0/XTAL2 2 PB6 20 PB7 21 PC7 22 PC6 23 PC1/~{RESET} 24 PC5 25 PC4 26 UCAP 27 UGND 28 D+ 29 GND 3 D- 30 UVCC 31 AVCC 32 VCC 4 PC2 5 PD0 6 PD1 7 PD2 8 PD3 9 U1 R104 1K U Z2 CG0603MLC-05E R1C1 10K R111 22R TP_D-1 L3 L TP_TX1 TP_RX2 U Z1 CG0603MLC-05E Y1 16MHz DRX1 LED 1 2 3 4 5 6 J11 Conn_02x03_Odd_Even R110 22R C9 22p VBUS 1 D- 2 D+ 3 GND 4 Shield 5 J5 USB_B DTX1 LED TP_USH1 SW2 SW_Push 1 2 D3 Diode-CD1206-S01575 TP_RX1 R105 1K C11 22p TP_USBVCC1 GND GND +5V GND GND GND +5V +5V GND +5V +5V PB4 TXLED ~{RESET2} SCK2 MOSI2 TXLED RXLED MISO2 PB7 DTR PB5 PB6 RXLED ~{RESET2} ~{RESET_EN}
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@daniel , can you remove this connector? It's EOL, and the team agreed they didn't need it anyways.

!thumbnail[](Bootloader-ATMEGA16U.kicad_sch){ diff="AllSpice-Demos/KiCAD-Demo:8a26e4d6dbeb69a5cd3cbba54807ba080ccb3192...5fd194e5655270f77442cdb95cbbe5606af50380" pr="8" doc-id="2318a9d9d4f9a5612643" diff-visibility="full" variant="default" view-coords="65.4,27.2,73.8,39.0" aspect-ratio="1.405" } @daniel , can you remove this connector? It's EOL, and the team agreed they didn't need it anyways.

@PavelInPurchasing, it's been removed

@PavelInPurchasing, it's been removed !thumbnail[](Bootloader-ATMEGA16U.kicad_sch){ diff="AllSpice-Demos/KiCAD-Demo:8a26e4d6dbeb69a5cd3cbba54807ba080ccb3192...4d8a762fe08925f5f8fa254d91605e36e96f5fe3" pr="8" doc-id="2318a9d9d4f9a5612643" diff-visibility="full" variant="default" view-coords="48.8,29.9,67.2,39.4" aspect-ratio="1.405" }

@AllSpiceAlice, can you add another reset switch to GND for RESET2?

!thumbnail[](Bootloader-ATMEGA16U.kicad_sch){ diff="AllSpice-Demos/KiCAD-Demo:8a26e4d6dbeb69a5cd3cbba54807ba080ccb3192...5fd194e5655270f77442cdb95cbbe5606af50380" pr="8" doc-id="2318a9d9d4f9a5612643" diff-visibility="full" variant="default" view-coords="31.7,23.7,43.2,29.5" aspect-ratio="1.405" } @AllSpiceAlice, can you add another reset switch to GND for RESET2?

@RevaReviewa , here you go! That should help the manufacturing team figure out the programming sequence without worrying about bricking the microcontrollers or the bootloader.

!thumbnail[](Bootloader-ATMEGA16U.kicad_sch){ diff="AllSpice-Demos/KiCAD-Demo:8a26e4d6dbeb69a5cd3cbba54807ba080ccb3192...4d8a762fe08925f5f8fa254d91605e36e96f5fe3" pr="8" doc-id="2318a9d9d4f9a5612643" diff-visibility="full" variant="default" view-coords="15.7,14.2,43.2,34.8" aspect-ratio="1.405" } @RevaReviewa , here you go! That should help the manufacturing team figure out the programming sequence without worrying about bricking the microcontrollers or the bootloader.