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EEVengers Code of Conduct

Rule 0:

No personal attacks, No bigotry towards any group, No unwanted sexual comments, advances, or jokes.

If anyone asks you to stop talking about something that is not strictly technical, you stop.

The following rules apply to technical matters:

Rule 1:

We are all equal. Nobody has authority over anyone else. Everyone here is doing labour out of love and passion, if you pressure someone to do something they don't want to do, you will find that their passion will vanish and with it, their labour.

But how do you make decisions that obey Rule 1? Simple. You convince, compromise, or carry on - in that order.

Convince the other person that your solution has greater merit. Do not pull rank, tenure, or prestige, only explanations and discussions among equals are acceptable here.

Compromise and create a solution that both of you would be happy to work on, this should be the most common of the three.

Carry on doing your thing and let them do theirs! Don't carry a grudge though, just because one decision ended up with this resolution does not mean the next will. Ideally try to swing back around to compromise, it's better to explore all avenues enthusiastically and let them intertwine later on, leaving everyone with a stronger base of understanding. Even if the path of your work turns out to be a dead end, it's better to know it's not possible and come back with more knowledge from going down it.

Rule 2:

Communicate as much as possible, openly. We should all be able to follow the decisions being made and weigh in as necessary. Just remember, offering advice is fine, but it's usually good to ask if it's wanted, and if not, don't give it.

Rule 3:

Be compassionate! Outside of issues covered by rule 0, there are still good and bad ways to give technical feedback, always be kind and assume the best of others and they will do the same for you.

Rule 4:

Credit where credit is due! Open source is all about standing on the shoulders of giants to go further and push the boundaries of what is possible, but we should always attribute those whose work we've built on.

This code of conduct was inspired by: