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File: axi_master_rd.v
This file is part of the Parallella FPGA Reference Design.
Copyright (C) 2013 Adapteva, Inc.
Contributed by Roman Trogan <support@adapteva.com>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program (see the file COPYING). If not, see
module axi_master_rd (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
arid, araddr, arlen, arsize, arburst, arlock, arcache, arprot,
arvalid, rready, emesh_access_inb, emesh_write_inb,
emesh_datamode_inb, emesh_ctrlmode_inb, emesh_dstaddr_inb,
emesh_srcaddr_inb, emesh_data_inb, emesh_rd_wait_inb,
// Inputs
aclk, eclk, reset, arready, rid, rdata, rresp, rlast, rvalid,
emesh_access_outb, emesh_write_outb, emesh_datamode_outb,
emesh_ctrlmode_outb, emesh_dstaddr_outb, emesh_srcaddr_outb,
emesh_data_outb, emesh_wr_wait_outb
parameter MIDW = 6; //ID Width
parameter MAW = 32; //Address Bus Width
parameter MDW = 64; //Data Bus Width
parameter ACH = MAW+2; //Width of all used Read Address Signals
parameter AFW = 4; //Address channel FIFO address width
parameter DFW = 4; //Data channel FIFO address width
parameter DCH = MDW; //Width of all used Read Data Signals
parameter WB = MAW+9; //Width of all used Write Back Address Signals
parameter BFW = 4; //Write Backl FIFO address width
//# Inputs
// global signals
input aclk; // clock source of the axi bus
input eclk; // clock source of emesh interface
input reset; // reset
//# Read address channel
input arready;//read address ready
//# Read data channel
input [MIDW-1:0] rid; //read ID tag
input [MDW-1:0] rdata; //read data
input [1:0] rresp; //read response
input rlast; //read last, indicates the last transfer in burst
input rvalid;//read valid
//# From the emesh interface
input emesh_access_outb;
input emesh_write_outb;
input [1:0] emesh_datamode_outb;
input [3:0] emesh_ctrlmode_outb;
input [31:0] emesh_dstaddr_outb;
input [31:0] emesh_srcaddr_outb;
input [31:0] emesh_data_outb;
input emesh_wr_wait_outb;
//# Outputs
//# Read address channel
output [MIDW-1:0] arid; //read address ID
output [MAW-1:0] araddr; //read address
output [3:0] arlen; //burst lenght (the number of data transfers)
output [2:0] arsize; //burst size (the size of each transfer)
output [1:0] arburst; //burst type
output [1:0] arlock; //lock type (atomic characteristics)
output [3:0] arcache; //memory type
output [2:0] arprot; //protection type
output arvalid; //write address valid
//# Read data channel
output rready; //read ready
//# To the emesh interface
output emesh_access_inb;
output emesh_write_inb;
output [1:0] emesh_datamode_inb;
output [3:0] emesh_ctrlmode_inb;
output [31:0] emesh_dstaddr_inb;
output [31:0] emesh_srcaddr_inb;
output [31:0] emesh_data_inb;
output emesh_rd_wait_inb;
//# Regs
reg [33:0] dstaddr_reg;
reg [31:0] srcaddr_reg;
reg [3:0] ctrlmode_reg;
reg emesh_rd_access_reg;
reg ach_fifo_empty_reg;
reg [ACH-1:0] ach_fifo_reg;
reg [WB-1:0] wb_fifo_reg;
reg [WB-1:0] tran_addr_mode;
reg [DCH-1:0] dch_fifo_in;
reg rvalid_rready_reg;
reg [DCH-1:0] dch_fifo_reg;
reg [MDW-1:0] algn_byte;
reg [MDW-1:0] algn_hword;
reg [MDW-1:0] wdata_algn_reg;
reg tran_go;
reg tran_go_reg;
//# Wires
wire emesh_rd_access;
wire [ACH-1:0] ach_fifo_in;
wire ach_fifo_wr;
wire ach_fifo_rd;
wire ach_fifo_empty;
wire ach_fifo_full;
wire arvalid_arready;
wire ach_advance;
wire [ACH-1:0] ach_fifo_out;
wire [WB-1:0] wb_fifo_in;
wire [WB-1:0] wb_fifo_out;
wire wb_fifo_wr;
wire wb_fifo_rd;
wire wb_fifo_empty;
wire wb_fifo_full;
wire [DCH-1:0] dch_data_in;
wire dch_fifo_wr;
wire dch_fifo_rd;
wire [DCH-1:0] dch_fifo_out;
wire dch_fifo_empty;
wire dch_fifo_full;
wire rvalid_rready;
wire [2:0] dalgn_ctrl;
wire [MDW-1:0] algn_word;
wire [1:0] tran_mode;
wire byte_tran;
wire hword_tran;
wire word_tran;
wire [MDW-1:0] wdata_algn;
//# Incoming transaction should be sampled to prevent timing issues
assign emesh_rd_wait_inb = ach_fifo_full | wb_fifo_full;
assign emesh_rd_access = emesh_access_outb & ~emesh_write_outb &
always @ (posedge eclk)
if (emesh_rd_access)
dstaddr_reg[33:0] <= {emesh_dstaddr_outb[31:0],emesh_datamode_outb[1:0]};
always @ (posedge eclk)
if (emesh_rd_access)
srcaddr_reg[31:0] <= emesh_srcaddr_outb[31:0];
always @ (posedge eclk)
if (emesh_rd_access)
ctrlmode_reg[3:0] <= emesh_ctrlmode_outb[3:0];
always @ (posedge eclk or posedge reset)
emesh_rd_access_reg <= 1'b0;
else if(~emesh_rd_wait_inb)
emesh_rd_access_reg <= emesh_rd_access;
//# AXI Address channel synchronization FIFO
assign ach_fifo_in[ACH-1:0] = dstaddr_reg[33:0];
assign ach_fifo_wr = emesh_rd_access_reg & ~emesh_rd_wait_inb;
assign ach_fifo_rd = ~ach_fifo_empty & (~arvalid | arvalid_arready);
assign ach_advance = arvalid_arready | ~arvalid;
/*fifo AUTO_TEMPLATE(.rd_clk (aclk),
.wr_clk (eclk),
.wr_data (ach_fifo_in[ACH-1:0]),
.rd_data (ach_fifo_out[ACH-1:0]),
.rd_fifo_empty (ach_fifo_empty),
.wr_fifo_full (ach_fifo_full),
.wr_write (ach_fifo_wr),
.rd_read (ach_fifo_rd),
fifo #(.DW(ACH), .AW(AFW)) fifo_ach(/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.rd_data (ach_fifo_out[ACH-1:0]), // Templated
.rd_fifo_empty (ach_fifo_empty), // Templated
.wr_fifo_full (ach_fifo_full), // Templated
// Inputs
.reset (reset),
.wr_clk (eclk), // Templated
.rd_clk (aclk), // Templated
.wr_write (ach_fifo_wr), // Templated
.wr_data (ach_fifo_in[ACH-1:0]), // Templated
.rd_read (ach_fifo_rd)); // Templated
//# The data is sampled after exiting FIFO to prevent timing issues
always @ (posedge aclk or posedge reset)
ach_fifo_empty_reg <= 1'b1;
else if(ach_advance)
ach_fifo_empty_reg <= ach_fifo_empty;
always @ (posedge aclk)
if (ach_advance)
ach_fifo_reg[ACH-1:0] <= ach_fifo_out[ACH-1:0];
assign arid[MIDW-1:0] = {(MIDW){1'b0}};
assign araddr[MAW-1:0] = ach_fifo_reg[ACH-1:2];
assign arlen[3:0] = 4'b0000;
assign arsize[2:0] = {1'b0,ach_fifo_reg[1:0]};
assign arburst[1:0] = 2'b01;
assign arlock[1:0] = 2'b00;
assign arcache[3:0] = 4'b0000;
assign arprot[2:0] = 3'b000; //unprivileged, secured
assign arvalid = ~ach_fifo_empty_reg;
assign arvalid_arready = arvalid & arready;
//# Address FIFO of the returning transaction
assign wb_fifo_in[WB-1:0] = {ctrlmode_reg[3:0],srcaddr_reg[31:0],dstaddr_reg[4:0]};
assign wb_fifo_wr = emesh_rd_access_reg & ~emesh_rd_wait_inb;
assign wb_fifo_rd = dch_fifo_rd;
/*fifo AUTO_TEMPLATE(.rd_clk (eclk),
.wr_clk (eclk),
.wr_data (wb_fifo_in[WB-1:0]),
.rd_data (wb_fifo_out[WB-1:0]),
.rd_fifo_empty (wb_fifo_empty),
.wr_fifo_full (wb_fifo_full),
.wr_write (wb_fifo_wr),
.rd_read (wb_fifo_rd),
fifo #(.DW(WB), .AW(BFW)) fifo_wb(/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.rd_data (wb_fifo_out[WB-1:0]), // Templated
.rd_fifo_empty (wb_fifo_empty), // Templated
.wr_fifo_full (wb_fifo_full), // Templated
// Inputs
.reset (reset),
.wr_clk (eclk), // Templated
.rd_clk (eclk), // Templated
.wr_write (wb_fifo_wr), // Templated
.wr_data (wb_fifo_in[WB-1:0]), // Templated
.rd_read (wb_fifo_rd)); // Templated
//# The data is sampled after exiting FIFO to prevent timing issues
always @ (posedge eclk)
wb_fifo_reg[WB-1:0] <= wb_fifo_out[WB-1:0];
//# To synchronize the address with the data
always @ (posedge eclk)
if(tran_go & ~emesh_wr_wait_outb)
tran_addr_mode[WB-1:0] <= wb_fifo_reg[WB-1:0];
//# AXI Data channel synchronization FIFO
assign rready = ~dch_fifo_full;
assign rvalid_rready = rvalid & rready;
assign dch_data_in[DCH-1:0] = rdata[MDW-1:0];
assign dch_fifo_wr = rvalid_rready_reg & ~dch_fifo_full;
assign dch_fifo_rd = ~(dch_fifo_empty | emesh_wr_wait_outb);
//# The data is sampled before entering FIFO to prevent timing issues
always @ (posedge aclk)
dch_fifo_in[DCH-1:0] <= dch_data_in[DCH-1:0];
always @ (posedge aclk or posedge reset)
rvalid_rready_reg <= 1'b0;
else if(~dch_fifo_full)
rvalid_rready_reg <= rvalid_rready;
/*fifo AUTO_TEMPLATE(.rd_clk (eclk),
.wr_clk (aclk),
.wr_data (dch_fifo_in[DCH-1:0]),
.rd_data (dch_fifo_out[DCH-1:0]),
.rd_fifo_empty (dch_fifo_empty),
.wr_fifo_full (dch_fifo_full),
.wr_write (dch_fifo_wr),
.rd_read (dch_fifo_rd),
fifo #(.DW(DCH), .AW(DFW)) fifo_dch(/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.rd_data (dch_fifo_out[DCH-1:0]), // Templated
.rd_fifo_empty (dch_fifo_empty), // Templated
.wr_fifo_full (dch_fifo_full), // Templated
// Inputs
.reset (reset),
.wr_clk (aclk), // Templated
.rd_clk (eclk), // Templated
.wr_write (dch_fifo_wr), // Templated
.wr_data (dch_fifo_in[DCH-1:0]), // Templated
.rd_read (dch_fifo_rd)); // Templated
//# The data is sampled after exiting FIFO to prevent timing issues
always @ (posedge eclk)
dch_fifo_reg[DCH-1:0] <= dch_fifo_out[DCH-1:0];
//# AXI-EMESH conversion
assign dalgn_ctrl[2:0] = wb_fifo_reg[4:2];
assign tran_mode[1:0] = wb_fifo_reg[1:0];
//# Data Alignment for the EMESH protocol
always @ (dalgn_ctrl[2:0] or dch_fifo_reg[63:0])
casez (dalgn_ctrl[2:0])
3'b000 : algn_byte[MDW-1:0] = {{(MDW-8){1'b0}},dch_fifo_reg[7:0]};
3'b001 : algn_byte[MDW-1:0] = {{(MDW-8){1'b0}},dch_fifo_reg[15:8]};
3'b010 : algn_byte[MDW-1:0] = {{(MDW-8){1'b0}},dch_fifo_reg[23:16]};
3'b011 : algn_byte[MDW-1:0] = {{(MDW-8){1'b0}},dch_fifo_reg[31:24]};
3'b100 : algn_byte[MDW-1:0] = {{(MDW-8){1'b0}},dch_fifo_reg[39:32]};
3'b101 : algn_byte[MDW-1:0] = {{(MDW-8){1'b0}},dch_fifo_reg[47:40]};
3'b110 : algn_byte[MDW-1:0] = {{(MDW-8){1'b0}},dch_fifo_reg[55:48]};
3'b111 : algn_byte[MDW-1:0] = {{(MDW-8){1'b0}},dch_fifo_reg[63:56]};
default: algn_byte[MDW-1:0] = {{(MDW-8){1'b0}},dch_fifo_reg[7:0]};
endcase // casez (dalgn_ctrl[2:0])
end // always @ (dalgn_ctrl[2:0])
always @ (dalgn_ctrl[2:1] or dch_fifo_reg[63:0])
casez (dalgn_ctrl[2:1])
2'b00 : algn_hword[MDW-1:0] = {{(MDW-16){1'b0}},dch_fifo_reg[15:0]};
2'b01 : algn_hword[MDW-1:0] = {{(MDW-16){1'b0}},dch_fifo_reg[31:16]};
2'b10 : algn_hword[MDW-1:0] = {{(MDW-16){1'b0}},dch_fifo_reg[47:32]};
2'b11 : algn_hword[MDW-1:0] = {{(MDW-16){1'b0}},dch_fifo_reg[63:48]};
default: algn_hword[MDW-1:0] = {{(MDW-16){1'b0}},dch_fifo_reg[15:0]};
endcase // casez (dalgn_ctrl[2:1])
assign algn_word[MDW-1:0] = dalgn_ctrl[2] ?
assign byte_tran = (tran_mode[1:0] == 2'b00);
assign hword_tran = (tran_mode[1:0] == 2'b01);
assign word_tran = (tran_mode[1:0] == 2'b10);
assign wdata_algn[MDW-1:0] = byte_tran ? algn_byte[MDW-1:0] :
hword_tran ? algn_hword[MDW-1:0]:
word_tran ? algn_word[MDW-1:0] :
always @ (posedge eclk)
if(tran_go & ~emesh_wr_wait_outb)
wdata_algn_reg[MDW-1:0] <= wdata_algn[MDW-1:0];
always @ (posedge eclk or posedge reset)
tran_go <= 1'b0;
tran_go_reg <= 1'b0;
else if(~emesh_wr_wait_outb)
tran_go <= dch_fifo_rd;
tran_go_reg <= tran_go;
//# Emesh transaction creation
assign emesh_dstaddr_inb[31:0] = tran_addr_mode[WB-5:5];
assign emesh_srcaddr_inb[31:0] = wdata_algn_reg[MDW-1:32];
assign emesh_data_inb[31:0] = wdata_algn_reg[31:0];
assign emesh_datamode_inb[1:0] = tran_addr_mode[1:0];
assign emesh_ctrlmode_inb[3:0] = tran_addr_mode[WB-1:WB-4];
assign emesh_write_inb = 1'b1;
assign emesh_access_inb = tran_go_reg & ~emesh_wr_wait_outb;
endmodule // axi_master_rd