Bug Fixes and component re-positioning #8

allspice-hermes wants to merge 10 commits from develop into main
1 changed files with 50 additions and 39 deletions
Showing only changes of commit ab99ea7c40 - Show all commits

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brendan marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

@gautam Please review

!thumbnail[](SingleBoardComputer.kicad_pcb){ diff="AllSpice-Demos/KiCAD-Demo:8a26e4d6dbeb69a5cd3cbba54807ba080ccb3192...f0c6d1baba28db424093a9ac75be40fd55c2c518" pr="8" layers="1" diff-visibility="full" variant="default" view-coords="75.0,29.9,86.1,45.4" aspect-ratio="0.994" } @gautam Please review

Please check the vias underneath U100 @daniel

Please check the vias underneath U100 @daniel !thumbnail[](SingleBoardComputer.kicad_pcb){ diff="AllSpice-Demos/KiCAD-Demo:8a26e4d6dbeb69a5cd3cbba54807ba080ccb3192...f0c6d1baba28db424093a9ac75be40fd55c2c518" pr="8" layers="82,81,63,61,60,59,58,57,33,35,37,1,32,38,34" diff-visibility="full" variant="default" view-coords="42.8,42.4,57.1,56.2" aspect-ratio="0.994" }

@AllSpiceAlice , can you update the silkscreen on this footprint. It's unclear where to place it.

!thumbnail[](SingleBoardComputer.kicad_pcb){ diff="AllSpice-Demos/KiCAD-Demo:8a26e4d6dbeb69a5cd3cbba54807ba080ccb3192...f0c6d1baba28db424093a9ac75be40fd55c2c518" pr="8" layers="82,81,63,61,60,59,58,57,33,35,37,1,32,38,34" diff-visibility="full" variant="default" view-coords="31.7,21.8,82.2,28.9" aspect-ratio="0.994" } @AllSpiceAlice , can you update the silkscreen on this footprint. It's unclear where to place it.

@MikaChanical , how does J3 look? If you like it, I'll fix the other connector.

!thumbnail[](SingleBoardComputer.kicad_pcb){ diff="AllSpice-Demos/KiCAD-Demo:8a26e4d6dbeb69a5cd3cbba54807ba080ccb3192...1ad1cc6d8062201c0f3e9d2e8271c5c6b78b37fe" pr="8" layers="82,81,63,61,60,59,58,57,33,35,37,1,32,38,34" diff-visibility="full" variant="default" view-coords="32.9,22.3,61.2,27.1" aspect-ratio="0.994" } @MikaChanical , how does J3 look? If you like it, I'll fix the other connector.

@AllSpiceAlice, would you make both the Pin-1 triangle and circle markers bigger. There are models with polarized retention features, so we need this to be big enough for fab.

@AllSpiceAlice, would you make both the Pin-1 triangle and circle markers bigger. There are models with polarized retention features, so we need this to be big enough for fab.

@MikaChanical , how do these look? I removed the triangle to cut down on visual clutter.

!thumbnail[](SingleBoardComputer.kicad_pcb){ diff="AllSpice-Demos/KiCAD-Demo:8a26e4d6dbeb69a5cd3cbba54807ba080ccb3192...a3c822e27c2b431d95cff1fd8b9d166fa3007c5e" pr="8" layers="82,81,63,61,60,59,58,57,33,35,37,1,32,38,34" diff-visibility="full" variant="default" view-coords="28.8,21.6,85.1,30.1" aspect-ratio="0.994" } @MikaChanical , how do these look? I removed the triangle to cut down on visual clutter.