replacements and component re-positioning #1

allspice-hermes merged 1 commits from AllSpice-Demos/KiCAD-Demo:develop into main 2024-09-30 21:05:12 +00:00

Resolved Issues

Include any relevant issues closed by this pull request. Use the form "Closes #"


Include a description for this design review. What is the primary purpose? What will be the status of this design after approval?

Design Review Checklist


  • Schematic and PCB file names follow standard
  • Export necessary review files (3D model, BOM, etc.)
  • Update relevant system architecture documents
  • Update project README page
  • Simulations uploaded and outputs explained


  • Power
    • Sufficient power supplied from upstream source
    • Supply rated for necessary country specifications
    • Estimated total worst-case power supply draw
  • Connectors
    • I/Os are specified
    • Sufficient Current and Voltage rating
    • Mating connectors have matching pinout
    • Same contact material specified for mating connectors
  • Testing
    • Test procedure written
  • Environmental
    • Specified min/max operating temperature
    • Specified min/max storage temperature
    • Specified min/max humidity
  • ROHS compliance requirement review


  • Unpopulated components are denoted DNI
  • Components meet environmental specifications
  • All components have quantity, reference designator and description
  • Suggested and alternate manufacturers listed
  • Price and stock checked for each component
  • Component derating
    • Voltage
    • Current
    • Power at worst-case operating temperature
    • Temperature at worst-case power


  • Document
    • Dot on each connection
    • No four-point connections
    • Title block completed for each sheet
    • All components have reference designators and values
    • Multi-part components don't have unplaced symbols
    • Page title present and consistent on all pages if not in title block
    • Symbols identify open collector/drain pins and internal pulled up/down pins
    • Pin names and attributes on symbols with multi-function pins should match actual design usage (I/O/Bi, Name)
    • Components follow preferred reference designator pattern


  • Manufacturing
    • PCB manufacturing requirements noted on fab layer
      • Plating specified
        • Plating material
        • Plating thickness
      • Layer stack-up specified
      • Minimum trace/space specified
      • Minimum hole size specified
      • PCB color specified
      • Silkscreen color specified
      • Controlled impedance specified
      • Blind or buried vias specified
      • Panelization specified
        • External routing specified (ex. v-groove vs route)
      • Drill table generated
      • All specifications exceed manufacturing tolerance
## Resolved Issues Include any relevant issues closed by this pull request. Use the form "Closes #<number of issue>" ... ## Description Include a description for this design review. What is the primary purpose? What will be the status of this design after approval? ... ## Design Review Checklist ### Process - [ ] Schematic and PCB file names follow standard - [ ] Export necessary review files (3D model, BOM, etc.) - [ ] Update relevant system architecture documents - [ ] Update project README page - [ ] Simulations uploaded and outputs explained ### System - [ ] Power - [ ] Sufficient power supplied from upstream source - [ ] Supply rated for necessary country specifications - [ ] Estimated total worst-case power supply draw - [ ] Connectors - [ ] I/Os are specified - [ ] Sufficient Current and Voltage rating - [ ] Mating connectors have matching pinout - [ ] Same contact material specified for mating connectors - [ ] Testing - [ ] Test procedure written - [ ] Environmental - [ ] Specified min/max operating temperature - [ ] Specified min/max storage temperature - [ ] Specified min/max humidity - [ ] ROHS compliance requirement review ### Components - [ ] Unpopulated components are denoted DNI - [ ] Components meet environmental specifications - [ ] All components have quantity, reference designator and description - [ ] Suggested and alternate manufacturers listed - [ ] Price and stock checked for each component - [ ] Component derating - [ ] Voltage - [ ] Current - [ ] Power at worst-case operating temperature - [ ] Temperature at worst-case power ### Schematics - [ ] Document - [ ] Dot on each connection - [ ] No four-point connections - [ ] Title block completed for each sheet - [ ] All components have reference designators and values - [ ] Multi-part components don't have unplaced symbols - [ ] Page title present and consistent on all pages if not in title block - [ ] Symbols identify open collector/drain pins and internal pulled up/down pins - [ ] Pin names and attributes on symbols with multi-function pins should match actual design usage (I/O/Bi, Name) - [ ] Components follow preferred reference designator pattern <!-- Link to spec --> ### PCB - [ ] Manufacturing - [ ] PCB manufacturing requirements noted on `fab` layer - [ ] Plating specified - [ ] Plating material - [ ] Plating thickness - [ ] Layer stack-up specified - [ ] Minimum trace/space specified - [ ] Minimum hole size specified - [ ] PCB color specified - [ ] Silkscreen color specified - [ ] Controlled impedance specified - [ ] Blind or buried vias specified - [ ] Panelization specified - [ ] External routing specified (ex. v-groove vs route) - [ ] Drill table generated - [ ] All specifications exceed manufacturing tolerance <!-- Special thanks to Henrik Enggaard Hansen for -->
allspice-hermes added 1 commit 2024-09-30 21:02:49 +00:00
allspice-hermes merged commit 2f75d87421 into main 2024-09-30 21:05:12 +00:00
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Reference: allspice-hermes/KiCAD-Demo#1
No description provided.