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File: ewrapper_link_top.v
This file is part of the Parallella Project
Copyright (C) 2013 Adapteva, Inc.
Contributed by Roman Trogan <support@adapteva.com>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program (see the file COPYING). If not, see
module ewrapper_link_top (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
emesh_clk_inb, emesh_access_inb, emesh_write_inb,
emesh_datamode_inb, emesh_ctrlmode_inb, emesh_dstaddr_inb,
emesh_srcaddr_inb, emesh_data_inb, emesh_wr_wait_inb,
emesh_rd_wait_inb, txo_data_p, txo_data_n, txo_frame_p,
txo_frame_n, txo_lclk_p, txo_lclk_n, rxi_wr_wait_p, rxi_wr_wait_n,
rxi_rd_wait_p, rxi_rd_wait_n, rxi_cclk_p, rxi_cclk_n,
// Inputs
reset, clkin_100, emesh_access_outb, emesh_write_outb,
emesh_datamode_outb, emesh_ctrlmode_outb, emesh_dstaddr_outb,
emesh_srcaddr_outb, emesh_data_outb, emesh_wr_wait_outb,
emesh_rd_wait_outb, rxi_data_p, rxi_data_n, rxi_frame_p,
rxi_frame_n, rxi_lclk_p, rxi_lclk_n, txo_wr_wait_p, txo_wr_wait_n,
txo_rd_wait_p, txo_rd_wait_n, burst_en
input reset;
input clkin_100;
//# From the emesh interface
input emesh_access_outb;
input emesh_write_outb;
input [1:0] emesh_datamode_outb;
input [3:0] emesh_ctrlmode_outb;
input [31:0] emesh_dstaddr_outb;
input [31:0] emesh_srcaddr_outb;
input [31:0] emesh_data_outb;
input emesh_wr_wait_outb;
input emesh_rd_wait_outb;
//# From the chip (hsmc port)
input [7:0] rxi_data_p;
input [7:0] rxi_data_n;
input rxi_frame_p;
input rxi_frame_n;
input rxi_lclk_p;
input rxi_lclk_n;
input txo_wr_wait_p;
input txo_wr_wait_n;
input txo_rd_wait_p;
input txo_rd_wait_n;
input burst_en; // Burst enable control
//# To the emesh interface
output emesh_clk_inb;
output emesh_access_inb;
output emesh_write_inb;
output [1:0] emesh_datamode_inb;
output [3:0] emesh_ctrlmode_inb;
output [31:0] emesh_dstaddr_inb;
output [31:0] emesh_srcaddr_inb;
output [31:0] emesh_data_inb;
output emesh_wr_wait_inb;
output emesh_rd_wait_inb;
//# To the chip (hsmc port)
output [7:0] txo_data_p;
output [7:0] txo_data_n;
output txo_frame_p;
output txo_frame_n;
output txo_lclk_p;
output txo_lclk_n;
output rxi_wr_wait_p;
output rxi_wr_wait_n;
output rxi_rd_wait_p;
output rxi_rd_wait_n;
output rxi_cclk_p;
output rxi_cclk_n;
// Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs)
wire [71:0] tx_in; // From ctrl_tx of ewrapper_link_transmitter.v
// End of automatics
//# REGS
// wire [71:0] tx_in;
// wire [63:0] txo_data_paral;
// wire [7:0] txo_frame_paral;
wire [63:0] rxi_data_paral;
wire [7:0] rxi_frame_paral;
wire [8:0] rx_in_p;
wire [8:0] rx_in_n;
wire [71:0] rx_out;
wire rx_outclock;
wire [8:0] tx_out_p;
wire [8:0] tx_out_n;
wire rxi_cclk;
wire clk_fast_deg0;
wire clk_slow_deg0;
wire clk_fast_deg90;
// wire clk_slow_deg45;
wire rxi_wr_wait;
wire rxi_rd_wait;
wire txo_wr_wait;
wire txo_rd_wait;
// wire [7:0] cs_ila2_TRIG3;
// wire [7:0] cs_ila3_TRIG3;
// wire [35:0] CONTROL0;
// wire [35:0] CONTROL1;
// wire [35:0] CONTROL2;
// wire [35:0] CONTROL3;
assign rxi_data_paral[63:0] = rx_out[63:0];
assign rxi_frame_paral[7:0] = rx_out[71:64];
assign rx_in_p[8:0] = {rxi_frame_p,rxi_data_p[7:0]};
assign rx_in_n[8:0] = {rxi_frame_n,rxi_data_n[7:0]};
ewrapper_link_receiver ctrl_rx(.rxi_data (rxi_data_paral[63:0]),
.rxi_frame (rxi_frame_paral[7:0]),
.rxi_lclk (rx_outclock),
// Outputs
.rxi_wr_wait (rxi_wr_wait),
.rxi_rd_wait (rxi_rd_wait),
.emesh_clk_inb (emesh_clk_inb),
.emesh_access_inb (emesh_access_inb),
.emesh_write_inb (emesh_write_inb),
.emesh_datamode_inb (emesh_datamode_inb[1:0]),
.emesh_ctrlmode_inb (emesh_ctrlmode_inb[3:0]),
.emesh_dstaddr_inb (emesh_dstaddr_inb[31:0]),
.emesh_srcaddr_inb (emesh_srcaddr_inb[31:0]),
.emesh_data_inb (emesh_data_inb[31:0]),
// Inputs
.reset (reset),
.emesh_wr_wait_outb (emesh_wr_wait_outb),
.emesh_rd_wait_outb (emesh_rd_wait_outb));
ewrapper_io_rx_slow io_rx(// Outputs
.CLK_DIV_OUT (rx_outclock),
.DATA_IN_TO_DEVICE (rx_out[71:0]),
// Inputs
.CLK_IN_P (rxi_lclk_p),
.CLK_IN_N (rxi_lclk_n),
.CLK_RESET (reset),
.IO_RESET (reset),
.BITSLIP (1'b0));
// xilinx ISERDESE2 ip instantiation
// !!! Make sure that the DIFF_TERM attribute of IBUFDS and IBUFGDS
// !!! is set to TRUE inside ewrapper_io_rx.v
//ewrapper_io_rx io_rx(// Inputs
// .CLK_IN_P (rxi_lclk_p),
// .CLK_IN_N (rxi_lclk_n),
// .DATA_IN_FROM_PINS_P (rx_in_p[8:0]),
// .DATA_IN_FROM_PINS_N (rx_in_n[8:0]),
// .BITSLIP (1'b0),
// .CLK_RESET (reset),
// .IO_RESET (reset),
// // Outputs
// .DATA_IN_TO_DEVICE (rx_out[71:0]),
// .CLK_DIV_OUT (rx_outclock));
// assign tx_in[71:0] = {txo_frame_paral[7:0],txo_data_paral[63:0]};
assign txo_frame_p = tx_out_p[8];
assign txo_frame_n = tx_out_n[8];
assign txo_data_p[7:0] = tx_out_p[7:0];
assign txo_data_n[7:0] = tx_out_n[7:0];
ewrapper_link_transmitter ctrl_tx(.txo_lclk (clk_slow_deg0),
// Outputs
.emesh_wr_wait_inb (emesh_wr_wait_inb),
.emesh_rd_wait_inb (emesh_rd_wait_inb),
.tx_in (tx_in[71:0]),
// Inputs
.reset (reset),
.emesh_clk_inb (emesh_clk_inb),
.emesh_access_outb (emesh_access_outb),
.emesh_write_outb (emesh_write_outb),
.emesh_data_outb (emesh_data_outb[31:0]),
.txo_wr_wait (txo_wr_wait),
.txo_rd_wait (txo_rd_wait),
.burst_en (burst_en));
// xilinx MMCME2_ADV ip instantiation
io_clock_gen io_clock_gen(// Inputs
.CLK_IN1 (clkin_100),
.RESET (reset),
// Outputs
.CLK_OUT1 (rxi_cclk),
.CLK_OUT2 (clk_fast_deg0),
.CLK_OUT3 (clk_slow_deg0),
.CLK_OUT4 (clk_fast_deg90),
.LOCKED ());
ewrapper_io_tx_slow io_tx(// Outputs
// Inputs
.CLK_IN (clk_fast_deg0),
.CLK_IN_90 (clk_fast_deg90),
.CLK_DIV_IN (clk_slow_deg0),
.CLK_RESET (reset),
.IO_RESET (reset),
// xilinx ISERDESE2 ip instantiation
// ewrapper_io_tx io_tx(// Inputs
// .CLK_IN (clk_fast_deg0),
// .CLK_DIV_IN (clk_slow_deg0),
// .DATA_OUT_FROM_DEVICE (tx_in[71:0]),
// .CLK_RESET (reset),
// .IO_RESET (reset),
// // Outputs
// .DATA_OUT_TO_PINS_P (tx_out_p[8:0]),
// .DATA_OUT_TO_PINS_N (tx_out_n[8:0]));
// io_clock_fwd io_clock_fwd(// Inputs
// .CLK_IN (clk_fast_deg45),
// .CLK_DIV_IN (clk_slow_deg45),
// .DATA_OUT_FROM_DEVICE (8'b01010101),
// .CLK_RESET (reset),
// .IO_RESET (reset),
// // Outputs
// .DATA_OUT_TO_PINS_P (txo_lclk_p),
// .DATA_OUT_TO_PINS_N (txo_lclk_n));
// xilinx OBUFDS instantiation
OBUFDS #(.IOSTANDARD ("LVDS_25")) obufds_cclk_inst (.O (rxi_cclk_p),
.OB (rxi_cclk_n),
.I (rxi_cclk));
OBUFDS #(.IOSTANDARD ("LVDS_25")) rxi_wr_wait_inst (.O (rxi_wr_wait_p),
.OB (rxi_wr_wait_n),
.I (rxi_wr_wait));
OBUFDS #(.IOSTANDARD ("LVDS_25")) rxi_rd_wait_inst (.O (rxi_rd_wait_p),
.OB (rxi_rd_wait_n),
.I (rxi_rd_wait));
// xilinx IBUFDS instantiation
IBUFDS #(.DIFF_TERM ("TRUE"), // Differential termination
.IOSTANDARD ("LVDS_25")) txo_wr_wait_inst (.I (txo_wr_wait_p),
.IB (txo_wr_wait_n),
.O (txo_wr_wait));
// IBUFDS #(.DIFF_TERM ("TRUE"), // Differential termination
// .IOSTANDARD ("LVDS_25")) txo_rd_wait_inst (.I (txo_rd_wait_p),
// .IB (txo_rd_wait_n),
// .O (txo_rd_wait));
//No need for differential buffer
//TODO:Need to clean up this hierarchy, make IP less technology dependant.
assign txo_rd_wait = txo_rd_wait_p;
//# Chip Scope Instantiation
// assign cs_ila2_TRIG3[7:0] = {emesh_wr_wait_inb,
// emesh_rd_wait_inb,
// emesh_ctrlmode_outb[1:0],
// emesh_datamode_outb[1:0],
// emesh_write_outb,
// emesh_access_outb};
// assign cs_ila3_TRIG3[7:0] = {emesh_wr_wait_outb,
// emesh_rd_wait_outb,
// emesh_ctrlmode_inb[1:0],
// emesh_datamode_inb[1:0],
// emesh_write_inb,
// emesh_access_inb};
// cs_ila0 cs_ila0(.TRIG0 (tx_in[71:0]),
// .CONTROL (CONTROL0[35:0]),
// .CLK (clk_slow_deg0));
// cs_ila0 cs_ila1(.TRIG0 (rx_out[71:0]),
// .CONTROL (CONTROL1[35:0]),
// .CLK (emesh_clk_inb));
// cs_ila1 cs_ila2(.TRIG0 (emesh_dstaddr_outb[31:0]),
// .TRIG1 (emesh_data_outb[31:0]),
// .TRIG2 (emesh_srcaddr_outb[31:0]),
// .TRIG3 (cs_ila2_TRIG3[7:0]),
// .CONTROL (CONTROL2[35:0]),
// .CLK (emesh_clk_inb));
// cs_ila1 cs_ila3(.TRIG0 (emesh_dstaddr_inb[31:0]),
// .TRIG1 (emesh_data_inb[31:0]),
// .TRIG2 (emesh_srcaddr_inb[31:0]),
// .TRIG3 (cs_ila3_TRIG3[7:0]),
// .CONTROL (CONTROL3[35:0]),
// .CLK (emesh_clk_inb));
// cs_icon cs_icon(.CONTROL0 (CONTROL0[35:0]),
// .CONTROL1 (CONTROL1[35:0]),
// .CONTROL2 (CONTROL2[35:0]),
// .CONTROL3 (CONTROL3[35:0]));
endmodule // ewrapper_link_top