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File: axi_slave.v
This file is part of the Parallella FPGA Reference Design.
Copyright (C) 2013 Adapteva, Inc.
Contributed by Roman Trogan <support@adapteva.com>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program (see the file COPYING). If not, see
module axi_slave (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
csysack, cactive, awready, wready, bid, bresp, bvalid, arready,
rid, rdata, rresp, rlast, rvalid, emesh_access_inb,
emesh_write_inb, emesh_datamode_inb, emesh_ctrlmode_inb,
emesh_dstaddr_inb, emesh_srcaddr_inb, emesh_data_inb,
emesh_wr_wait_inb, emesh_rd_wait_inb,
// Inputs
aclk, eclk, reset, csysreq, awid, awaddr, awlen, awsize, awburst,
awlock, awcache, awprot, awvalid, wid, wdata, wstrb, wlast, wvalid,
bready, arid, araddr, arlen, arsize, arburst, arlock, arcache,
arprot, arvalid, rready, emesh_access_outb, emesh_write_outb,
emesh_datamode_outb, emesh_ctrlmode_outb, emesh_dstaddr_outb,
emesh_srcaddr_outb, emesh_data_outb, emesh_wr_wait_outb,
emesh_rd_wait_outb, awqos, arqos
parameter SIDW = 12; //ID Width
parameter SAW = 32; //Address Bus Width
parameter SDW = 32; //Data Bus Width
//# Inputs
// global signals
input aclk; // clock source of the axi bus
input eclk; // clock source of emesh interface
input reset; // reset
input csysreq;// system exit low-power state request
//# Write address channel
input [SIDW-1:0] awid; //write address ID
input [SAW-1:0] awaddr; //write address
input [3:0] awlen; //burst lenght (the number of data transfers)
input [2:0] awsize; //burst size (the size of each transfer)
input [1:0] awburst; //burst type
input [1:0] awlock; //lock type (atomic characteristics)
input [3:0] awcache; //memory type
input [2:0] awprot; //protection type
input awvalid; //write address valid
//# Write data channel
input [SIDW-1:0] wid; //write ID tag (supported only in AXI3)
input [SDW-1:0] wdata; //write data
input [3:0] wstrb; //write strobes
input wlast; //write last. Indicates the last transfer in burst
input wvalid;//write valid
// Write response channel
input bready;//response ready
//# Read address channel
input [SIDW-1:0] arid; //read address ID
input [SAW-1:0] araddr; //read address
input [3:0] arlen; //burst lenght (the number of data transfers)
input [2:0] arsize; //burst size (the size of each transfer)
input [1:0] arburst; //burst type
input [1:0] arlock; //lock type (atomic characteristics)
input [3:0] arcache; //memory type
input [2:0] arprot; //protection type
input arvalid; //write address valid
//# Read data channel
input rready; //read ready
//# From the emesh interface
input emesh_access_outb;
input emesh_write_outb;
input [1:0] emesh_datamode_outb;
input [3:0] emesh_ctrlmode_outb;
input [31:0] emesh_dstaddr_outb;
input [31:0] emesh_srcaddr_outb;
input [31:0] emesh_data_outb;
input emesh_wr_wait_outb;
input emesh_rd_wait_outb;
//# Outputs
// global signals
output csysack;//exit low-power state acknowledgement
output cactive;//clock active
//# Write address channel
output awready; //write address ready
//# Write data channel
output wready; //write ready
// Write response channel
output [SIDW-1:0] bid; //response ID tag
output [1:0] bresp; //write response
output bvalid;//write response valid
//# Read address channel
output arready;//read address ready
//# Read data channel
output [SIDW-1:0] rid; //read ID tag (must match arid of the transaction)
output [SDW-1:0] rdata; //read data
output [1:0] rresp; //read response
output rlast; //read last, indicates the last transfer in burst
output rvalid;//read valid
//# To the emesh interface
output emesh_access_inb;
output emesh_write_inb;
output [1:0] emesh_datamode_inb;
output [3:0] emesh_ctrlmode_inb;
output [31:0] emesh_dstaddr_inb;
output [31:0] emesh_srcaddr_inb;
output [31:0] emesh_data_inb;
output emesh_wr_wait_inb;
output emesh_rd_wait_inb;
//# The following feature are not supported (AXI4 only)
//# If un-commented, those signals have to be driven with default values
input [3:0] awqos; //Quality of Service (AXI4 only) default 4'b0000
// input [3:0] awregion;//region identifier (AXI4 only)
// input awuser; //user signal (AXI4 only)
// input wuser; //user signal (AXI4 only)
input [3:0] arqos; //quality of service (AXI4 only) default 4'b0000
// input [3:0] arregion;//region identifier (AXI4 only)
// input aruser; //user signal (AXI4 only)
// output buser; //user signal (AXI4 only)
// output ruser; //user signal (AXI4 only)
//# Regs
reg csysack;
//# Wires
wire emesh_wr_access_inb;
wire emesh_wr_write_inb;
wire [1:0] emesh_wr_datamode_inb;
wire [3:0] emesh_wr_ctrlmode_inb;
wire [31:0] emesh_wr_dstaddr_inb;
wire [31:0] emesh_wr_srcaddr_inb;
wire [31:0] emesh_wr_data_inb;
wire emesh_rd_access_inb;
wire emesh_rd_write_inb;
wire [1:0] emesh_rd_datamode_inb;
wire [3:0] emesh_rd_ctrlmode_inb;
wire [31:0] emesh_rd_dstaddr_inb;
wire [31:0] emesh_rd_srcaddr_inb;
wire [31:0] emesh_rd_data_inb;
wire emesh_rd_wait;
//# This block doesn't accept read transactions
//# from emesh.
assign emesh_rd_wait_inb = 1'b0;
//# Low Power State
//# We don't support low power state
assign cactive = 1'b1;
always @ (posedge eclk or posedge reset)
csysack <= 1'b1;
csysack <= csysreq;
//# RD/WR transaction selection
//# *Write transactions are of the higher priority
assign emesh_rd_wait = emesh_rd_wait_outb | emesh_wr_access_inb;
assign emesh_access_inb = emesh_wr_access_inb | emesh_rd_access_inb;
assign emesh_write_inb = emesh_wr_access_inb ? emesh_wr_write_inb :
assign emesh_datamode_inb[1:0] = emesh_wr_access_inb ?
emesh_wr_datamode_inb[1:0] :
assign emesh_ctrlmode_inb[3:0] = emesh_wr_access_inb ?
emesh_wr_ctrlmode_inb[3:0] :
assign emesh_dstaddr_inb[31:0] = emesh_wr_access_inb ?
emesh_wr_dstaddr_inb[31:0] :
assign emesh_srcaddr_inb[31:0] = emesh_wr_access_inb ?
emesh_wr_srcaddr_inb[31:0] :
assign emesh_data_inb[31:0] = emesh_wr_access_inb ?
emesh_wr_data_inb[31:0] :
//# Slave Write Port Instantiation
/*axi_slave_wr AUTO_TEMPLATE(.emesh_wr_wait_outb (emesh_wr_wait_outb),
.emesh_\(.*\)_inb (emesh_wr_\1_inb[]),
axi_slave_wr axi_slave_wr(/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.awready (awready),
.wready (wready),
.bid (bid[SIDW-1:0]),
.bresp (bresp[1:0]),
.bvalid (bvalid),
.emesh_access_inb (emesh_wr_access_inb), // Templated
.emesh_write_inb (emesh_wr_write_inb), // Templated
.emesh_datamode_inb(emesh_wr_datamode_inb[1:0]), // Templated
.emesh_ctrlmode_inb(emesh_wr_ctrlmode_inb[3:0]), // Templated
.emesh_dstaddr_inb (emesh_wr_dstaddr_inb[31:0]), // Templated
.emesh_srcaddr_inb (emesh_wr_srcaddr_inb[31:0]), // Templated
.emesh_data_inb (emesh_wr_data_inb[31:0]), // Templated
// Inputs
.aclk (aclk),
.eclk (eclk),
.reset (reset),
.awid (awid[SIDW-1:0]),
.awaddr (awaddr[SAW-1:0]),
.awlen (awlen[3:0]),
.awsize (awsize[2:0]),
.awburst (awburst[1:0]),
.awlock (awlock[1:0]),
.awcache (awcache[3:0]),
.awprot (awprot[2:0]),
.awvalid (awvalid),
.wid (wid[SIDW-1:0]),
.wdata (wdata[SDW-1:0]),
.wstrb (wstrb[3:0]),
.wlast (wlast),
.wvalid (wvalid),
.bready (bready),
.emesh_wr_wait_outb(emesh_wr_wait_outb)); // Templated
//# Slave Read Port Instantiation
/*axi_slave_rd AUTO_TEMPLATE(.emesh_rd_wait_outb (emesh_rd_wait),
.emesh_wr_wait_inb (emesh_wr_wait_inb),
.emesh_\(.*\)_inb (emesh_rd_\1_inb[]),
axi_slave_rd axi_slave_rd(/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.arready (arready),
.rid (rid[SIDW-1:0]),
.rdata (rdata[SDW-1:0]),
.rresp (rresp[1:0]),
.rlast (rlast),
.rvalid (rvalid),
.emesh_access_inb (emesh_rd_access_inb), // Templated
.emesh_write_inb (emesh_rd_write_inb), // Templated
.emesh_datamode_inb(emesh_rd_datamode_inb[1:0]), // Templated
.emesh_ctrlmode_inb(emesh_rd_ctrlmode_inb[3:0]), // Templated
.emesh_dstaddr_inb (emesh_rd_dstaddr_inb[31:0]), // Templated
.emesh_srcaddr_inb (emesh_rd_srcaddr_inb[31:0]), // Templated
.emesh_data_inb (emesh_rd_data_inb[31:0]), // Templated
.emesh_wr_wait_inb (emesh_wr_wait_inb), // Templated
// Inputs
.aclk (aclk),
.eclk (eclk),
.reset (reset),
.arid (arid[SIDW-1:0]),
.araddr (araddr[SAW-1:0]),
.arlen (arlen[3:0]),
.arsize (arsize[2:0]),
.arburst (arburst[1:0]),
.arlock (arlock[1:0]),
.arcache (arcache[3:0]),
.arprot (arprot[2:0]),
.arvalid (arvalid),
.rready (rready),
.emesh_access_outb (emesh_access_outb),
.emesh_write_outb (emesh_write_outb),
.emesh_data_outb (emesh_data_outb[31:0]),
.emesh_rd_wait_outb(emesh_rd_wait)); // Templated
endmodule // axi_slave